By David Craig, on September 30th, 2015 Sweden has sometimes been called the “rape capital of the world”. Although Sweden is a country, not a city, so the description is a bit odd. International comparisons suggest that Sweden has the highest rate of rape of any country apart from Lesotho in the number of rapes per 100,000 inhabitants:
But […]
By David Craig, on September 29th, 2015 (My thanks to a reader for making me aware of the subject of today’s blog)
Anyone who worries about the *sl*mification of Britain is immediately branded a “waaaccciiisssttt” and a “bigot” and accused of *sl*mophobia. Plus we’re told that, as there are ‘only’ 2,706,000 M*sl*ms in Britain, they make up just 4.5% of our population […]
By David Craig, on September 28th, 2015 As our useless rulers – Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and O’Bummer – finally realise that deposing strong Middle East leaders and replacing them by the Islamic State isn’t such a great idea and that they need to talk to Putin, I’d like to re-use a post I wrote just over two years ago about how we […]
By David Craig, on September 27th, 2015 Today I’ll touch on a subject no journalist or media ‘expert’ would ever dare cover as they’d immediately be accused of “waaaccciiisssmmm” and be hounded out of their jobs. And how would they then pay their mortgages and send their brats to private school?
However, having just been in China, I did start to wonder […]
By David Craig, on September 26th, 2015 Below is a link to a 28-minute ‘podcast’ by a Canadian Stefan Molyneux about Europe’s slow but accelerating suicide;
(If you want to listen to it, you click on the above link and then on the ‘play podcast’ symbol in the top left of your screen)
Today, I thought it might be worthwhile summarising […]
By David Craig, on September 25th, 2015 When I went away a couple of weeks ago, the M*sl*m hordes were pouring over Europe’s borders in their thousands every day. Now, two weeks later, the numbers flooding in seem to increase by the day. Meanwhile the holier-than-thou ‘opinion leaders’ preach to us about our humanitarian duty to house the millions heading our way […]
By David Craig, on September 7th, 2015 I wanted to blog about the inevitable consequences of the migrant swarm. But I didn’t want a visit from the Thought Police so funked it:
However, I do wonder if all those parading with “Migrants Welcome” signs and applauding the arriving migrants will be quite so cheerful when the bombings and beheadings […]
By David Craig, on September 6th, 2015 My thanks to a reader who alerted me about an upcoming important UN conference which will surely solve all the world’s problems. Here are the details:
1. We, the Heads of State and Government and High Representatives, meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 25-27 September 2015 as the Organization celebrates […]
By David Craig, on September 5th, 2015 1. The five billion
This shortish (6 minutes) YouTube video of an American former journalist and now public policy analyst using gumballs explains the utter stupidity of allowing a mass migration of millions from poor countries to Europe
2. I wish we had the Hungarian PM
The Hungarian Prime Minister seems to be the […]
By David Craig, on September 4th, 2015 As Syrian mainly M*sl*m migrants pour into Christian Europe from perfectly safe M*sl*m Turkey, a cynic might wonder about a couple things:
1. Why are so many fit, young men of military age, who could be fighting for their country’s freedom, scarpering to safety in Europe? It’s lucky that in WWI and WWII British men […]