
May 2024

The Great Reset steams ahead and there’s nothing you can do to stop it

Thursday/Friday blog

The Great Reset – Utopia or Dystopia?

Wikipedia tells us that: The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch.

For some people, The Great Reset is a wonderful opportunity to restructure Western societies in the way they believe is best for us (whether we like it or not) in order to create a new, wonderful, sustainable, planet-saving utopia.

But others are not so excited. They view the Great Reset as a massive power- and wealth-grab by the elites which will leave us ordinary people living poorer, drabber, darker, more constrained lives.

The Great Reset marches ever onwards

Here are just some of the first stages of the Great Reset that our rulers, enthusiastically encouraged by prostitute fake journalists in the mainstream media, are imposing on us:

Creating fuel price poverty

The supposed Climate Crisis has provided the private-jet-setting, climate-conference-attending elites with the perfect excuse to force their Great Reset on us. Perhaps the first part of the Great reset can be seen in energy prices. We’re told that energy prices have shot up because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And, yes, that has had some influence. But in Britain around 30% of our energy bills is due to massive subsidies paid to support supposedly cheap renewable energy. China and India buy much of their oil and gas from the same sources as us, but their energy prices are less than half what we pay in the UK and just a quarter of energy prices in countries like Germany and Denmark:

Also, China and India burn lots of cheap, energy-rich coal, while we build lots of expensive and largely useless windfarms and solar farms.

Then you have to add price rises due to a reduction in investment in fossil-fuel exploration as energy companies have been demonised as planet-destroyers, governments have blocked new exploration and banks have been discouraged from investing in energy companies. If it wasn’t for our ruling elites’ war on fossil fuels, which they claim will save the planet from almost imminent climate catastrophe, we’d be paying about 70% less for our energy than we now have to.

Limiting our choices

Again to supposedly save the planet from being destroyed by us worthless ordinary people, our freedom to choose how we heat our homes and how we travel are being taken away from us. Cheap efficient gas boilers will soon be banned to be replaced by useless, eye-wateringly expensive and ludicrously misnamed ‘heat pumps’ which don’t work on cold days. And, of course, cheap, efficient petrol- and diesel-fuelled cars will be banned and replaced by impractical, horrifically-expensive electric milk floats pretending to be cars.

And this week the UK government announced it will be increasing taxes on gas to further pressure us to abandon gas boilers and to discourage us from cooking with efficient, easily-controllable gas hobs and replace them with inefficient electric hobs.

Moreover, now landlords will be banned from renting out their properties unless the properties meet stringent energy efficiency standards to help Britain ‘win the race to Net Zero’:


This will force landlords to spend thousands of pounds insulating their properties thus pushing up rents and/or probably lead to a huge reduction in the number of rental properties available at the same time as our useless government allows 300,000 or 400,000 or 500,000 or more legal and illegal migrants each year into the small crowded island which used to be our country.

Curtailing our freedom to travel

Next has come the wonderful concept of ‘ 15-minute cities’ where everything we need should be a 15-minute walk or 15-minute bike ride from our homes:

Already this is being implemented in the UK in Oxford and Canterbury with swingeing fines for anyone selfish enough to want to venture out of their allotted area. This is also starting in Barcelona, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Milan, Paris and Portland. One problem is that absolutely nothing is being done to put the necessary facilities nearer to people’s homes. Yet the punishments for people daring to leave their zone are being enthusiastically implemented by the ruling elites.

And, of course, we’ll be told that as everything we need is theoretically only 15 minutes away, there will be no need for us to own the ultimate symbol and enabler of personal freedom – our own car.

Rationing our food

For the last 30-40 years, the climate catastrophists have blamed levels of atmospheric CO2 for their (imagined) Climate Crisis. But suddenly, within the last year or so, the Greta-worshipping climate doom-mongers have managed to invent a new demon – methane. Oddly, they never thought of mentioning this before. But by demonising methane, which is largely produced by agriculture using nitrogen-based fertilisers and from livestock production, this has given the elites an excuse to launch a full-scale war on farmers in order to limit food production.

The endgame here is to push up meat prices beyond the reach of ordinary people to lower meat consumption and promote more “sustainable” sources of protein, such as plant-based or lab-grown products, and even insects. The United Nations Environment Programme, for example, has stated that global meat and dairy consumption must be reduced by 50% by 2050.

Here’s a rather good article from Unherd describing the new war on farmers better than I could:[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=a42c1be616&mc_eid=4b467ccc93

Rationing power and water and everything?

