
September 2024

Does Izerlum have “bloody borders”?

In a 1993 article in Foreign Affairs magazine titled “The Clash of Civilisations?” the author, Samuel Huntington, apparently wrote “Isl*m has bloody borders”. What he was referring to was the apparent inability of the followers of our favourite religion to live in peaceful co-existence with the followers of other religions and those who didn’t follow any religion.

But is there any evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders? No, there is none at all!!!!! It’s just waaaccciiiisssstttt nonsense!!!

Catholics: Well yes, of course, Moozerlums in the Philippines are constantly fighting Catholics there and there is a full-scale Moozerlum uprising on one island. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” Catholics. Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders.

Buddhists: Yes, I know there is on-going violence between Moozerlums and Buddhists in Thailand and Myanmar and that thousands of innocents have been slaughtered. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” Buddhists? Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders.

Hindus: And of course, millions have been massacred and hundreds are still being killed in violence between Moozerlums and Hindus in India and Pakistan. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” Hindus? Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders.

Armenian Christians: Ok, ok. Yes, about one and a half million Armenian Christians were slaughtered by Turkish Moozerlums in the Armenian genocide. But surely that was the fault of the “nasty” Armenians?

Jews: And, of course, any right-thinking Moozerlum wants to wipe out the Jews who are referred to in the Great Book as like “apes and pigs”. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” Jews? Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders.

Coptic Christians: meanwhile in Egypt the persecution and murder of the country’s 7 million Coptic Christians seems to be some kind of national sport. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” Coptic Christians? Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders.

African Christians: Yup, there are a few small problems in Africa where Christians are being murdered in their thousands every year by followers of the Religion of Tolerance and Peace. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” African Christians?

West Europeans: And we all know about the never-ending series of Jihadi attacks throughout Europe targeting civilised West Europeans. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” West Europeans and their horrible, unfounded Izerlumophobia? Apart from that there is absolutely no evidence that Izerlum has bloody borders

Other Moozerlums: But most of the people being murdered by Moozerlums are, in fact, other Moozerlums. But surely that’s the fault of the “nasty” other Moozerlums who are not sufficiently Moozerlumic?

So, there you have it folks. There is absolutely no proof that Izerlum has bloody borders. Any violence and bloodshed is clearly the fault of Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Coptic Christians, African Christians, West Europeans and Moozerlums who are insufficiently Moozerlumic.

I rest my case!

5 comments to Does Izerlum have “bloody borders”?

  • LettuceGrilledBaconandTomato

    Britain’s Marxist Tory Party gets tough.

    Advertising Standards to get tough on gender stereotypes.

    The Uk is now Anti Older White Man.Sexist Racist and Ageist, progressive Govt.

    And meanwhile the borders are wife open to none White’s of Europe.We must be watered down and replaced he Frankfurt School demands it.

  • LettuceGrilledBaconandTomato

    Britain’s Marxist Tory Party gets tough.

    Advertising Standards to get tough on gender stereotypes.

    The Uk is now Anti Older White Man.Ageist,Racist and Sexist where will it end, that’s the danger with Man God they progress steadily with more extreme ideas, frightening.

    And meanwhile the borders are wide open to none White’s not of Europe but given European Passports as they land in Italy.We must be watered down and replaced the “Frankfurt School” demands it.Oh The Sheer Horror of it…

    “A corresponding and diabolically crafted idea is political correctness. The strong suggestion here is that in order for one not to be thought of as racist or fascist, then one must not only be nonjudgmental but must also embrace the ‘new’ moral absolutes: diversity, choice, sensitivity, sexual orientation, and tolerance. Political correctness is a Machiavellian psychological ‘command and control’ device. Its purpose is the imposition of uniformity in thought, speech, and behavior.”

    Read more:

  • terry peters

    You just can’t beat Politically Correct,MultiCult, Gimmegration, its like a rash you cant get rid of.

    Germany: Infectious Diseases Spreading As Migrants Settle In.

    300,000 have disappeared, on the way to UK??

    Recovery? Italy’s Poor Population Has Tripled In Last Decade.

    Yes its all wonderful you know..

  • terry peters

    Got Gold!!

    Bank Of England Warns “Bigger Systemic Risk” Now Than 2008.

    Bank of England warn that “bigger systemic risk” now than in 2008
    – BOE, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) concerns re financial system
    – Banks accused of “balance sheet trickery” -undermining spirit of post-08 rules
    – EU & UK corporate bond markets may be bigger source of instability than ’08
    – Credit card debt and car loan surge could cause another financial crisis
    – PRA warn banks returning to similar practices to those that sparked 08 crisis
    – ‘Conscious that corporate memories can be shed surprisingly fast’ warns PRA Chair

    These warnings from the Bank of England and the PRA just serve to remind us that there is little in the financial system which is not exposed to the highly speculative and risky lending practices of those charged with looking after our savings and investments.

    Even if some banks are listening to the warning cry of the regulators, the level of debt in the financial system in the UK and most western countries is completely unsustainable.

    Ultimately all of the above means that your personal finances and your savings held in deposit accounts are at risk. The risk is that when authorities move to bailout the next bank who enjoyed the punch a bit too much, your savings may be confiscated in bank deposit bail-ins.

  • zx80

    I think ive found a solution to the problem of leftist political correctness and enforced coercsion of speech by these nazisfeel free to insert relevant “ist” as necessary.

    Its to simply retort thusly. “Racist? Me? OK! Yes! I am!SO FAWKING WHAT?!!! Its called a difference of opinion ya spunk sucking commies, who says your worldview is correct?”

    At which point they melt down and turn to liquid shite as they cannot beat you any further with their stick of righteousness.
    Yup folks, if they call you racist or phobic ( stupid term used by malfunctioning brains that dont know what a phobia is) or any other ic or ist, then admit it, it fucks with their heads, they can go no further, The stigmas GONE! Welcome to the Deplorables.
    Because like it or not, everyone, everywhere is either racist, sexist, anti islam, anti christian, anti jewish anti lgbt eskimo….and it means sweet fuck-all in the grand scheme of things.
    We just need to live with it. Hows that for being “progressive”?

    So there you have it, Im an orrid, racist, anti gay, anti islam anti uncontrolled immigration, pro Trump, pro Brexit, , patriotic sonofabitch. What are you pussies gonna do about it, I say to the left?

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