
September 2024

Is Starmer’s Labour using the Cloward-Piven Strategy?

Monday-Tuesday blog

Many thanks to a reader for alerting me to something called the “Cloward–Piven Strategy”.

Starmer’s economic starmageddon

Something very strange seems to be happening under Starmer’s Labour. Starmer blethers on about generating economic growth and claims his Labour party is “business-friendly”. But as I tried to describe in my previous (weekend) blog […]

Labour’s 4 Horsemen (horsepeople?) of the Apocalypse

weekend blog

How to recognise Starmer’s communist oppression

At a time when the Starmer government starts releasing convicted criminals in order to make room in our prisons for people who dare disagree with Starmer’s and Cooper’s open-borders, bring-in-the-third-world free-for all, I am reminded of a quote by Russian dissident and author Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

“A […]

If I were a Marxist

Monday-Tuesday blog

A few days ago, I came across this rather jolly article. It apparently appeared in Country Squire magazine. This is not a publication I normally read. But I thought this piece worth mentioning. Left-click on the image or the headline below to see the full article:

If I Were a Marxist […]

Arrest the protestors! Free the criminals!

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Arrest the protestors

Thus is apparently an image sent out in a recent tweet by the fragrant Yvette Cooper’s utterly incompetent and congenitally useless Home Office:

I imagine the aim is to terrify us all into silence so we don’t dare mention any qualms about our government’s enthusiasm for importing the Third […]

Jail the messenger – ignore the message

weekend blog

Now we’ve seen how our new socialist/stalinist PM Keir ‘Two-Tier’ Starmer intends to deal with anyone who disagrees with his policies – jail the messenger, ignore the message. As Starmer let his thuggish, take-the-knee to those-who-hate-us police (aka ‘uniformed Starmtroopers’) loose on furious white British, mainly working class, anti-immigration protestors he and […]

Two-Tier Keir’s two-tier murder mystery?

Thursday-Friday blog

With Two-tier Keir’s plods urgently scanning the Internet to find someone to blame for the anti-immigration riots, I have to be very careful with what I write. After all, it’s clear to Two-Tier Keir and his (IMHO) UK-hating, migrant-hugging, globalist, socialist chums that the anti-immigration riots are all due to mindless far-right […]

Pillaging our pensions – I did warn you

Monday-Tuesday blog

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog in which I warned:

“There’s been much media chatter about Labour increasing inheritance tax and/or applying inheritance tax to self-invested pension savings which can currently be passed on free of tax. The experts calculate this could raise a couple of billion pounds.”

“But […]

The illusion of freedom

Monday-Tuesday blog

I wanted to write about something else. But to avoid legal problems, I need to wait for a certain situation to evolve before throwing in my ignorant contribution.

The illusion of freedom

Anyone who watches the Neil Oliver monologues available on YouTube will be aware of his hypothesis that the idea of democracy […]

The three technologies from hell?

Monday-Wednesday blog

We didn’t obey our rulers

Hopefully readers have noticed a massive change in the relationship between ourselves and the ruling political, bureaucratic and media elites. In 2016 we were given a real opportunity to vote. But apparently we gave the wrong answer. In Britain we voted for Brexit and in the USA they […]

Sometimes MPs’ stupidity is so monumental, you don’t know what to write

Sunday-Tuesday blog

I started writing this blog a couple of days ago but gave up several times. I just couldn’t find a sensible way to explain the utter madness which is being inflicted on us by the 650 useless, corrupt, self-aggrandising fools and knaves in Westminster and their thousands of advisers, sycophantic supposed ‘experts’ and […]