Have you got a ‘smart meter’? Probably we’ll all be forced to have one eventually as these will allow our rulers to give every household an energy allocation or budget and the smart meter will probably be programmed to either massively increase the price per unit we pay or even cut off our energy if we dare to exceed our energy allocation. And now there’s even talk of using water meters to restrict how much water each household uses probably by huge price increases for anyone or any household exceeding their allotted water ration. After all, it’s cheaper for our rulers to restrict how much water we can use than pushing the hugely profitable water companies to fix leaks and build new reservoirs.

One day we may even reach the stage described in journalist Ross Clark’s satirical novel THE DENIAL:

Every household or every person will have a CO2 budget which constrains what they eat, how much they buy, how much they travel – in fact every aspect of their lives. And when a household or person has reached their CO2 budget for that month, they are unable to buy anything till the next month.

Although I don’t think Ross Clark mentions this in his book, I suspect that the introduction of CO2 rationing would be accompanied by a (lucrative for some people) CO2 trading scheme whereby the poor could sell some of their CO2 budget to the rich allowing the rich to lead lives free of any of the constraints which will be imposed on us useless masses.

George Orwell would have been impressed at how the Great Reset creates the dystopian world he warned us against.

What a wonderful future the Great Reset promises:

Oh, and here’s only one of our 650 useless, self-serving, expenses-fiddling, self-enriching politicians talking just a little bit of sense.  But even he doesn’t have the courage to admit that the whole absurd cultist Climate Crisis, Net Zero crusade is a load of nonsense:

3 comments to The Great Reset steams ahead and there’s nothing you can do to stop it

  • Paul Chambers

    Seems the corporatists are in charge and looking to profit by creating artificial scarcity using their puppets in government to implement. Covid was a good example of this playing out.

    Bills Gates is already claiming his frequent use of private jets is OK as he purchases carbon offsets. What a total clown show. The only positive is the carbon credit scam is already so corrupted it is bound to collapse. There are already signs this is happening so fingers crossed it takes down some of this nonsense once and for all.

  • A Thorpe

    You are correct, there is nothing we can do about it. Jacob Rees-Mogg has recently been on top form but his solution on doing something about it is to vote for change. Who do we vote for to get a change? JRM was useless when he was in government because he was bound by collective responsibility.

    The WEF is just a front to the main players and has no real power. The problems we face are not new, they have been created slowly over at least 100 years and now those at the very top know that the game is up and nothing will work to solve the crisis that has been created in the west. The WEF is just the messenger telling us we are going to be very poor. The superrich think they can isolate themselves from it. More than, I am coming to the view that the change in the world order we may see is the fall of America and the rise of China.

    Going back to JRM, as you say, he believes that we have to reduce carbon emissions. This is now set in stone as far as I can see. Nobody questions the basic science. It is just the rate at which we get to zero carbon that is being debated. Grant Shapps announced how he is going to deal with the energy crisis – he is going to get the cheapest energy available so the UK economy will rocket ahead of everybody else. Where he will get this remains a mystery. The government also announced it is reducing the waiting list for driving tests by not letting people get on the list. The lunatics are in charge.

    I doubt that anything will change until people start to suffer. It will be the poorest who are hit first but nothing will happen until the middle classes start to feel the impact. But is really is too late because the damage cannot be reversed.

  • Eric Legge

    Apart from full-scale nuclear war(s), the human population explosion in the third world is the only real pressing problem that the planet is facing.

    So, what are the nihilistic decadents, the low-order equality-empowered rulers doing across Christendom to address that most pressing of problems? – They are filling Christendom with immigrants and migrants from the third world. Not only depleting the third world of its best people but also forcing them to use more of the resources that are supposed to be responsible for climate change than they would have done had they been left in their own countries, benefiting their own people instead of reducing the standard of living across Christendom.

    The 8 million increase in the UK’s population this century, mostly living in England, comes mostly from migration. Those migrants tend to have large families that require employment – which automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the deliberate huge reduction of small businesses are bound to reduce – benefits, housing, access to services, transportation that will have to be powered increasingly by electricity, expensive new housing standards, such as the use of weak heat pumps that require insulation, minimum EPC:C, etc.

    Of course, none of the above and much much more, makes any sense whatsoever unless the excess deaths, now taking place in the first world, continue and increase over the years until they amount to a massive depopulation. After which the third world will be at the complete lack of mercy of the globalists.

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