
October 2024

A few stories the BBC and Channel 4 might have ‘missed’?

With so many exciting and important things happening in the world – like the English women’s football team playing a game of football – it’s possible that news programmes on the BBC and Channel 4 don’t have time for trivial, unimportant stuff.

So, here are a few stories the British mainstream media may have ‘missed’:

USA – A new Pew research poll has found that 20% of American Moozerlums believe terrorism can be justified. Of course, it’s possible the real numbers are actually higher because people may not want to admit that they approve of terrorism. Moreover, these Moozerlums are likely to be more Westernised than those in hell-holes like Pakistan or Syria or Boko-Haramistan. Given there are about 1.6 billion Moozerlums in the world, this could mean that well over 320 million believe that killing in the name of their religion is justified. Ooops!

Sweden – A women who had an accident and fell off her bike was ‘helped’ by 2 migrants who then raped her. Also in Sweden – ISIL flags have been seen at some migrant centres.

Denmark The number of rapes has shot up 196% in just 2 years. In Denmark, there are no official statistics on the rapists’ ethnicity or nationalities, but according to a report from the Danish Ministry of Justice, “There is a clear overrepresentation of immigrants from non-western countries when looking at the statistics of convicted rapists.”

 Surveying neighbouring countries, one might get an idea of just how big a share of these rapes are committed by non-Western migrants and refugees. In Sweden, 92% of all severe rapes (severely violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. In Oslo 100% of violent rapes are committed by foreign men, often asylum seekers

Britain – A gang boss who pimped out young girls for £150-a-time at a curry house is set for early release just five years into his 22-year sentence. Mubarek Ali, 34, sold teenage girls, some as young as 13, for sex above an Indian restaurant in Telford, Shropshire, after grooming them.

Australia – A Jewish community have been denied permission to build a synagogue near a residential area because the Australian authorities were afraid it might become a target for terror attacks by ‘new Australians’

Egypt – Egyptian military officers beat a new soldier to death on July 19 upon learning that he was a Christian, relatives said. Joseph Reda Helmy of Kafr Darwish village, Beni Suef Governorate, had just completed training at Mobarak military training center and was transferred to Al-Salaam special forces police unit, where three officers killed him, relatives told Middle Eastern media. The Egyptian army told relatives Helmy died of an epileptic seizure. But a doctor refused to bow to pressure to say that death was due to natural causes and said that bruises on the soldier’s head, shoulders, neck, back and genitalia did not look like those of an epileptic episode:

 A family member said he learned from police and other soldiers that the three officers began to harass Helmy because of his Christian faith, and that the marks on his body indicate they kicked him with their boots and hit him with heavy instruments.

Sweden – A migrant from Afghanistan, Mohammad Rajabi has avoided a life sentence because the Swedish have been unable to establish whether he was 21 or over when he stabbed a 68-year-old Swedish man to death and severely wounded the man’s wife:

The prosecutor claims Rajabi is in his 20s, Rajabi says he’s 19 and his defence claims he’s under 18 years old.

Sweden – Earlier this year, Sweden’s Security Police SÄPO estimated that there were around 3,000 extremists in Sweden, which is a steep rise from the previous years’ estimate of several hundred. Of them, about 2,000 were Islamist radicals and 1,000 right-wing extremists and militant leftists. According to Wilhelm Agrell, a professor of intelligence analysis at Lund University, only a dozen of them can be under persistent surveillance.

In recent years, Sweden emerged as one of the biggest jihadi exporters per capita, supplying about 300 jihadists to the Middle East. The population of Sweden is about 9 million. In comparison, with a population of 65 million Britain ‘only’ sent between 850 and 1,500 Jihadis to fight for ISIL. About half of the Swedish Jihadis have returned, leaving the Swedish authorities puzzled by the problem of returning Daesh murderers.

Germany – And here, to cheer us all up, are some more Germans getting beaten to a pulp by the invaders invited into their country by their crazed Nazi leader Angela ‘Mad Cow’ Merkel:

3 comments to A few stories the BBC and Channel 4 might have ‘missed’?

  • Fred Y

    Oh the joys of Multi Cult…

    UK: 23,000 Terrorists And Counting.

    On May 26, four days after the major terrorist attack on an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, British intelligence officials stated that they had identified 23,000 jihadist extremists living in the UK, all of them considered potential terrorist attackers. According to The Times,

    How can a countries leaders be so dumb as to relish bringing all this upon us.We are and have been ruled by Imbeciles for quite a long time now, God help us.

  • Fred Y

    And on and on…..

    London Doctor Manish Shah Charged with 118 Sexual Offences Including Child Abuse.

    A group who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers have been found guilty of planning terror attacks on police and military targets in the UK.
    ‘Three Musketeers’ Terror Group Convicted of Plotting Lee Rigby-Style Attack.

    Meanwhile Sweden is trying to take the crown for lunatic tendencies.

    Backlash After Sweden’s Army Says Purpose of Military Is to Defend Gay Rights.

  • Fred Y

    A group who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers have been found guilty of planning terror attacks on police and military targets in the UK.

    The terror gang, based in the West Midlands, were arrested in August last year after police found a stash of weapons in Naweed Ali’s car which included a pipe bomb and a machete engraved with the word ‘infidel’ hidden in a multicoloured JD Sports bag.

    Ali, 29, Khobaib Hussain, 25, and 33-year-old Mohibur Rahman accused police of planting the incriminating evidence, but the jury found them guilty of the plot on Wednesday following a four-month trial at the Old Bailey.

    The court heard that the men named themselves after Alexander Dumas’ literary trio in encrypted messages exchanged on Telegram as part of their conspiracy, where Rahman also “celebrated” the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks which took place in Paris in 2015.

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