
Would you buy financial advice from this man?

I subscribe to a magazine called MoneyWeek. It purports to be Britain’s best-selling financial magazine and claims it will help readers make money.

But it also seems to be a kind of front for selling readers all kinds of investment newsletters and shares tip-sheets and suchlike.

Last year MoneyWeek put a video on the Internet […]

Our useless politicised police are more interested in ‘thought crimes’ than real crimes

Many readers will be aware that some puffed-up, management gobbledigook-spouting, pea-brained top cop, Chief Constable Sara Thornton, head of the new National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has announced that the police are far too busy doing important things and so in future won’t bother even turning up if your home has been burgled:

July 30th, 2015 | Category: Uncategorized | 7 comments

More media lies about the RoP? And voting – what choice did we have?

More media lies about the Religion of Peace?

You might have heard or read in the media about a suicide attack on a police station in India a couple of days ago. I suspect that if you Google this, you will find that not a single report of this attack in any British mainstream media […]

How Qu’meron is stupidly creating Britain’s mini caliphates

One of the ‘great’ policy ideas of Dhimmi Dave Qu’meron and Osama Bin Osborne is to devolve more power over decision-making and spending to Britain’s cities. The background to this is that the Tories see how London’s economy has boomed since it has had an elected mayor and its own assembly. So their reasoning is […]

Too few homes? Or too many people?

We’re constantly hearing the professional hand-wringers and the politically-correct at the BBC bleating on about the ‘housing shortage’ and the ‘housing crisis’.

But is there really a ‘housing crisis’?

The number of homes in England increased from 21,409,000 in 2003 to 23,309,000 in 2014 – a rise of 1,900,000 in 11 years – a quite […]

The Economics of Sex

We all know that if the supply of a product increases while demand remains stable, then the price of that product will fall. We can see this most clearly in collapsing oil prices.

So, as it’s the weekend and time to relax, as part of our mission at to spread knowledge and enlightenment, here’s […]

A social housing shortage? Or just the usual overpaid, over-pensioned incompetent managers?

We’re constantly hearing about the appalling shortage of social housing and the many years people get stuck on waiting lists. But is this true?

Here are some basic facts.

1. There are about 23,309,000 homes in the UK

2. 14,709,000 are owner occupied; 4,588,000 are buy-to-lets and 4,012,000 are social housing

3. Of the 4,012,000 […]

Australian TV isn’t afraid to expose Britain’s VIPs (Very Important Paedophiles)

As ever more information leaks out about the huge scale of paedophilia amongst Britain’s ruling elites – politicians, top civil servants, military leaders and judges – the Government has set up the Goddard Inquiry.

However, the Goddard Inquiry will apparently not report until 2018 at the earliest. And cynics might suspect that Goddard will “do […]

Were we lied to about Libya too?

We now know that Blair lied and lied and lied and lied to get us involved in the overthrow of the nasty dictator Saddam Hussein. And our propagandist media kept telling us that “nothing could be worse than Saddam”. We now know better.

Then came Syria. We were told that Bashar Al […]

Ambitious? Motivated? Want to get ahead? Then join ISIL!

Are you ambitious, motivated and want to get ahead? Then come and join ISIL! We’ll help you get ahead – or two or three:

Or as many as you want:

And you’ll get plenty of head too:

So, don’t delay! Act today! ISIL needs you. And […]