(Wednesday blog)
Every time there’s a terrorist attack, we’re told that we will not let the terrorists change the way we live.
Here’s a nice photo of the new Allah-akbarriers put up around the Eiffel Tower in Paris:
The new walls of “extra clear”, bullet-proof glass, standing 10 ft. high and 2.5 inches thick, will now enclose Paris’s affectionately named ‘Lady of Iron’ on its north and south sides. Also metallic walls of curved prongs of equivalent height will encase the other two sides, through which one will have to pass to access the Tower after submitting to security controls. The glass Allah-akbarriers on two sides of the tower don’t look too bad. But here are the metal Allah-akbarriers:
Lovely, aren’t they?
In addition, 420 concrete blocks – more Allah-akbarriers – are being placed around the Tower to prevent jihadist vehicular attacks like those that occurred in Nice, Barcelona and Berlin. All of which has caused observers to complain the Tower will lose its aesthetic look, resembling now a “fortress.”
Under construction since last fall at a cost of about $40m, many French believe these latest security measures not only disfigure the venerable ‘Lady’, but represent, above all, the French political class’s impotence in face of the jihadist threat.
And here are some other tastefully-disguised concrete Allah-akbarriers from last Christmas:
Here are some other news you may have missed:
In Afghanistan a terrorist bomb slaughtered 12 people. Most were impoverished children working at a car wash. I doubt the lefties will be protesting about that.
In Holland a high school student of Armenian descent made a short documentary about the genocide of Christian Armenians by Muslim Turks:
The school has banned the documentary from being shown.
In Iran, a woman who protested about having to wear a hijab was sentenced to 2 years in prison and a further 18 years suspended sentence. So, if she dares say anything the regime considers controversial after her release, it’s an automatic 18 years more for her. And during her 2 years in prison, one can safely assume she’ll get beaten and raped every day, as is the custom in that part of the world, so she’ll not be too enthusiastic about going inside again if she actually makes it out alive.
Is Sadiq Khan welcome in London?
Meanwhile Turkey’s glorious democratically-elected president has sacked over 150,000 supposed ‘opponents’ and sent tens of thousands to prison. But I guess if you asked that great international statesman, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, he’d say Turkey is a democracy and our friend:
while the USA is run by a brutal dictator who shouldn’t be allowed to visit Britain.
And, talking of the (IMHO) repulsive, UK-hating Khan, here’s someone expressing what many of us may be thinking – President Donald Trump is a lot more welcome in London than the (IMHO) ghastly Khan:
Love that name for them! Allah-akbarriers!
I was in Stratford-upon-Avon last week and and the town seems to have a lot of new enrichment flower pots down the main area. These flower pots are solid wood and cannot be moved as they are packed solid.
Our future!
This is what Kabul,thats in Afghanistan (for Libtards and Millennials that can’t read a map or have not studied history and how it repeats)looked like in the 1970s.As the piece says it was like it was in Britain back then.We will be like they are now in a generation.
Kabul, before on the right and after!!!
How sad! When I was in Paris, admittedly more than two decades ago now, one could wander at will and stand right under La Tour! Only then could one truly appreciate its size and grandeur, accustomed as one is to seeing its various depictions or, even in Paris, to viewing it from some distance. We have SO much for which to be grateful to the Religion of Peace, don’t we! Let us all give profound thanks! As for the Allah-Akbarriers surrounding our own Houses of Parliament, which I encountered several years ago when I needed to attend a Select Committee session, what a condemnation of successive Governments’ inabilities to deal effectively with the terror in our midst!