(Thursday/Friday blog)
Resistance is futile
Ever more countries have decided to boycott the 10/11 December Marrakesh signing of the West’s suicide note – The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
But it’s alright, don’t worry. Britain will be there (along with Holland and our German overlords) enthusiastically signing away control over our borders and our country – or, at least, what little is left of our diverse, multi-culturally-enriched country. After all, can you imagine the outraged, foam-flecked howling and screaming from the UK-hating, lefty libtards at the BBC and C4 News if the British government were to have the cojones to follow countries like the US, Australia, Poland, Israel, Austria, Hungary, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic by refusing to submit to United Nations control?
Treacherous liar and waste of skin Theresa May has already handed over almost total sovereignty of our country and our future to the corrupt, undemocratic, German-controlled EU Fourth Reich. So, passing control of our borders to the United Nations would only be a logical next step in the total surrender and destruction of our once great country. Meanwhile the petition against signing The United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration has now passed 110,000 signatures. But, of course, this will be totally ignored by our spineless, West-loathing, virtue-signalling rulers. It seems that resistance is futile.
Losing our country
I hope all readers managed to watch the first 5 or so minutes of the video I posted yesterday of a speech in the Swedish parliament. It was a touchingly poignant lament by a patriotic Swedish MP over the loss of his once beautiful, peaceful, prosperous country.
And, while we’re on the subject of losing one’s country, here’s Paul Joseph Watson. Enjoy!
Unfortunately the UK Sheeple are still grazing, some people have woken up.
The growing resistance to the globalist agenda — the mass migration and global governance in the UN pact are both key tools of this agenda — is an encouraging sign. Trump has helped peoples around the world to resist merely by speaking out and being willing to take the heat from the increasingly discredited “fake news” media. The UN and the globalist establishment is now on defense, big time. But to stop the dangerous Deep State vision of a totalitarian and border-less “New World Order” will take much more than just refusing to submit to one UN agreement. Hopefully freedom-loving peoples from around the world can capitalize on these victories. It is not too late to save liberty and Western Christian civilization. It will take hard work. But it can be done.
I don’t think Yuri Bezmenov if he were still alive could believe how easily the West would destroy itself when lead by a few Marxist politicians and sleepers in key positions in Media,Education,Finance,Health,Police Farce ,etc.
Yuri Bezmenov : Subversion and Control of Western Society.
The Curious Case Of Western Europe Vs. Eastern Europe.
Critics are perhaps too quick to judge America’s young people, citing declining SAT scores, obesity, drug overdoses, addiction to smart phones, bizarre alterations of personal appearance and high rates of (alleged) mental illness. It’s just too easy to be annoyed at how some of the cashiers at the local grocery store seem unable to carry on a conversation or have chosen to mutilate their faces with pieces of metal. We are perhaps too quick to condemn the crazed behavior of young protesters in recent years without fully considering what our government, society and culture have done to these poor souls.
115,000 Signatures and climbing, keep it climbing.
Emmanuel Macron, heralded as the “savior of globalism” when he was elected just over a year ago, now has an approval rating of just 18 per cent.
Let that sink in.
20,000 armed migrants attack Croatia’s border to move into the EU, official warns.
Macedonia extends state of emergency at borders to reduce migrants flows
Macedonia has extended the state of emergency at its southern and northern borders until June 2019 to reduce illegal border crossings by migrants. Parliament approved the measure for the borders with Greece and Serbia because of increased migratory flows, AP reported. Balkan states closed their borders in early 2016 to migrants heading from Greece to Europe’s heartland.
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The Daleks have taken over our politicians – resistance is futile, exterminate!