
December 2024

Diversity is our strength! Diversity is our strength! Diversity is……

(Monday blog)

I want you all to start repeating the obvious truth – “diversity is our strength!” If you repeat this often enough, you might start believing it?



6 comments to Diversity is our strength! Diversity is our strength! Diversity is……

  • twi5ted

    Crime is a social construct anyway those poor dears. Think of all the labour, low wages and wonderful vibrant restaurant scene in Islington and Rock. The GDP growth as well.

    The private doctors and hospitals are not crowded. The kids are educated privately so what is the problem. The country just needs to take on more debt to pay for it all what exactly is the problem.

  • Mark

    This is why the press or police never give a description of the suspects they are looking for. It’s also why crimewatch got cancelled.
    The media elite can deny it but we all have eyes.

  • loppoman

    Never considered why Crimewatch was taken off air.
    Now I know.

  • A Thorpe

    I’m not sure what the message is here. Surely, in a traditional sense diversity has been our strength. We are all different, and not just because of race. In our early days as hunter gatherers diversity would have given us a range of skills to the advantage of any group. It is unlikely that humans could ever exist in a group with exactly the same skills, either a lack of or an excess. Living together successfully has therefore required us to cooperate both within groups and between groups. We have seen that this ultimately fails and empires collapse from within or without. The Egyptian, Greek, Roman, early Chinese and the British Empire all collapsed.

    This is because instead of cooperating we have polarised into groups based on conflicting beliefs. The Roman empire collapsed partly because religious differences set pagans against Christians. It still goes on. China is persecuting Muslims. In India the Hindus are now persecuting Muslims. Division on political views is a bigger problem and socialism has resulted in millions of deaths in the Russian and Chinese revolutions. The theory was that socialist revolutions would be started by capitalism, but they both started in the poorest areas. Both have now adopted capitalist economies. However, socialism has not gone away. Instead of revolution the socialists are disrupting civilised society and accepted cultures to achieve their aims. They are doing this through political correctness which includes the ideas of diversity, equality and human rights. They are ideas that appeal to many but the socialists use them against all of us. Diversity has become a racial issue making indigenous populations the guilty parties for supposed prejudice against immigrants. Law and order has broken down making the innocent into the guilty party. Economic policies are no longer about wealth creation and reducing poverty, they are about controlling the climate. Politicians are reduced to worshiping at the feet of a school girl. Democracy and especially universal suffrage has played into the hands of socialists and basically all politicians are socialists. Thatcher wanted to defeat socialism but in the end she had to give in to it because she needed power and the only way to power is through socialism because politicians need the support of the masses and more are more are dependent on state support. Socialism will be the winner and with it the destruction of civilised society. This is what these videos are showing. The other side of it in the UK is the present behaviour of most politicians and the left wing media who are proving daily that they have no respect for the true democracy of the EU democratic vote. Democracy now is the route to power and control, expansion of the state and poverty for all.

  • Stillreading

    I wonder what will be the legal consequences now that it seems evident that a gang of “travellers” are responsible for the cold-blooded murder of a policeman? I suffered theft of a valuable item last year, consequent upon the visitation of these delightful examples of alternative society to a possession of mine. The police, very sympathetic, investigated but told me that the Law prevented them from carrying out effective search for that which had been stolen of the travellers’ caravans. They apparently needed “just cause to suspect a particular individual” or words to that effect. So any investigation fizzled out and the loss was mine. The same gang conned a local restaurant out of several hundreds of £s, carried out a burglary at a local garage and contaminated the village pond with their faecal waste. Lovely folk, in short! Just the sort you want for neighbours. Rather like those in the videos. But they all have their rights! I and other law-abiding tax-payers like me, have, it seems, none! Our sole duty is to pay for the miscreants. Vive multiculturalism!

  • A Thorpe

    The Spectator gets to the point about diversity in comments about Caroline Lucas and her proposal. It says the diversity doctrine is about: rule by the mediocre, getting people to think the same by oppression and exclusion in the name of inclusion. Says it all.

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