
October 2024

NHS’s great new idea to get rid of expensive old people

You’ve probably all heard the official politically-correct narrative:

1. The NHS is in crisis.

2. The NHS needs more money.

3. The reason the NHS is in crisis and needs more money is that there are too many old people requiring expensive treatments.

There are a few things this oft-repeated narrative doesn’t mention:

1. In the last 15 years the NHS budget has shot up from £45bn a year to around £110bn a year.

2. Since New Labour decided to open the borders to rub our noses in multiculturalism, about 7 million people flooded into Britain with around 46,000 still pouring in every month and they all expect free health care from the NHS.

3. Immigrants have much higher birth rates than Brits and, because of first-cousin marriages, the rate of birth defects has rocketed.

4. Most of the old people, who are supposedly bankrupting the NHS, have worked and paid taxes all their lives (unlike our 7 million immigrants) and believed that when they fell ill, they would be looked after and not pilloried for still being alive.

The NHS has tried various ways of dealing with these expensive old people. At the time I published WHO CARES? by Amanda Steane, I found an NHS report that estimated that (when New Labour were supposedly ‘saving the NHS’) around 34,000 people die unnecessarily in NHS hospitals each year and another 29,000 were severely disabled due to poor care. Just in one hospital, Mid-Stafford NHS Trust, about 1,200 patients died due to poor care. That report has since ‘disappeared’.

Then there was the inappropriately-named Liverpool Care Pathway. (Perhaps it should have been called the Liverpool Pathway to Heaven?) This wonderful end-of-life plan was scrapped after a review found that hospital staff ‘wrongly’ interpreted its guidance for care of the dying, leading to patients being drugged and deprived of fluids in their last weeks of life. So, hospital decides patient will soon die, hospital deprives patient of fluids, patient suffers kidney failure and dies, hospital is proved right that patient was about to die. Brilliant! The ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy.

Now the NHS has come up with a new way of disposing of the elderly. It’s called “Cristal” (Critera for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate aLternative care). It’s a checklist that NHS hospitals can use. It has 29 questions and if you unfortunately tick all the right boxes, then you might as well start booking your funeral as you’ll be deprived of life-prolonging medical care and sent home to die. And, of course, your death will prove how accurate Cristal was in predicting that you would soon die!

The NHS assures us that the aim of Cristal is “to kick-start frank discussions about end of life care, and minimise the risk of invasive ineffective treatment”.

And, of course we need some procedure to decide when it is no longer appropriate to prolong life. But there are two certainties with Cristal:

1. It will be abused by bonus-hungry hospital managers keen to get rid of expensive old people in order to protect their budgets.

2. The rich, the famous, politicians and NHS bureaucrats themselves will never be subjected to Cristal – it’s just for us worthless plebs.

So, enjoy your life while you can, because one day Cristal may come and get you.

(Oh, and if you haven’t read my book WHO CARES? which I ghost-wrote with Midlands housewife Amanda Steane, it might be worth giving it a go. It reveals what really happens when NHS managers put their own precious careers before patient care. You can even get a used copy for just £0.01p plus postage)

6 comments to NHS’s great new idea to get rid of expensive old people

  • right_writes

    “CRISTAL” hmmm…..

    Pretty inappropriate name David…

    Now we are all Jews.

  • right_writes

    Oh oh… I put a URL in there…

  • The Netherlands has also imported lots of migrants . It has an active euthanasia program .

    Almost all the staff in our care homes are low wage migrants. How is Japan going to deal with it the have low birth rate and do not allow migrants. Does anyone know.

  • MGJ

    I don’t want to get started on this because it is too depressing but, if you know someone elderly and perhaps confused going into an NHS hospital then I suggest you TAKE CONTROL, because nobody else will! Visit them frequently, demand to know what’s happening, read the notes and photograph them. Look for fraudulent entries.

    If things are getting really bad, refuse to leave and sleep overnight on the floor of the ward. Following multiple blunders with my father-in-law, we did just this, daring them to call the police. Yes, it was extreme but he’d be dead now if we hadn’t.

    After experiencing ‘care’ of two elderly relatives recently, in two different hospitals, I regret to say that if you are old and alone then you may as well fetch a spade and start digging.

  • I have to agree with the last comment. From my experience writing WHO CARES? I realised that if you have an elderly relative or close family member in an NHS hospital, you have to watch what is happening to them like a hawk. Otherwise they will be denied enough to drink (dehydration and kidney failure), be fed food that is put out of reach and then in the notes it will say “food refused” or else left lying for hours in their own excrement. Welcome to today’s NHS because the nurses all have degrees and so don’t want to get their hands dirty

  • right_writes

    I found then when one is sporting “a bag”, ones soon gets to know which nurses are “nurses” and which are “graduate nurses”.

    Really sorts the wheat from the chaff.

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