
October 2024

Nigel Farage’s latest speech on why we must leave the catastrophic EU

3 comments to Nigel Farage’s latest speech on why we must leave the catastrophic EU

  • David Brown

    A very good History of our sign up to the EU and our relations with it up to 2005 is This Sceptic Isle – Peter Hitchens

  • Mullah Merkell

    The European Union, the brainchild of the CIA and deep state within the US from as far back as the 1950s, is another unhealthy situation, worse even than this country. All former European countries are run by government heads totally subservient to the globalists. Those that run Europe are unelected, unaccountable, highly paid globalist sycophants. One of the sorriest and most disappointing examples has been Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany by title, globalist puppet in day-to-day actions, leading her country into ruin.

  • tony rogers

    The European Institutions Against the Free Market

    Contrary to what is often said, the European Union has nothing to do with peace, freedom, free trade, free capital and migration movement, cooperation, or stability. All this can very well be provided in a decentralized system. The European Union is nothing more than a cartel of governments that tries to gain power by harmonizing the fiscal and regulatory legislation in every member State. Article 99 of the Treaty of Rome (1957) clearly states that indirect taxation “can be harmonized in the interest of the Common Market” by the European Commission. As for Article 101 of the same Treaty, it explicitly restrains regulatory competition “where the Commission finds that a disparity existing between the legislative or administrative provisions of the Member States distorts the conditions of competition in the Common Market.”
    Many free marketers support the European Union on the ground that even if their regulations are bad, they are still far better than those produced by our very prolific national governments. Such a line of argument, often used in more socialist countries such as France, is sheer nonsense. It is the equivalent of saying: “I don’t mind being robbed twice because the second thief will be much nicer to me.” The question is not how to make “better” regulations but how to expand free trade.
    Thus, the idea that a centralized authority, in our case the European Union, is necessary for free trade is pure fantasy, It is false Europeanism. Its constructivist approach has prevailed in European institutions since the beginning. For example, one of the goals advanced by the Treaty of Rome was to “create markets” through a unified European Anti-trust legislation. Similarly, the official justification of the Common Agricultural Policy introduced in 1962 was to create a unified agricultural market. But markets do not need States or treaties to exist and they certainly do not need the European Union.

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