
October 2024

Another stunning success for Trump you won’t hear about in the biased mainstream media

(weekend blog) On Thursday this week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the Taylor Force Act, which would cut U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it stops payments to terrorists and their families.

The bill passed the committee by a 17 to 4 vote. It was supported by all of the Republican members of the committee and six of the Democrats.

The bill would cut off U.S. aid to the PA until it ends its policy which distributes $300m to terrorists and their families annually.

The bill is named after Taylor Force, a former United States Army officer who was murdered in a stabbing attack in 2016, while walking along the Jaffa boardwalk in Israel.

A recent report found that more then half of the PA’s yearly budget goes to terrorists, and Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yossi Kuperwasser told the Knesset that the PA has dedicated more than $1bn for such purposes in the last four years alone.

The legislation will now proceed to the Senate floor for a full vote.

Should it pass, the Taylor Force Act would compel the State Department to cut off funding to the PA over its “martyr” compensation scheme, which offers monthly stipends to the families of convicted assailants relative to the lengths of their sentences.

Speaking with reporters on Thursday, Senator Graham praised the committee for its bipartisan work ethic and for improving on his original version. “The longer you’re in jail, the more vicious the crime, the more money you get,” Graham said of the Palestinian program. “That’s inconsistent with peace. It is a sick system – it needs to change”.

During a recent meeting between President Donald Trump and Abbas in Washington, the president brought up the issue of the PA’s paying salaries to terrorists and their families.

Later, leading Republican senators wrote a letter to Trump, urging him to demand that Abbas end his practice of paying terrorists and their families for attacks committed against Israel. A top Abbas Adviser said, it would be “insane” for Palestinian Authority to stop paying terrorists

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently claimed that the PA had stopped its policy of paying terrorists following pressure from the Trump administration, but a senior Israeli official later said there was no evidence the PA had taken any steps to change its policy.

Trump may have failed to get 3 of his promised measures passed – repealing Obamacare, reducing taxes and improving relations with Russia. But he is succeeding in dragging America away from lefty libtard Obamaism by cutting immigration, throwing out illegals, and supporting Israel.

However perhaps the lying, corrupt, murderous Palestinians needn’t worry? No doubt, if the US cuts their funding, Britain’s useless, treacherous, Eezlumophiliac, Israel-hating government will increase the amount of our money going into the multimillionaire Palestinian leaders’ bulging offshore bank accounts.

And here to brighten up what looks like another autumnal weekend is Child in Time from the Deep Purple in Rock album from 1970. Two things about the video:

  • the incredible performance of the group
  • the state of catatonic boredom of the audience clearly unaware they are witnessing one of rock music’s greatest songs

5 comments to Another stunning success for Trump you won’t hear about in the biased mainstream media

  • zx80

    Absolute insanity isnt it?

    And still they just dont get it. [facepalm]

  • Baroness Bonkers

    The Deep Purple video. Good to see and partially hear. Sitting in the front rows at their concerts at around that time did for my hearing.
    Looks like it may have been a concert at the BBC. I say that for two reasons. First the stage seems deeper than many town halls and clubs which were the venues they played in those pre Arena days. Secondly the looks on their faces might indicate that Savile was around and would be abusing them later.
    Good days – better than Ed bloody Sheeran.

  • David Craig

    I imagine the Deep Purple video is from the Old Grey Whistle Test

  • david brown

    update re the unexplained death of Kevin Crehan . He was in fact cremated on 20/01/2017. It seems very unusual to release a body without determining cause of death. So why eight months later are they not releasing the information. He actually died shortly before he was due for release- he had served six months of the 12 months given all such sentences being automatically halved.

  • Baroness Bonkers

    Deep Purple. My recollection is that there was no studio audience at OGWT.

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