
July 2024

Only 580 slaughtered – yawn, what a slow start to the year

In the first two weeks of 2017 only 580 innocents have been killed in Religion of Peace attacks. That’s a tiny, almost negligible, 290 a week.

That’s a pathetic effort from our friends at the One and Only True Religion. After all, in 2016 a more impressive 408 a week (21,338 for the whole year) were murdered; in 2015 it was even higher at 531 a week (27,594 innocents for the whole year). But 2014 was a bumper year with 632 a week massacred (32,864 for the whole year).

What is happening? Are our inbred, rape-obsessed, violent, bearded maniac friends losing their touch? Why is the death toll falling each year? I think we should be told!

At this rate we’ll soon be back to 2013 levels – a mere 322 a week murdered (a laughably small 16,772 for the year). Come on chaps – you’re losing your touch! You’ll have to try harder!

As for our media, I imagine the BBC and Channel 4 and all mainstream British media ‘forgot’ to keep us informed about the appalling scale of this weekly slaughter year after year after year as they wouldn’t want us getting the ‘wrong impression’ of the benefits the Religion of Peace has brought to humanity over the last 1,400 bloodsoaked years.


Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.01.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 20 A professor and four students are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.01.15 Afghanistan Pachiragam 6 2 A woman and child are among six civilians exterminated by a Taliban IED.
2017.01.15 Iraq Halis 9 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends nine Iraqis to Allah.
2017.01.14 Cameroon Gham-Gham 17 0 Five women are among seventeen locals beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.01.13 Nigeria Madagali 9 15 Four female suicide bombers manage take down nine people.
2017.01.12 Syria Damascus 7 0 At least seven lives are claimed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.01.11 Germany Oberhausen 0 1 A man yelling praises to Allah stabs a customer at a store parking lot.
2017.01.10 Somalia Buale 2 0 A man and teenager are publicly executed by a Sharia court for ‘gay sex’.
2017.01.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An Islamic State sniper picks off a baby and injures the mother.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Arghandab 7 7 An attack by Sunni extremists leaves seven dead Afghans.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 18 Five humanitarian workers are among seven innocents reduced to pulp by Taliban bombers.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 9 A suicide bomber detonates inside a house, killing seven residents.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Kabul 38 70 A Shahid suicide attack on afternoon commuters leaves nearly forty dead.
2017.01.10 Iraq Rashad 2 0 A teenager is among two executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.09 India Akhnoor 3 0 Three civilian laborers are slain by Islamic terrorists.
2017.01.09 Egypt al-Arish 10 22 Shahid suicide bombers ram a truck packed with explosives into a checkpoint, killing ten.
2017.01.09 Egypt Matafi 9 12 Nine others are killed when suicide bombers storm a checkpoint.
2017.01.09 Iraq Tikrit 15 0 Seven children are four women are torn limb from limb by ISIS bombers.
2017.01.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two female suicide bombers detonate in tandem, killing two bystanders.
2017.01.08 Nigeria Muna 2 0 Three male suicide bombers manage to kill two other people.
2017.01.08 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three Islamic State prisoners are beheaded by children at an amusement park.
2017.01.08 Israel Jerusalem 4 15 Three women are among four deliberately mowed down by Palestinian truck driver.
2017.01.08 Iraq Jamila 11 25 A suicide car bomber plows into a Shiite market and detonates, sending eleven souls to Allah.
2017.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 A Fedayeen with a suicide vest runs into a Shiite market and levels seven innocent people.
2017.01.08 Syria Beit Jinn 5 15 Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham suicide bombers blow five people to bits.
2017.01.08 Iraq Haditha 4 3 An Islamic State attack leaves four dead Iraqis.
2017.01.08 Iraq Madain 1 4 ISIS loyalists leave a bomb at a soccer field that claims one life.
2017.01.08 Syria Raqqa 12 0 Twelve citizens are beheaded by the Islamic State for having satellite dishes.
2017.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 A Mujahid bomb blast at a market kills one patron.
2017.01.07 Iraq Shula 3 4 Religion of Peace car bombers murder three people at a market.
2017.01.07 Nigeria Buni Yadi 5 0 A doctor is among five people eliminated by a Boko Haram ambush.
2017.01.07 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A Shiite man is slain by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.01.07 Syria Azaz 48 105 At least forty-eight people are incinerated by a tanker rigged with explosives by the Islamic State.
2017.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 13 Five innocents at a tea shop are taken out in mid-sip by twin bomb blasts.
2017.01.07 Egypt Sinai 1 4 A local soldier is ambushed and shot to death by Islamic hardliners.
2017.01.07 Nigeria Kwayine 10 0 Ten people are killed when Fulani militants storm a Christian village.
2017.01.07 Yemen Abyan 6 20 A suicide bomber takes down a half-dozen people clustered around a checkpoint.
2017.01.06 Egypt Tukh el-Dalkah 2 0 Muslims slit the throats of a Coptic couple in their own bed.
2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL 5 6 A convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.
2017.01.06 Jordan Maan 1 0 ISIS gunmen pick off a man gathering wood with his family.
2017.01.06 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 2 A rickshaw driver is shot to death after unwittingly blocking the path of a group of Islamists.
2017.01.06 Afghanistan Anar Dara 9 4 Nine Shiite mine workers are singled out and executed by Sunni hardliners.
2017.01.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 4 Five Hazara minorities are shot in their car by mainstream fundamentalists.
