
October 2024

Should we have a statue commemorating Hitler?

(Tuesday/Wednesday blog)

I know the Religion of Peace is a religion of peace. You know the Religion of Peace is a religion of peace. Our progressive, open-minded, libtard rulers keep telling us the Religion of Peace is a religion of peace:

This is in spite of the fact that there have been more than 34,600 religiously-inspired terrorist attacks in over 60 countries since 9/11.

Also our rulers keep telling us that Islamism has nothing to do with Islam which is a moderate religion promoting peace and tolerance. But strangely, many of those who lecture us about this greatest of religions, know an awful lot less about it than those who practice and lead it:

While we’re quoting Turkish leaders, I recently (4 minutes ago) came across this quote which is attributed to Kemal Attaturk – the founder of the secular Turkish state:

“Depuis plus de 500 ans, les règles et les théories d’un vieux sheikh arabe, et les interprétations abusives de générations de prêtres crasseux et ignares ont fixé, en Turquie, tous les détails de la loi civile et criminelle. Elles ont réglé la forme de la constitution, les moindres faits et gestes de la vie de chaque citoyen, sa nourriture, ses heures de veille et de sommeil, la coupe de ses vêtements, ce qu’il apprend à l’école, ses coutumes, ses habitudes et jusqu’à ses pensées les plus intimes. L’islam, cette théologie absurde d’un bédouin immoral, est un cadavre putréfié qui empoisonne nos vies.”


“For more than 500 years, the rules and theories of an old Arab sheikh, and the abusive interpretations of generations of filthy and ignorant priests, have set in Turkey all the details of civil and criminal law.  They have regulated the form of the constitution, the smallest acts and gestures of every citizen’s life, his food, his hours of waking and sleeping, what he learns at school, his customs, his habits and until to his most intimate thoughts. Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotten corpse that poisons our lives.

He seems to have had fairly strong views about the role of religion in holding back his country’s development. This is presumably why he deliberately set out to separate the state from religion – a policy which is being rapidly undone by the current leader.

No doubt, if Mr Attaturk (the founder of modern Turkey) were alive today, the BBC and C4 News would be calling him an “Izlumophobe” and the usual big-mouthed, progressive, braindead, lefty idiots would be demanding he be prosecuted for supposed ‘hate speech’

Anyway, here for your enlightenment and education is yet another Islamic expert who appears not to understand the peaceful nature of his great religion. In this brief clip, an Islamic researcher suggests that they should erect a statue to Hitler because of what he did to the Jews. Silly man, doesn’t he realise that the Religion of Peace is a religion of peace? I wonder why the BBC and C4 News hasn’t reported his anti-semitism? Is it because deep down they agree with him?

3 comments to Should we have a statue commemorating Hitler?

  • william boreham


    “For more than 500 years, the rules and theories of an old Arab sheikh, and the abusive interpretations of generations of filthy and ignorant priests, have set in Turkey all the details of civil and criminal law. 

    They have regulated the form of the constitution, the smallest acts and gestures of every citizen’s life, his food, his hours of waking and sleeping, what he learns at school, his customs, his habits and until to his most intimate thoughts. 

    Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotten corpse that poisons our lives. ” 

  • Roy Hartwell

    Shock !! Horror !! Karl Marx’s tomb has been vandalised again !! Are there really still people in London who haven’t fallen for the old Marxist philosophies ?

  • NoMore

    ..and the cut of his clothes

    (thobes and burqas spring to mind)

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