
July 2024

Can anyone out there help me find a title for my next book?

I have a new book coming out in about 4 weeks. It exposes more than 100 tricks and traps that people like estate agents, car salespeople, financial services, marketers, on-liners, cold-callers and many others use to sell things to us and it also examines the psychological processes sellers use to convince us to buy what they are selling.

My publisher has just contacted me and said he thinks the title should be improved.

The original title was “WOULD YOU BUY THAT?”

The subtitle was “101 tricks and traps people use to sell to us….and how to avoid being taken in by them”

But my publisher didn’t like that. So I changed the title to the hopefully catchier one word title “SELL-OLOGY”

The subtitle then became “How people sell to us….and how to avoid being taken in by them”

I thought that was quite good. And I thought my publisher liked it. But suddenly that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Whoops! So, if any reader has any better ideas for a title (and perhaps subtitle) please click on the title of this post and leave your ideas as a comment or else email me at

What can I offer you? How about £100 paid to the charity of your choice? And, if you wish, a mention in the introduction?

The tricky part with the title and subtitle is that they have to make clear that this is a book that exposes sellers’ tricks – there are hundreds of books explaining how to sell, but none exposing how we are sold to. The title and subtitle must make it clear that this is NOT a book teaching people how to sell (like the hundreds already available) but a book helping people against those who are trying to sell to them.

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