How the corrupt wasteful EU is taking control of our lives
As the EU superstate remorselessly expands its power, it’s time to look at what our euroleaders are doing in our name.
Are the Brussels politicians and administrators selflessly working to bring us efficient government? Well-targeted regulations that promote economic prosperity? A safe and free society? A well-protected environment? Help for people in poorer countries?
Or are we being dragged into our rulers’ dream of a United States of Europe by an arrogant, out of-touch euro-elite who contemptuously ignore the opinions of the voters who pay for their secure, luxury lifestyle?
Using their extensive network of insider sources, David Craig and Matthew Elliott smash through the secrecy and disinformation that are the Brussels hallmark to reveal what our European rulers are really getting up to. The result is a horrifying story of bureaucracy, hypocrisy and kleptocracy – and how we are all suffering as a result.