
July 2024

Play ‘Spot the white male’

Wednesday blog

Here’s a nice photo of a bunch of civil servants. I think they’re from the Home Office. The challenge is: in view of the fact that about 40% of the UK’s population are white males, how many white males can you spot in this picture?


The ‘Lover Boy Technique’ – how gang rape became legal

Monday-Tuesday blog

Sometimes there’s a story which sums up the reasons for the current collapse of what used to be Western Civilisation. This incident took place in Germany. I’ve seen it reported slightly differently in different places, but the basic facts seem to be:

A multi-cultural enricher convinces an (always underage) white girl that […]

Open the borders! Let them all in!

weekend blog

Discount on my latest book

I have just noticed that Amazon are discounting paperback copies of my book THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS from the normal price of £8.44 to £7.44. So, if you buy a copy now, you can save a whole £1. You could even donate that £1 to Reform.


The ‘open borders’ lunatics

weekend blog

Every few days I check Amazon to see if I’ve somehow managed to sell another couple of copies of my books. When I go to the Amazon page featuring one of my books, there are always recommendations from Amazon for other books which Amazon’s AI computer thinks will be of interest to […]

Britain’s ‘Roadrunner’ economics

Monday-Tuesday blog

Hopefully most readers remember the Roadrunner cartoons in which a bird, Roadrunner, gets chased by Wile E. Coyote. Most episodes ended with Wile E. Coyote running over the edge of a cliff:

Then he keeps on running as if nothing is wrong. Finally, he looks down and gravity takes over:

This could […]

Our politicians are enemies of the people

Friday-weekend blog

I was going to write a Friday/weekend blog. But then I came across this article on Friday’s Conservative Woman. It says everything I would have wanted to say:

(left-click on image to read the full article)

Politicians – the Enemy of the People Perhaps the only thing I would add is my […]

How the mainstream media deliberately mislead us?

Monday blog

I’m a bit short of time today, so I’ll make this short and sweet. In an article about a Rotherham rape gang, the Daily Express used this photo:

This could be a white Brit or it could be a multicultural enricher. It’s not obvious at first sight. Apparently, the guy’s name is […]

The rise and fall of civilisations

Friday-weekend blog

In 1978, former British officer, commander of the Jordan Arab Legion and historian, Sir John Glubb published an essay: The Fate of Empires. His key message was that: “The life histories of great states are amazingly similar.” The essay sketched out a proposed trajectory for the rise and fall of civilisations:

The […]

How we lost Britain

Friday – weekend blog

I hope this works. I thought readers might find this chart informative. It shows how the ethnic make-up of London’s population has changed over the years of Britain’s open-borders migrant invasion. What has happened in London is becoming reality for most of our major cities.

Enjoy this glimpse into the […]

Has the Irish government given the game away?

Monday-Wednesday blog

I hope readers who looked at my weekend blog noticed the likelihood that there will be over 75 million members of the Religion of Wonderfulness and Delight living in the European continent by 2050. That is an awful lot of people who may not particularly like either us or our way of life:
