
July 2024

Time to scrap our useless woke NHS and start again?

Friday/weekend blog

On a recent blog, one reader remarked that had the paediatric doctors at Lucy Letby’s hospital reported her for misgendering anyone, Letby would have been disciplined and probably fired faster than you could say ‘transphobe’. But murdering premature babies, that was seemingly not a serious offence for our woke hospital bosses. And so, […]

How to bloat our already bloated NHS

Friday/weekend blog

I have blogged several times about my astonishment at why our collapsing, supposedly cash-strapped NHS keeps on hiring ever more DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) staff.

I haven’t been able to find out how many of these (in my humble opinion) totally useless individuals are employed by the NHS (please note I did […]

Phew, it’s almost over – oh no, there’s still Eurovision

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday blog

I didn’t watch the (IMHO) rather pointless coronation of the King of Eco-loons and his gorgeous Queen Godzilla. And there’s been so much guff said and written about the whole ghastly spectacle that one would think it impossible to add anything which hadn’t already been covered.

But there were a few anomalies I […]

The Germans really have got their lederhosen in a twist

Tuesday/Wednesday blog

They’re not ‘abandoned’, they’re just stupid

Just before I write my blog, I thought I might not be the only person who is getting utterly fed up with people going to the world’s most violent, dangerous hell-holes and then bleating that they’ve been ‘abandoned by the British government’ when they inevitably get into […]

Our useless, woke NHS is drowning in our money

Wednesday/Thursday blog

Why does nobody care about facts anymore?

If you watch the news, you’ll have seen some (IMHO) dreadful woman – head of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), I think – who sounds to a fool like me to be a bit like a female version of the Reverend Ian Paisley – ranting […]

How can our politicians be so stupid?

Monday/ Tuesday blog

I wanted to write about something else today. But on Sunday afternoon I watched the Andrew Neil Show on C4 and almost fell off my sofa when I realised the utter stupidity of our useless politicians.

A speedy train in a tiny country?

I’ll make this part of my blog simple so, […]

It’s time to give up on corrupt, worthless, basket-case Africa and Pakistan

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday blog

I’ll start this blog with a couple of paragraphs about the foreign aid fiasco from my 2015 book THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL

In the last sixty years around $3 trillion has been donated by developed countries to help poorer countries. There have been some huge successes – extreme poverty has been more […]

Are there only two MPs at Westminster with any integrity?

Sunday/Monday/Tuesday blog

I did start to write a weekend blog but didn’t manage to finish it.

However, yesterday I came across a Dr John Campbell video from Friday 17 March. The video features a speech given in Parliament last Thursday or Friday by MP Andrew Bridgen. Bridgen is talking about the harms done by the […]

Google really does know everything

Friday blog

This is a fairly inconsequential story, so I’ll just leave it up for one day. I’ll be back to more serious stuff at the weekend.

How I became an ‘expert’

Regular readers will know that my climate book has recently been published in South Korea:

Sales have been a bit […]

Starmer you idiot – growth and green are mutually exclusive

Wednesday/Thursday blog

Explaining ‘mutually exclusive’ to a stupid politician

Britannica Dictionary definition of MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE: related in such a way that each thing makes the other thing impossible: not able to be true at the same time or to exist together. A clear example is the set of outcomes of a single coin toss, which […]