I’ve just tried to move my website from Webage, who were charging me £178 a year, to HostingUK, who charge about £40 a year.
I thought this would be simple. But as I found out from 12 years having to flog second-hand, not-fit-for-purpose IT systems for one of the world’s largest IT systems companies – if there’s a way to f**k something up, IT people will always find it.
Anyway, my site is not up and running again.
Who knows how long this will continue?
In the meantime, as Swedistan becomes completely over-run by inbred, intolerant, pig-ignorant, Third-World subhumans, I found this complaint from a highly-educated Turkish academician who was refused political asylum in Sweden.
As he writes, Swedistan is only getting what it deserves from its ludicrously *sl*mophiliac, anti-white-Swedish policies:
Thank goodness !! I began to think the Thought Police had got to you !!
Welcome back 😀
This says it all about Sweden
Yes me too, I thought you had been got at
I admire your strength of character Mr. Craig.
I too was worried that you had been ‘Got at’.
If dishonorable and dodgy politicians can be given police protection,for the slightest thing, then in my view a ‘Truthsayer’ such as yourself must be afforded the same, if not better protection by the police, should that need arise.
I am all for tolerance for all, BY ALL, and freedom of speech for ever.
Our country needs more like you.