
July 2024

Pillaging our pensions – I did warn you

Monday-Tuesday blog

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog in which I warned:

“There’s been much media chatter about Labour increasing inheritance tax and/or applying inheritance tax to self-invested pension savings which can currently be passed on free of tax. The experts calculate this could raise a couple of billion pounds.”

“But […]

My article on ‘The Daily Sceptic’ today

Monday blog

I have a short article on the excellent Daily Sceptic website today:

The “Hottest June on Record”

Jobs wipe-out – don’t mention UK energy costs

weekend blog

There was a long (about 30 minutes) piece on the BBC this morning about the disastrous 2,800+ job losses coming at the Port Talbot steel works as the plant closes down its blast furnaces and replaces them with supposedly more environmentally-friendly electric arc steel-making. Here’s a picture of a blast furnace:

As […]

Do any politicians realise that plane engines are hot?

Friday/weekend blog

Here’s a picture of Heathrow airport showing the two runways and the location of the weather station the Met Office, our politicians and the bought prostitutes in the mainstream media use to convince us that we’re all heading for a global boiling catastrophe unless we all stop driving, stop heating our homes, […]

Lying, useless fake Tories blame voters for the coming debacle

Monday – Tuesday blog

Tories blame us ‘stupid’ voters

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there have been a flood of articles and interviews in the media in which the lying, useless, incompetent fake Tories are blaming us voters for the coming Labour landslide and (hopefully, IMHO) annihalation of the waste-of-skin, sleazy Tories.


The supremely stupid court will take us back to the Stone Age

Friday-weekend blog

More ‘record heat’ lies

I have an article on The Daily Sceptic today about how the Met Office and BBC fool us with their ‘hottest ever’ lies.

In my article, I predict that, as June in the UK has been miserable weatherwise, the Met Office and BBC will find somewhere with […]

How the lying liars at the lying Met Office lie to us

Friday-weekend blog

As we all shiver in the autumnal weather during what is meant to be summer and some of us have even turned our central heating back on, there is one certainty – in a few weeks time, the liars at the lying Met Office will tell us that we’ve just had the […]

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Thursday-Friday blog

Is this why they gave their lives?

I was watching part of the D-Day ceremony on GB News yesterday and noticed a story on the ‘breaking news’ strip below the main image. Seven men had just been convicted of rape against two underage girls in the 2000s. I noticed that three of […]

We’re on the road to nowhere

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I’ve just had an article on the Conservative Woman website. The link is below. I thoroughly recommend that you have a look at the readers’ comments. It’s gratifying for me to see how many people agree with me that our rulers are deliberately leading us to national bankruptcy. I try not to […]

BBC cheers as Britain goes bankrupt

Monday-Tuesday blog

Sometimes on Sundays I watch the Laura Kuensberg programme on the BBC while working out in my gym. Last Sunday the whole programme as about how Britain was ‘fighting’ climate change’. Almost all the participants, especially Kuensberg, bleated and moaned and complained that Britain risked losing its position as the world leader […]