
July 2024

Apologies for my disappearance

Friday blog

Apologies for disappearing. But I was quite ill last weekend and had to fight my way through seemingly endless barriers set up to stop people like myself – people who work and pay their taxes – getting anywhere near one of our £125,000-a-year, 2-3 days-a-week elusive GPs. In the end, the highest […]

Boris, you bloviating buffoon, the Internet never forgets

Wednesday blog

Apologies for anyone who reads The Conservative Woman as you may already have seen this article I had on The Conservative Woman website on Monday/Tuesday:

There was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday titled ‘Boris Johnson blasts Nigel Farage for “morally repugnant” claims on Ukraine and says he’s “parroting Putin’s lies”: Former PM slams […]

Just don’t mention the fake vaccines

Monday-Tuesday blog

There are two stories recently which a suspicious, worthless old cynic like myself might think are connected.

Story 1 – The social care crisis

In our phoney election, all the establishment parties are blethering on about how they need to “fix the social care crisis” in order to fix the NHS. The […]

How the lying liars at the lying Met Office lie to us

Friday-weekend blog

As we all shiver in the autumnal weather during what is meant to be summer and some of us have even turned our central heating back on, there is one certainty – in a few weeks time, the liars at the lying Met Office will tell us that we’ve just had the […]

Ozempic is no wonder drug

Friday-weekend blog

Ideally you should read my previous (Wednesday-Thursday) blog to get the context for today’s piece. In my Wednesday-Thursday blog I tried to explain how pharma companies, aided and abetted by (IMHO) useless poodle supposed ‘science journalists’ used the concept of ‘relative risk’ to convince us of the effectiveness of new drugs and […]

Don’t be fooled by Big Pharma’s ‘relative vs absolute risk’ trick

Wednesday-Thursday blog

You’ll all have no doubt heard and read possibly statistically-challenged journalists excitedly hyperventilating about the new “miracle drugs” – Ozempic and Wegovy. At first they were targetted at the very lucrative weight loss market. But now a new study tells us they can also reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes:


How Big Pharma works – against us

weekend blog

You’ll all have no doubt heard about the new “miracle drugs” – Ozempic and Wegovy. At first they were targetted at the very lucrative weight loss market. But now a new study tells us they can also reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes:

“Weight loss jab could reduce heart […]

We’re on the road to nowhere

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I’ve just had an article on the Conservative Woman website. The link is below. I thoroughly recommend that you have a look at the readers’ comments. It’s gratifying for me to see how many people agree with me that our rulers are deliberately leading us to national bankruptcy. I try not to […]

mRNA – just the latest in a series of disasters imposed by pig-ignorant politicians?

Friday-weekend blog

mRNA – heart-destroyer and cancer turbocharger?

I wanted to write about the growing evidence that, in addition to causing heart conditions like myocarditis and pericarditis, mRNA vaccines are now suspected of ‘turbocharging’ cancer growth by damaging the body’s immune system. But many other people have explained this process much better than I […]

Another ‘death jab’ coming to a doctor’s surgery near you?

weekend blog

Roll up, roll up your sleeve for the mystery jab

(with apologies to the Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour)

A few weeks ago, I got an sms message from my local NHS surgery offering me a jab commonly given to infants and those of more mature years – the pneumococcal vaccine. From what little […]