
April 2020

Readers’ comments on “Scum of the world – come to Britain” blog

(Friday blog)

There were some great readers’ comments yesterday. So, I thought I’d take the day off today and recommend you click on the title of today’s blog to see what some readers wrote yesterday.

1. Why do so many migrants want to come to Britain?

Mainly so they can live off our generous benefits […]

How management consultants McKinsey betrayed America

(Wednesday blog)

More sad news from Iran

First some terribly sad news from the glorious people’s democratic Izlumic paradise on earth Iran. Sadly, at least 700 bearded crazies have died in the last couple of weeks after drinking methanol in the mistaken belief that Allah and methanol would protect them against the Covid-19 plague. A […]

It’s not great being a chick in Iran

(Tuesday blog)

No, today’s blog is not about the oppression of girls in Iran:

It’s about how Iranian farmers have just buried alive about 16 million newly-hatched chicks while 33 percent of the country’s population live in absolute poverty and six percent are starving and their children are stunted from malnourishment:

Has China already conquered us – but we just haven’t realised?

(Monday blog)

Today I just wanted to suggest that China has already conquered the USA, Europe, the Antipodes and Africa but that we just haven’t realised what has happened.

When I write “China”, I mean the corrupt Chinese Communist Party (CCCP). Of course, the CCCP doesn’t conquer directly using the Chinese military. Instead, the CCCP […]

Wouldn’t it be tragic if Israeli scientists discover a Covid-19 vaccine?

(weekend blog)

Busy, busy people?

So far the number of people viewing my latest video (link below) is pathetically small. I guess most of my readers are far too busy doing vitally important things and so don’t have a spare moment to spread the link to my latest Youtube video using FaceBook and Twitter and […]

“The Wuhan Song” – my latest YouTube video

(Friday blog)

Well, my latest video “THE WUHAN SONG” was a complete waste of my time.

I asked readers “Please, please send the link out to your contacts and your network so we can increase the number of people who see it”.

The result? Many fewer people watched the video than read the blog.

I […]

Can Joe Biden even remember his own name?

(Tuesday blog)

Today I wanted to try to deal with the torrent of lies we get in the UK mainstream media – especially the corrupt BBC and C4 News – about President Donald Trump. There are two main areas of lies – Trump’s reaction to the Chinese Covid-19 plague and Trump’s chances against Democrat Joe […]

Chinese money buys corrupt puppets at Amnesty International and the WHO

(Monday blog)

Never give any of your money to Amnesty International

Gradually we’re discovering that the dirty, corrupt, lying disease-ridden Chinese pretty much own most of the international organisations which we might have thought were independent of any country’s rulers.

Here’s a tweet from Amnesty International at the end of last week:


Is the Chinese plague making the Crazies even crazier?

(weekend blog)

Why do politicians always f**k things up?

First I’d just like to mention a comment a reader made to yesterday’s blog about retirement homes.

According to the reader, the sector was pretty much ruined when the Labour Government legislated that all residents of care homes should have their own private toilet/bathroom. This was […]

Beware the bleating of the care home multi-millionaires

(Friday blog)

Quite rightly, most of us have been impressed at how many front-line NHS workers are risking their lives working with Covid-19 Chinese plague victims, often in difficult conditions and often with insufficient personal protective equipment (PPE). And at least 20 NHS workers have lost their lives to the Chinese plague which accidentally leaked […]