
October 2024

Farage in full flow

(Weekend blog). I don’t normally recommend videos that are more than 3 minutes long. However this 15-minute speech Nigel Farage gave in Bolton this week is maybe worth watching.

Farage is great. Though his audience seem a bit slow on the uptake of his jokes:


6 comments to Farage in full flow

  • UKMugs

    UK Immigration Crisis Hits New Extreme, Catastrophic ONS Migration Stats Ahead of EU Referendum .

    The latest ONS data released this week shows an ACCELERATION in the rate of mass migration into Britain, in what amounts to a continuing 17 year long exponential trend of out of control immigration with net migration of +333k in the year to December 2015 added to Britain’s population, an INCREASE of 20k on the preceding year which illustrates that immigration is STILL ACCELERATING. Which literally translates into a DAILY flood of near 1000 people turning up on Britain’s shores and demanding housing, education, school places, jobs and benefits such as tax credits, housing and child benefits, health & social services that have been buckling and breaking as illustrated by social housing that in most cities has been in a state of total paralysis for many years now.

    The bottom line is that the UK government demonstrably has NO CONTROL over Britain’s borders whilst within the EU, which means that out of control immigration WILL CONTINUE TO PERSIST and the trend for which is BOTH EXPONENTIAL and UNSUSTAINABLE.

    Which illustrates the fact that approx 60% of all new jobs created have gone to migrant workers, most of whom will be claiming in work benefits such as tax credits that amounts to fraud on the British tax payers, which typically means that for every pound a low income migrant family earns in income then they tend to receive an equal or greater amount in benefits as the following example illustrates:

  • Justgetmeouttahere

    Western Europeans Flock To Christian, Traditionalist Hungary To Escape Migrant Crisis.

    Growing numbers of citizens from Western European nations are moving to conservative, Christian central Europe to escape the developing political and social situations of their home countries.

    While the target nations — Hungary and the Czech Republic — have hardened themselves against illegal migrants by building fences and rejecting the European Union’s forced resettlement programme, they have welcomed the migration of right-wing “refugees” from the first world.

    Germany’s Bayerischer Rundfunk reports on the experience of an estate agent with experience selling homes in Hungary’s picturesque Lake Balaton who said the number of “disaffected” Germans seeking property there to escape their own country was on the rise.

    Estate agent Ottmar Heide said now eight in ten of his customers were leaving Germany and moving to Hungary because of the migrant crisis, and the potentially millions of non-Europeans who will move to Germany every year. The fact that there is already a large German speaking community around the lake, the country is Christian, property and cost of living is cheap, and there are no “migrants” are all reasons for people choosing to move there, claims the report.

    One of Mr. Heide’s customers made quite clear for the report why he was moving to Hungary. Michael Müller, a computer scientist and anti mass migration, counter-Islamification Alternative for Germany (AfD) party supporter said he wanted to retire early to somewhere he could feel safe. He told Bayerischer Rundfunk: “in my home-town, when I go out in the afternoon I hardly ever hear a spoken sentence that is [in good German]”.

  • geroge wright

    Amputations & stoning: Malaysia govt backs Islamic penal law

    The Malaysian government has pledged its support for an Islamic penal code seeking to expand the jurisdiction of Shariah law by introducing harsh punishments like amputations and stoning, shocking its predominantly multi-ethnic society.
    Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government unexpectedly submitted for parliamentary approval a controversial bill that had been proposed by the Islamist group Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS), local media reported on Saturday.

  • geroge wright

    Far-right anti-migrant rally sweeps Paris .

    A far-right rally has been held in Paris with hundreds of young people taking to the streets to join the demonstration organized by the French anti-immigration Generation Identitaire movement to protest against “islamization.

  • Adam Crosier

    Uk war mongering, in aid of the Elite maintaining there power over us Debt Serfs.

  • Adam Crosier

    Latest from Theresa Merkel/May.

    Theresa May has claimed Muslims in Britain “benefit greatly” from Sharia law as she launched plans for an “independent inquiry,” headed by a Muslim and guided by two “leading imams,” into whether some of the controversial courts’ judgements are at odds with British gender equality laws.

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