
October 2022

One of Neil Oliver’s best?

Monday/Tuesday blog

Euphoria at the BBC this morning as Brazilians vote to turn their country into a version of socialist paradise/hell-hole Venezuela. I wonder how long it will be before we see millions of Brazilians flooding over the USA’s southern (lack of) borders in order to escape their collapsing train-wreck of a country?

I was […]

Hey Africans – how about some birth control?

Friday/weekend blog

Fondly remembering Cop 26

Hopefully readers are aware that our rulers are getting ready for their next climate hot air bletherathon – Cop 27 – in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt.

Was it really only last year that the last one of these farces was held when the UK wasted hundreds of millions […]

The government minister scam – politicians ripping us off yet again

Wednesday/ Thursday blog

As our latest PM puts together yet another ‘government of all the talents’, I thought it worth mentioning a scam probably few readers know about

Yes Ministers?

One of the many ways for MPs to increase their remuneration is by becoming government ministers. In the Westminster Parliament we have around […]

You can help our government achieve ‘Net Zero’

Monday blog

Firstly I think most people must have breathed a sigh of relief that recidivist liar Bunter Johnson has pulled out of the Tory leadership race. I expect the £ and the FTSE 100 to shoot up at the news that semi-adults will now be taking over our government.

Though maybe it doesn’t matter […]

Personal carbon allowances get ever nearer

weekend blog

In my weekend blog of 7 October, I featured an article on Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum website describing how our rulers intended to impose ‘personal carbon allowances ‘ on each of us in order to supposedly ‘save the planet’.

Is Klaus Schwab planning for each of us to have our own ‘personal […]

Excellent news – UK moves closer to net zero. Net zero money!

Wednesday/ Thursday blog

Another manufacturer forced out of Britain

Hopefully you’ll all have seen the wonderful news. BMW’s joint venture with Chinese automaker Great Wall Motor, manufacturers of the Mini, have decided to move all production of electric mini cars from their Oxford factory to Germany and China with most production being (I believe) in […]

If I can save the NHS millions, why can’t our useless politicians?

Monday/ Tuesday blog

Killed by the diversity industry?

In my Thursday/ Friday blog, I pointed out that the only ethnic group under-represented in our ‘world-beating’ NHS were white ethnic Brits. White ethnic Brits make up 85.6% of the working-age population and 86% of the total population. Yet they only account for 77.9% of the NHS’s […]

The NHS needs less diversity – not more!

Thursday/Friday blog

Yet again, the NHS is in crisis. Or at least that what the usual limp-wristed, eternally-bleating handwringers are claiming yet again. So, if the NHS is in crisis, one could assume that our beloved NHS, which (as we all know) is a national treasure and the envy of the world, wouldn’t be wasting […]

Keep being afraid. Frightened people are easier to control

Wednesday blog

I’m not smart enough to have a story today.

So instead, here’s the brilliant Neil Oliver.

Personally I think this 19-minute video is slightly longer than it needs to be as (IMHO) he rambles a bit. But as usual he says what nobody else (apart perhaps from Mark Steyn) dares to say:

How we’ll be nudged/coerced into accepting carbon restrictions?

Monday/ Tuesday blog

In my weekend blog I featured an article from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum website from 14 September 2022 describing a future in which we’ll all have individual ‘carbon allowances’ which will restrict the maximum amount of CO2 we will be permitted to use. Whether our rulers will succeed in imposing these […]