
December 2024

Will ‘Wrecking-ball’ Reeves destroy all our pensions?

Friday- weekend blog

I posted this blog on Friday. But have added a bit at the end so will leave this up for the weekend

Reeves’s cunning plan?

I wanted to write about robbing wrecker Rachel Reeves’s great new plans to annihilate our pensions industry in order for her to create the impression of […]

Brace yourself for a gargantuan squandering of billions of our money

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I don’t know if many readers have ever experienced working with our public sector. If so, then you will realise how mindbogglingly lazy, useless and wasteful most public-sector employees are. Today the (IMHO) incompetent and economically-challenged Rachel Reeves will present her budget and will, I expect, announce billions of supposed “investment” to […]

Do you know the meaning of the word ‘invest’? ‘Our’ BBC doesn’t

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Here’s just one of the many utterly-futile complaints I’ve made to our useless, UK-hating, Labour-loving, migrant-hugging, climate-crisis-proseletysing BBC recently.


The usual BBC Pro-Labour Bias

When reporting about the Labour Party, the BBC reporters constantly claim Labour are “investing” in public services. The definition of “investing” is “put (money) into […]

Ed ‘Baldrick’ Miliband’s cunning plan – to bankrupt Britain

Monday-Tuesday blog

In my weekend blog, I tried to show how Labour, BBC Verify, Sky News and most of the mainstream media were lying to us about the real cost of our electricity. I used this chart of the LCOE (Levelised Cost of Electricity) from a Government report to show where the eco-liars got […]

Indian TV asks – “Has Britain become a Third-World country?”

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I finished off my Monday-Tuesday blog with the following facetious comment:

“Britain will achieve its well-deserved status as a Third-World country. When this happens, I wonder if all the countries to which we sent (expensively-borrowed) billions in supposed ‘foreign aid’, most of which was enthusiastically looted by those countries’ kleptocrat rulers […]

Britain’s ‘Roadrunner’ economics

Monday-Tuesday blog

Hopefully most readers remember the Roadrunner cartoons in which a bird, Roadrunner, gets chased by Wile E. Coyote. Most episodes ended with Wile E. Coyote running over the edge of a cliff:

Then he keeps on running as if nothing is wrong. Finally, he looks down and gravity takes over:

This could […]

Blame Tory ministers for the NHS’s woke-ification

Wednesday-Thursday blog

In my Monday/Tuesday blog, I wrote about the extraordinary salaries being paid to the Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (about £100,000 I think) and to the Associate Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (£78,163 to £88,884 a year) at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London. Following that, I […]

Our spendthrift NHS is making fools of us all

Monday-Tuesday blog

Our collapsing NHS is always complaining that it doesn’t have enough of our money. But now it seems to be going one step further – some hospitals are claiming they will go bankrupt unless we pour ever more money into our pathetic excuse for a health service.

There was an article in […]

Water rip-off

Thursday-Friday blog

There seems to be a lot of excitement in the media about water companies at the moment. One issue is the huge amounts of effluent they pour into our rivers and seas while paying their chief executives millions in salaries and bonuses. And then we have Thames Water effectively blackmailing the government […]

Even Hitler thinks Sunak is a disaster

Thursday blog

Sometimes you have to forget the disaster the fake Tories are inflicting on us and just have a laugh: