
March 2023

The Great Reset steams ahead and there’s nothing you can do to stop it

Thursday/Friday blog

The Great Reset – Utopia or Dystopia?

Wikipedia tells us that: The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark […]

Are the Ukrainians doing Russians a favour?

Wednesday blog

I’ll only leave this up for one day as there’s another blog I want to write. But I thought it worth doing this blog as it possibly gives a perspective on the Russia/Ukraine war I haven’t seen in the media.

Paltrow’s porkies?

Before I get into my blog, I was thinking about the […]

How can our politicians be so stupid?

Monday/ Tuesday blog

I wanted to write about something else today. But on Sunday afternoon I watched the Andrew Neil Show on C4 and almost fell off my sofa when I realised the utter stupidity of our useless politicians.

A speedy train in a tiny country?

I’ll make this part of my blog simple so, […]

Our useless NHS is taking us all for fools

Friday/weekend blog

The Care Quality Commission is hiring

The already 3,000-employee Care Quality Commission (CQC) is hiring. Hopefully you all know who the CQC are. On their website they explain:

CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, […]

It’s time to give up on corrupt, worthless, basket-case Africa and Pakistan

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday blog

I’ll start this blog with a couple of paragraphs about the foreign aid fiasco from my 2015 book THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL

In the last sixty years around $3 trillion has been donated by developed countries to help poorer countries. There have been some huge successes – extreme poverty has been more […]

Are there only two MPs at Westminster with any integrity?

Sunday/Monday/Tuesday blog

I did start to write a weekend blog but didn’t manage to finish it.

However, yesterday I came across a Dr John Campbell video from Friday 17 March. The video features a speech given in Parliament last Thursday or Friday by MP Andrew Bridgen. Bridgen is talking about the harms done by the […]

Google really does know everything

Friday blog

This is a fairly inconsequential story, so I’ll just leave it up for one day. I’ll be back to more serious stuff at the weekend.

How I became an ‘expert’

Regular readers will know that my climate book has recently been published in South Korea:

Sales have been a bit […]

Maybe we should be grateful for Covid?

Wednesday/Thursday blog

Providing you were not one of the millions who were killed by the Chinese lab-leaked plague or by failure to get medical care due to the chaos caused by the lab-leaked plague or one of the millions more whose businesses and lives were ruined by the lockdowns or one of the millions more […]

Are our rulers about to ban the sale of new gas cookers?

Monday/Tuesday blog

Today’s blog may look fairly trivial. But it may be indicating something quite serious.

Fake journalists peddling fake news?

We saw how our supposed ‘journalists’ all fell into line during the Chinese lab-leaked plague. All of them obediently spouted the same government narrative about the need for lockdowns, our obligation to get the […]

“Our children will not know what snow is”

Friday/weekend blog

As ‘snowmageddon’ once again hits the UK closing schools, blocking roads, disrupting airports and causing general chaos, it’s once again that time of year to remember the great prediction made by the climate-catastrophist Independent newspaper in 2000:

In the Independent article, a Dr David Viner senior research scientist at the […]