
October 2024

Hey botty-botherers, isn’t this what you voted for?

(Wednesday/Thursday blog)

Research in the US suggests that over 80% of gay men – botty-botherers, shirt-lifters, anus-addicts (I don’t know what the latest politically-correct term is so please forgive me if I use a term that some people feel is inaccurate in any way) – vote democrat. In the UK, similar research suggests that over 70% of gay men vote Labour or Libdem.

This means that a huge majority of backdoor-bangers are progressive liberals who believe in such libtardy things as globalism and open borders and welcoming fake refugees and all that kind of stuff.

I therefore couldn’t help feeling a small tingle of schadenfreude when I read the following story.

Nine men have been sentenced for a brutal and unprovoked series of violent assaults including “acid” attacks, described as “homophobic” by the media.

Huseyin Onel, 24 (30/03/94) of no fixed abode, but from the Hackney area, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for applying a noxious substance causing grievous bodily harm (GBH), plus an additional three years on extended licence. Onel was sentenced to nine years each for six counts of casting a noxious substance and three years for violent disorder to run concurrently.

Mehmet Tekagac, 30 (03/09/88) of Kenworthy Road, E9 was sentenced to 14-and-a-half years in prison for applying a noxious substance causing GBH, plus an additional three years on extended licence. To run concurrently, Tekagac was sentenced to eight years for robbery and three years for violent disorder.

Oner Ardic, 27 (02/11/91) of Frampton Park Road, E9 was sentenced to 14 years in prison for applying a noxious substance causing GBH plus three years on extended licence. He was also sentenced to three years for violent disorder to run concurrently.

Given Ulas, 20 (21/12/98) of Pultney Street, N1, was sentenced to 30 months in prison for violent disorder.

Mustafa Kiziltan, 30 (10/09/88) of no fixed abode, but from the Hackney area, was sentenced to a total of three years in prison – 27 months for violent disorder and nine months for dangerous driving. He was also sentenced to three months for failing to stop, this will run concurrently.

Serkan Kiziltan, 22 (03/11/96) of Well Street, E9, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder.

Umit Kaygisiz, 21 (26/12/97) of Orsman Road, N1, was sentenced to a total of 28 months in prison for violent disorder and attempting to convey a prohibited item into prison (namely a mobile phone).

Yasam Erdogan, 24 (24/11/94) of Nightingale Road, N1, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder, suspended for two years.

Turgut Adakan, 23 (20/06/95) of Roman Road, E6, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder, suspended for two years.

Here are six of the men responsible for the ‘homophobic’ attacks:

Of course, these allegedly ‘homophobic’ men might be tenth generation white indigenous Brits. But there’s just something about their names and their faces which suggests that they may have a multi-cultural enriching background.

Still, Britain’s gay men shouldn’t complain about such attacks. After all, open borders and inviting the Third World with Third-World beliefs and Third-World customs into Britain is what most of them enthusiastically voted for.

And anyway, at least the Third-World multi-cultural enrichers aren’t throwing British gay men off high buildings:

And then stoning their bodies into a bloody pulp:

Or anyway, they haven’t started doing that yet.

When that starts, perhaps Britain’s gays will finally realise that they voted for the wrong political parties?

7 comments to Hey botty-botherers, isn’t this what you voted for?

  • A Thorpe

    What a ridiculous, confused and offensive post. I am gay and in 74 years I have never wanted or had anal sex and many more gay men are like me. What about the straight couples who have anal sex? Why do you exclude them? Considering the small percentage of gay people, even if you are correct about their political views, they are not going to make a big difference. It is the straight people like youself who are the liberal and left voters.

  • T Abbott

    A Thorpe,I am not gay and yes I would agree with your comments about some of the wording above being offensive.But do you have no condemnation of the Acid Attacks.Free Speech is ok by me when both sides can have there say and put their point as you have and that is correct to do so.
    Discussion and free speech about anything are healthy, being PC and not discussing violent Acid Attacks is cowardly.

  • Andy

    I think most gays are attention seekers, these days most people don’t take much notice of them, they miss the attention. So they are actually happy when the foreigners come in and hate them, at least they’re not being ignored.

  • TonyBliar

    Gays and Lesbians out to destroy the state? Looks like it doesn’t it..

    It is up to gay men and lesbians to fight for our own sexual liberation. But to do so we must work with all those who have a stake in destroying the capitalist state — the root cause of all our oppression. This political vision is the heritage which Stonewall has bequeathed to us.

  • A Thorpe

    @T Abbott – if you read this Craig effectively says gay men should NOT complain about the attacks because they invited the attackers here. That is both offensive and utterly ridiculous. Craig seems to be getting more and more extreme and if he has anything useful to say he now fails to get the message across.

  • BetterDedThanRed

    Venezuelan protesters flooded the streets in the thousands in Maracaibo. The nation is speaking. It wants #socialism out and #freedom in.

  • Patriot 1066

    Why do libtards want unlimited immigration from third world shit holes?

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