
October 2024

It’s no joke

(Wednesday blog)

A petition to sign

First here’s a link to a petition asking our useless, rapefugee-hugging, craven, lying government to refuse to sign the UK Compact on Migration

There are already over 98,000 signatures (there were just 95,000 this morning). Of course, our rulers will ignore this. But you might as well do it anyway.

Sir David – a clarification

Yesterday I wrote about national treasure Sir David Attenborough’s speech at Monday’s climate conference in Poland. Sir David warned that supposed Climate Change could lead to the collapse of human civilisation and the destruction of the natural world. But I wondered why the mighty Sir David didn’t (as far as I know) mention the most significant cause of increasing CO2 emissions and destruction of the natural world – the rapidly rising human population:

I haven’t managed to find a full copy of Sir David’s speech so cannot be certain that he didn’t mention the need to control our rising population but I’ve not managed to find any report that has him mentioning the need for population control.

So, I should mention that the great naturalist has previously warned about the need to control population:

If, as I suspect, Sir David didn’t mention population control at the great conference in Poland, I’ll leave it up to readers to judge whether that was due to forgetfulness or due to Attenborough’s abject prostration of his principles to the great god of political correctness.

It’s not a joke

There’s a joke doing the rounds in Germany. Yes, I know, Germans don’t have a sense of humour and their ‘jokes’ aren’t funny. But here it is anyway:

A Palestinian migrant posing as a Syrian refugee is walking down the street. Seeing another man, he goes up to him, shakes his hand and says “Thank you so much for allowing me and my 3 wives and 14 children to come and live in Germany and get a big house free and free healthcare and free education for my children and lots of money each month so I could afford to buy a second-hand Mercedes”.

The man replies “Don’t thank me, I’m not German. I’m from Nigeria.

A few minutes later the Palestinian posing as a Syrian refugee goes up to another man, shakes his hand and again says “Thank you so much for allowing me and my 3 wives and 14 children to come and live in Germany and get a big house free and free healthcare and free education for my children and lots of money each month so I could afford to buy a second-hand Mercedes”.

The man replies “Don’t thank me, I’m not German. I’m from Pakistan”.

A few minutes later, the same procedure – the fake refugee thanks another man only to be told “Don’t thank me, I’m not German. I’m from Ethiopia”.

This happens several more times making the fake refugee ever more confused. Eventually, after being told by yet another man “Don’t thank me, I’m not German. I’m from Somalia” he asks “where are all the Germans?” The Somali looks at the watch he has just stolen and replies “they must be at work”.

Here’s a slightly better German joke: “Yesterday I had a German plumber working at my house. But he connected the gas to the shower. Old habits die hard”.

The loss of Europe

And here is an extraordinarily poignant speech from a member of the patriotic Sweden Democrats lamenting the loss of his country. The speech is in the first 5 minutes of the 23-minute video and is the only bit worth watching. I apologise that it’s in Swedish which I speak. However, there are subtitles:

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