
May 2024

Britain’s ‘Roadrunner’ economics

Monday-Wednesday blog

Hopefully most readers remember the Roadrunner cartoons in which a bird, Roadrunner, gets chased by Wile E. Coyote. Most episodes ended with Wile E. Coyote running over the edge of a cliff:

Then he keeps on running as if nothing is wrong. Finally, he looks down and gravity takes over:

This could seem somewhat similar to Britain’s economic situation. Every indicator of economic performance is going over the cliff. Our national debt rises ever upwards:

Our economy seems unable to grow:

We have some of the world’s highest energy prices and this is slaughtering jobs in manufacturing:

Our share of global GDP is shrinking to an embarrassingly low level:

And our useless, work-from-home, jobs-for-life, incompetent civil service is out of control:

The latest economic news is that the UK economy grew by a ‘massive’ 0.6% in the first quarter of 2024. But any idiot government can grow GDP. Just let in hundreds of thousands of legal and illegal uneducated, workshy, unemployable, parasitic migrants, borrow billions to pay for these migrants to live lives of leisure at taxpayers’ expense and, hey presto, you’ve supposedly got economic growth.

Meanwhile the ludicrously-misnamed Office for Budget Responsibility informs us that: ‘In 2022-23, we expect debt interest spending to total £83.0 billion. That would represent 5.2 percent of total public spending, and is equivalent to £1,900 per household and 2.5 per cent of national income.’ Though debt interest is expected to rise in 2023/4 to around £116bn, making debt interest the third highest item of government expenditure, much higher than education, policing or defence:

Yet as we approach an election, our economically-challenged politicians witter on about how they’re going to spend more on defence, spend more on the NHS, spend more on border security, spend more on building homes, spend more on (fill in whatever latest promise our waste-of-skin politicians have made).

This can’t go on. At some point, as ex-PM Truss and her sidekick Khazi Kwarteng found, economic gravity must hit the UK just as real gravity hit Wile E. Coyote – borrowing costs will rocket upwards (if we can borrow at all), the pound will crash and Britain will achieve its well-deserved status as a Third-World country.

When this happens, I wonder if all the countries to which we sent (expensively-borrowed) billions in supposed ‘foreign aid’, most of which was enthusiastically looted by those countries’ kleptocrat rulers and spent on palaces, whores and fleets of Mercedes, will help us out?

Our politicians are enemies of the people

Friday-weekend blog

I was going to write a Friday/weekend blog. But then I came across this article on Friday’s Conservative Woman. It says everything I would have wanted to say:

(left-click on image to read the full article)

Perhaps the only thing I would add is my disgust at how the mainstream media has grovellingly supported and encouraged our predatory, parasitic political, academic and bureaucratic elites in impoverishing our lives, restricting our freedoms and destroying our society with open-borders, Third-World immigration.

“It’s all still to play for” claim lying fake Tories

Wednesday-Thursday blog

The lying game

We’re seemingly stuck in a strange charade. Following the local elections disaster for the incompetent self-serving, expenses-fiddling, sexually-deviant fake Tories, it seems that the official lines Conservative MPs have been ordered to spout at every interview are “It’s all still to play for” and “the election result isn’t a foregone conclusion”. Of course, they’re lying. They know they’re lying. We know they’re lying. They know that we know they’re lying. And we know that they know that we know they’re lying. Everyone knows that the fake Tories are going to get thrashed in the coming general election. But yet we’re all supposed to play the game called “It’s all still to play for”.

There was no “swing to Labour”

In one sense, the lying fake Tories are correct. For example, we’re repeatedly told by the media that there was a “26% swing to Labour” in the recent Blackpool South by-election. The Tory-hating, Labour-loving BBC triumphantly announced: “Labour supporters are celebrating a huge 26% swing from the Tories, heaping pressure on Rishi Sunak”. In fact, there was no swing to Labour at all. As an excellent article on The Conservative Woman website explains, what actually happened was that the Conservative vote collapsed by an astonishing 80% since the 2019 General Election while the Labour vote only fell by 14% (see chart below):

So neither the immigrant-hugging, all-talk-and-no-trousers fake Tories nor the UK-loathing, Hamas-adoring Labour actually gained any votes.

