
July 2024

I know it’s a religion of peace — why don’t they? (Part 1)

(Monday blog)

The first two stories on the BBC News on Sunday morning were about terror attacks carried out by members of the Religion of Peace.

First there was the slaughter of a bunch Christians at 3 churches in ‘moderate’ (ha ha ha) Indonesia. And there was the stabbing in Paris by a gentleman shouting about how much he loved his snackbar (or something like that).

If we just limit ourselves to civilised France for today’s blog, the latest Paris attack brings the number of Froggies murdered by true believers from the Religion of Peace to almost 250. That’s 250 French lives sacrificed by the EU elites as they seek to wipe out national identities through mass immigration and race replacement. That’s really quite a lot of dead innocent people. And still the French vote for the elites’ candidate – the (IMHO) corrupt, treacherous, unpatriotic, internationalist, Soros-puppet, crooked banker and granny-banger Macron – while rejecting the patriotic, France-loving Marine Le Pen.

And every time there’s an attack, sad-looking politicians rush onto our TV screens to claim “our thoughts and prayers…blah blah blah” and “we will never give in….blah blah blah” and “they will never be forgotten…blah blah blah” while continuing to let millions of often unemployable, often illiterate, often low-IQ, often violent, often West-hating Third-Worlders to pour into Europe.

As for the victims of the Third-World invasion armies, our rulers ensure that they are very quickly forgotten. Below is a list of the main Izlumic attacks in France over the past three years in which innocent French lives were sacrificed to build the great new borderless EUSSR. I wonder how many the treasonous Macron remembers?

Dear cowardly Froggies, you voted for this – enjoy getting what you voted for!

However, there’s one thing I don’t really understand. I know that Izlum is a religion of peace, you know that Izlum is a religion of peace – why are there so many Moozerlums who don’t know that?

2018 March 23: Gunman Radouane Lakdim killed four people in the southern towns of Trebes and Carcassonne, including policeman Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame who was hailed as a hero for taking the place of a hostage. Lakdim was shot dead by police after a stand-off.

2017 October 1: A 29-year-old Tunisian cries ‘Allah Akbar’ and kills two young women with a knife at the main train station in the southern city of Marseille Ahmed Hanachi is shot dead by soldiers on patrol. His attack is claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

2017 April 20: A 39-year-old ex-convict shoots dead an on-duty policeman and wounds two others on Paris’ Champs-Elysees avenue Gunman Karim Cheurfi is killed by police and a note praising IS is found next to his body, with the group claiming responsibility.

2016 July 26: Two teenagers slit the throat of an 85-year-old priest in front of five worshippers at his church in the western town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Abdel Malik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche, both aged 19, are killed by police. The murder is claimed by the IS. The teenagers had sworn allegiance to the group in a video.

2016 July 14: A Tunisian ploughs a truck through a large crowd gathered for Bastille Day fireworks on the Promenade des Anglais in the Mediterranean city of Nice. The attack kills 86 people and injures more than 400. The driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, is shot dead by security forces. IS claims responsibility.

2016 June 13: Larossi Abballa, 25, uses a knife to kill a police officer and his partner at their home in Magnanville, west of Paris, in front of their young son Abballa is killed by a police SWAT team, but has already claimed the murders on social media in the name of IS.

2015 November 13: France is hit by the worst terror attacks in its history. IS jihadists armed with assault rifles and explosives strike outside a France-Germany football match at the national stadium, Paris cafes, and the Bataclan concert hall in a coordinated assault that leaves 130 people dead and more than 350 wounded.

2015 August 21: American passengers prevent a bloodbath on a high-speed Thalys train from Amsterdam to Paris, tackling a man who opened fire on travellers. (French passengers, of course, did nothing). The man was armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, an automatic pistol and a box-cutter. The gunman is identified as 25-year-old Moroccan national Ayoub El Khazzani, known to intelligence services for links to radical Izlum.

2015 June 26: ‘Frenchman’ with a slightly foreign-sounding name, Yassin Salhi, 35, kills and beheads his boss and displays the severed head, surrounded by two Izlumic flags, on the fence of a gas plant in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier in southeastern France. He tries to blow up the factory, but is arrested. He commits suicide in his jail cell.

2015 April 19: Sid Ahmed Ghlam, an Algerian IT student, is arrested on suspicion of killing a woman who was found shot dead in her car, and of planning an attack on a church in the Paris suburb of Villejuif. Prosecutors say they found documents about Al-Qaeda and IS at his home, and that he had been in touch with a suspected jihadist in Syria about an attack on a church.

2015 February 3: A knife-wielding man attacks three soldiers guarding a Jewish community centre in Nice. The 30-year-old assailant, Moussa Coulibaly, is arrested. In custody, he expresses his hatred for France, the police, the military and Jews.

2015 January 7-9: Two men armed with Kalashnikov rifles storm the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo killing 12 people. A policewoman is killed just outside Paris the following day, while a gunman takes hostages at a Jewish supermarket, 4 of whom are killed. The attackers are killed in separate shootouts with police, but not before claiming allegiance to Al-Qaeda and the IS

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