
March 2015

Where will Red Ed find the money? In your pocket

We know that Red Ed and his boss Len McCluskey want to ‘bring back socialism’, and Harriet Harperson says ‘the middle should pay more’, so here are a few ways Red Ed could raise money for the massive splurge in public spending that he wants to unleash in order to subsidise the workshy and fund […]

Yippeee! I’m going to be rich!

Here are just a few brief extracts from about 20 emails I received during the last week. Looks like I’m soon going to be very very rich! Though, I have been surprised at how many relatives I apparently have who have recently died in plane crashes in Africa:

Hamed Soomani

Dear friend, Assalam alaikum,


Israel-hating Obama about to abandon USA’s only friend in the Middle East?

The West is moving towards negotiating a deal with Iran’s new leader, the one the Islamophiliacs at the BBC call a “moderate”. This deal will probably be heralded as a “great breakthrough” and as bringing a “new era of peace” to the troubled Middle East. But in fact it will probably allow Iran to develop […]

Please help send the message about our foreign aid to Africa being stolen

In a world of increasingly oppressive political correctness, there aren’t many voices daring to expose what is really happening in the world.

Hopefully, is one of the few voices that spits in the face of the politically correct.

That’s why I’m asking again for your support today. I’m not asking for money. I’m not […]

Our YouTube film launched today – please send the link to all your contacts

Here’s the link to a short (3 minutes) YouTube video we’ve just released exposing how much of our foreign aid to Africa gets stolen by Africa’s rulers:

The video is based on one of the chapters in my latest book – THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL

My request to all readers is to send the […]

Ed Miliband’s 5-step plan to destroy Britain

Like his father, Ralph Miliband, Ed Miliband hates everything about Britain. He hates British history; he hates British traditions; he hates British culture; he hates the idea of Britain as a proud, independent country. For socialists like Ralph and Ed Miliband, countries are anachronisms. For socialists, country borders should be eroded and control handed over […]

Sex paradise looking worryingly flaccid

My good lady wife and I have been spending part of the British winter in a beach resort just a vigorous stone’s throw away from one of the world’s most famous sin cities, which I’ll call HappyHappyTown. HappyHappyTown started it’s rise to ‘fame’ during the Vietnam War when US troops went there for R&R. When […]

Are we really managing our hospitals in the right way?

To stick with the NHS for just one more day. It’s over 20 years since I had the pleasure of investigating how one of our major hospitals was managed (or rather mismanaged). So, perhaps things have changed since then and the NHS is now super-efficient and positively humming with the latest management best practices.

But […]

Is the NHS lightyears behind health systems in some developing countries?

I try not write about myself on the blog. There are many much more interesting subjects. But I just wanted to use today’s blog to compare my experience of healthcare in the Land of Smells (LoS) and the UK.

Last week I developed a cough almost losing consciousness during coughing fits. So I headed off […]

Management Consultancy – a brief guide








(click on pictures to see more clearly)
