
July 2024

Our police and judges hate us Brits almost as much as the BBC and C4 News

(Monday blog)

Today, I’d like to just give you two little stories from two parts of our once great country featuring the ‘punishments’ handed out last week to drug-dealers in Class A drugs (heroin, cocaine etc) from two different communities.

West Yorkshire – white Brits?

Let’s start in West Yorkshire where a gang of mostly white British drug-dealers got busted, taken to court and sentenced.

Lee Brook, 33, of Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, was jailed for 9 years for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Andrew Turner, 39, of Wynford Terrace, Weetwood, was jailed for 20 years, Lee Mabbott, 37, of Queenswood Drive, Headingley, was jailed for 18 years, and Michael Lumb, 38, of Cranmer Close, Moortown, was jailed for 13 years.

They were all jailed for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs and conspiracy to transfer criminal property.

So, that’s an average sentence of 15 years. Hey. It seems our learned judges are really clamping down on those nasty drug-dealers. Well, at least they are when those drug-dealers are mostly white Brits

Tower Hamlets – multi-cultural enrichers?

Now let’s travel to the lovely London borough of Tower Hamlets twinned with Mogadishu and Karachi and Dhaka.

Samad Uddin, 28 (19.01.90) of Chicksand Street, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 4 years and 6 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 18 July to the supply of crack cocaine, the supply of heroin, possession with intent to supply cocaine and heroin.

Nawfal El- Ghaibouz, 21 (10.07.97) of Commercial Road, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 2 years and 3 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 18 July to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Mohammed Moshin, 42 (19.12.75) of Orion House, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 3 years and 5 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 18 July to the supply of crack cocaine, the supply of heroin and possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin.

Noor Hussain, 21 (13.11.96) of Martineau Square, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 31 July to the supply of cocaine and possession of criminal property.

Shane Bates, 21 (22.10.96) of Cornwall Street, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on pleaded guilty on 26 July to supply of crack cocaine and supply of heroin.

Ismail Kiani, 20 (09.10.97) of Campbell Road, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 16 July to two counts of supplying crack cocaine and two counts of supplying heroin.

Mohammed Muttaqir Rahman, 20 (18.01.98) of Geoff Cade Way, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 2 years and 3 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 26 July to two counts of supplying crack cocaine and two counts of supplying heroin.

Tahmid Hussain, 21 (23.02.97) of The Quarterdeck, Tower Hamlets, was sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty on 28 June to the supply of crack cocaine and the supply of heroin.

Given that most of the Tower Hamlets multi-cultural enriching drug-dealers will be back on our streets within 18 months as they will probably be entitled to automatic release on licence halfway through their sentences, self-satisfied statements from a local councillor and a plod inspector could appear laughable if they weren’t so delusional

Councillor Asma Begum, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, commented: “Drug dealing is a blight in our community and it is a priority for the council and the police to disrupt the drug markets in the borough. Our partnership work with the police is taking hundreds of drug dealers off the streets and we will continue to maximize our resources to make our streets safer.

Detective Chief Inspector Mike Hamer added: “Removing these men from our streets is an incredible result for the local community and London as a whole. They were all linked to the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and putting them in jail will severely disrupt the supply of drugs in the area.”

Tough laws for us – joke laws for them?

Of course, we don’t know the extent of the drug-dealing by the two groups and we don’t know whether the West Yorkshire lot were in some way much worse than the drug-dealing scumbags from Tower Hamlets.

But the fact that the mostly white British West Yorkshire gang got an average of 15 years each while the mostly multi-cultural enrichers from Tower Hamlets got just 3 years each on average might make a cynic start to wonder whether there are tough laws for white ethnic Brits and joke laws for the wonderful multi-cultural enrichers who contribute so much to our society.

(Although I include the links to both stories, it’s somewhat surprising that no real journalist from the mainstream media seems to have noticed the differences in sentencing between these two drug gangs. I wonder why that is?)

9 comments to Our police and judges hate us Brits almost as much as the BBC and C4 News

  • Brian Rodney

    I have long been mystified as to how judges arrive at these , what to me seem to be purely arbitrary numbers of years and months when handing down sentences.Are they guided by some sort of sliding scale, or what ?

  • david brown

    There are no figures in France of the racial and religious make up of its prison population but the ethnic percentage is far higher than the UK.
    In the UK figures on the racial and religious make up of its prison population are published. There is even a break down of Muslim inmates per prison eg HM Prison Onley where they intentionally sent Tommy Robinson knowing he was at risk of harm.
    The UK Government would want to keep certain racial and religious group prisoners as low as possible. The courts know this.

  • Julia Green

    That’s shocking.

  • Colin

    First of all I hate all scumbags whether they be white or not but you can bet your bottom dollar that had the situation been reversed, the ‘real journalists’ from the msm would most definitely noticed.

  • William Boreham

    And a death sentence for putting a couple of rashers on a mosque door.

  • John Smith

    Tommy Robinson, a true British Hero, unlike our Quisling politicians that cannot destroy us fast enough.

  • Itsallovernow

    What they dont want you to know, the BOE runs the UK and is owned by private Banksters. An elite Cabal runs the Central Banks, The BIS, We are their chattels, sheep to be fleeced.Stock market crashes, open borders, destruction of European peoples and history all in the name of profit for the banksters, remove all competition, dumb them down at Uni. saddle them with debt, crash the markets and economy take their property and businesses on the cheap, again.Nothing new under the sun, make you Cannon fodder for their wars for their aggrandisement. Control all our Media,to spoon feed us propaganda day in day out.Easy when we are being attacked and we don’t even know it, bankster heaven our hell.

  • Stillreading

    A mother and her adult daughter were stabbed to death last night in Solihull. We plebs haven’t yet been favoured with the names of either the victims or the perpetrator, who was “known to the victims” and whom the police are still trying to find. Neighbours say he “spoke with a foreign accent”. Just another case of multi-cultural enrichment presumably.

    And as of yesterday evening the Met, having been granted special leave to stop and search, had lifted three dozen knives from attendees at the Nottingham Carnival. You can bet that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Not so much Carnival, then, as potential Carnage.

  • Stillreading

    ….sorry – Notting Hill Carnival of course…………

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