2017.01.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A ‘magician’ is beheaded by a Sharia court.
2017.01.06 Iraq Dour 8 8 Two ISIS suicide bombers clear out eight Iraqis.
2017.01.06 Iraq Suwaib 1 6 The Islamic State sets off a bomb at a cattle market, killing one patron.
2017.01.05 Iraq Mosul 17 13 Seventeen civilians are exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.01.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 Taliban shrapnel brings down a civilian.
2017.01.05 Iraq Obeidi 6 15 A bomb targeting Shiite ‘apostates’ takes down six.
2017.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 10 24 A series of Mujahid bomb blasts claim ten lives.
2017.01.05 Syria Yarmouk 1 0 A man is executed by terrorists for ‘insulting Allah’.
2017.01.05 Nigeria Okende 1 0 At least one villager is killed during a terror attack on his homestead.
2017.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 11 22 A Shahid suicide bomber targets a row of food shops, killing eleven innocents.
2017.01.05 Syria Jablah 16 30 Sunni car bombers take care of sixteen passersby in a Shiite district.
2017.01.05 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man bound and slowly drowned in a fish tank by caliphate members.
2017.01.05 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is slowly drowned in dishwashing liquid by the Islamic State.
2017.01.05 Sudan Geneina 7 16 Islamic militia storm a market and massacre seven vendors.
2017.01.05 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 4 3 A suspected sectarian machete attack leaves four Myanmar laborers dead.
2017.01.04 Philippines Kidapawan 1 1 Muslim ‘rebels’ storm a jail and kill a guard.
2017.01.04 Afghanistan Nawa 1 0 A woman is hunted down and murdered by the Taliban.
2017.01.04 Thailand Muang 1 0 A grocer is shot in the head in his store by a Muslim terrorist.
2017.01.04 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by religious extremists.
2017.01.03 Iraq Falah 11 13 Women and children are among eleven civilians blown to bits by two ISIS car bombs.
2017.01.03 Yemen Abyan 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen ambush and murder two local soldiers.
2017.01.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 1 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him.
2017.01.03 Iraq Mosul 11 39 A well-placed ISIS rocket takes out eleven souls.
2017.01.03 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A Christian businessman’s throat is slashed for selling alcohol.
2017.01.03 Israel Haifa 1 1 An Arab shooting spree produces a dead civilian and an injured rabbi.
2017.01.03 Iraq Samarrah 4 0 At least four Iraqis are eliminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.01.03 Afghanistan Bolan 8 3 Islamic hardliners spray machine-gun fire into a checkpost, cutting down eight.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Two bomb blasts near a hospital leave two dead.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 5 6 A bomb targeting a Sunni cleric kills five outside his mosque.
2017.01.02 Iraq Zaafraniya 2 7 Two people are laid out be a Mujahid bomb blast.
2017.01.02 Afghanistan Badakhshan 7 0 Seven local police are reportedly wiped out by a Taliban ambush.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 35 61 A massive suicide blast targeting laborers in a Shiite district claims at least thirty-five.
2017.01.02 Somalia Mogadishu 7 17 Back-to-back suicide blasts at an airport leave seven dead.
2017.01.02 Iraq Sharqat 2 0 Two children are exterminated by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.01.02 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Miliant Muslims machine-gun a man riding by on a motorcycle.
2017.01.01 Nigeria Kareto 15 0 Fifteen insect hunters are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.01.01 Sudan Nertiti 11 60 Eight women, including a 13-year-old girl, are machine-gunned in their home by Islamic Republic militia.
2017.01.01 Afghanistan Logar 1 6 Talibanis pick off one person with a nail bomb.
2017.01.01 Afghanistan Herat 1 6 A bomb takes out the leader of a rival mosque and injures six worshippers.
2017.01.01 Syria Tartous 2 0 Two security guards are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.01.01 Iraq Najaf 9 22 Nine lives are claimed by two suicide bombers near a Shiite shrine.
2017.01.01 Turkey Istanbul 39 69 A man screaming praises to Allah guns down thirty-nine celebrants at a New Year’s Eve party at a nightclub.
2017.01.01 Bahrain Jaw 1 0 Terrorists attack a prison and kill a guard.
2017.01.01 Bangladesh Gaibandha 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by religious extremists.
2017.01.01 Iraq Karama 2 10 A suicide bomber targets refugees, taking out two.
2017.01.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four young men are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.01 Algeria Blida 1 7 A child is exterminated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2017.01.01 Somalia Jilib 1 0 An 80-year-old man is executed by an al-Shabaab firing squad.

1 comment to Only 580 slaughtered – yawn, what a slow start to the year

  • David Brown

    Some Muslim countries have lower homicide rates than some American cities in terms not of percentages but actual body count. Ethnic facts can be just as important.
    What we should be most concerned about is not a drug crazy Islamist with a Truck or bomb. Rather the Muslim demographic bomb.
    When we escape the EU there will still be a major immigration problem. The Muslim population via immigration and higher birth rates is doubling ever ten years. 8 per cent of primary school children in England are Muslim.
    Muslims coming to settle in England come from a range of countries. 18 per cent of migrants come from the Indian sub-continent but not sure what percentage are Muslim. Sikh’s who voted in the EU referendum, voted to leave. We can guess the Muslims voted to remain.
    A large proportion of the Muslim migrants especially those from the Indian sub-continent are coming under family re-unification rules. First cousin in England marrying first cousin in Pakistan is very frequent and creates chain migration.

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