
July 2024

If the crazies stopped murdering for just one day, that would be news!

Every morning I wake up, have breakfast, take a shower and write my blog.

Yet this never appears in any newspaper stories or TV news.

Why not?

Because exactly the same thing happens every day. So, how can it be news?

Every day crazy, bearded, violent, pig-ignorant, low-IQ, intolerant, “I-love-my-snackbar” screaming loonies slaughter quite a lot of people – thankfully usually other crazy, backward, primitive loonies from the same religion. And it seems that every news report nowadays features the usual crazies slaughtering each other in the name of their preposterous supposed ‘religion’.

Why do we get these stories? The crazies slaughter each other every single day. So how can it be news?

In 2014 there were 3,002 attacks by members of the Religion of Peace and Hatred killing 33,463 people (92 a day) and injuring another 27,522 (75 a day).

In 2015 there were 2,862 attacks by members of the Religion of Tolerance and Slaughter killing 27,594 (76 a day) and injuring another 26,142 (72 a day).

In 2016 there were 2,477 attacks by members of the Religion of Love and Murder killing 21,240 people (58 a day) and injuring another 26,680 (73 a day).

So far in 2017, there have been 608 attacks (6 a day) killing 4,308 (41 a day) and injuring another 4,954 (47 a day)

Crazies murdering each other isn’t news. It happens each and every day.

What really would be news would be just one single day when the crazies didn’t commit mass murder in the name of their supposed ‘religion’.

That really would be something worth reporting.

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