(Snouts-in-the-trough – a daily blog that is heavily self-censored to avoid the writer being killed by those who get violent when they feel they are being offended. Welcome to the new ‘free speech is prohibited’ Britain)
At 7 minutes this video is longer than I usually recommend. And the first 3 minutes are the best. But the whole thing is probably worth watching.
Our posturing rulers, self-righteous media and holier-than-thou luvvies don’t seem to understand that suicide is not an act of compassion, it’s just suicide – and it’s unnecessary:
Meanwhile in the USA
Oh dear. Another shooting in the USA. This time by a ‘Hispanic’ man. When/if the police catch the ‘Hispanic’ male, it will be interesting to see how ‘Hispanic’ he really is or whether his ‘Hispanic’ name happens to start with an ‘M’ and end with a ‘D’.
If I’m right, then I imagine the politicians and police are already busily dusting off their “this has NTDWI” quotes.
Vive Les Deplorables! “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”