If we look at the voting figures for mayor of the West Midlands, we see a slightly similar picture. In May 2021 Conservative candidate, Andy Street, got 314,669 votes. In 2024, this had fallen 29% to 224,082. The Labour candidate, whose name I can’t be bothered to remember, got 267,626 votes in May 2021. But in May 2024 this had fallen by 16% to 225,590. Yet the mainstream media again waffled on about “a swing to Labour”. Also in London the party which lost the least number of votes since the previous mayoral election won. Yet the media similarly told us that there was “a swing to Labour”. So it seems that the latest lot of elections were won by the party which lost the fewest votes compared to the previous elections rather than by the party which gained the most votes. That’s hardly a vote of confidence in our political system or its leaders.

There are perhaps two main ways to interpret what has happened:

  • the useless, navel-gazing fake Tories purport to believe that if they “stick to their plan”, then there are millions of voters who will rush out to vote Conservative at the next election for fear of letting in gutless Keir ‘women-have-penises’ Starmer and Red Angela ‘two-homes’ Rayner
  • or else you could conclude that millions of voters are so disillusioned by the mediocrity and lies of the two main parties that they can’t be bothered to vote for either and so this represents an unprecedented opportunity for a party like Reform to make a breakthrough and even push the treacherous, do-nothing, EU-fanatic Tories into third place

But there is at least one certainty, our next government will be Labour and they will probably lower the voting age to 16 to ensure that no patriotic, proud-to-be-British party ever gets elected in Britain again.

Hey, Russians! You’re dying to make your bosses billionaires

Monday-Tuesday blog

With so many excellent websites (for example, The Daily Sceptic and The Conservative Woman) and so many great YouTube channels (for example, Neil Oliver’s monologues and Simon Webb’s History Debunked) it’s getting increasingly difficult to find something to write about which hasn’t been covered by loads of other people. But I’ll try to soldier on for a bit longer.

Here’s something I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere else:

This is quite a big house:

Well, it’s a lot bigger than mine. If Google images are to be trusted, this rather impressive home belongs to a Mr Sergei Shoigu, commander of the Russian military. This home is reportedly worth about $18,000,000:

And here’s another big house:

This impressive home allegedly belongs to a close female friend of Mr Shoigu. Evil rumour has it that she lives there with a son who was conceived on a plane.

And while we’re looking at desirable properties in Russia, this one is not too bad either:

Again, if Google images are to be trusted, this belongs to Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. Some unkind people have suggested that Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov may be one of the top ten richest people in Russia.

Now, I obviously don’t know what the yearly salary is for Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu nor for Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. I suspect both men are paid generous amounts of money. But whether they are paid enough to be able to buy multi-million/billion rouble mansions for themselves and female friends might be questioned. Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov has reportedly recently (April 2024) been arrested on suspicion of taking large bribes. The sum of $100m has been mentioned.

Anyway, if you’re a Russian soldier getting paid a pittance stuck in a water-logged muddy trench in preparation for being one of the several hundred thousand Russians killed and maimed in Uncle Vladimir’s pointless Ukraine war, it must be heart-warmingly satisfying to see that your billionaire military bosses are rewarding themselves so handsomely for their brilliant military leadership.

Will they ever apologise to us?

Friday-weekend blog

As the evidence mounts up of the damage caused by the ‘miracle’ vaccines – myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo-charging of cancers, destruction of the body’s natural immune system etc etc – it’s fun to look back and remember those who bullied us into being jabbed.

I’ve been trying to find the clip where media superstar Piers Morgan proposes that anyone refusing the ‘miracle’ supposed vaccine against the US-funded, Chinese lab-leaked pandemic should be held down and injected against their will. But I can’t find it. So maybe it didn’t happen? However, I did find this one where vaccine expert, Piers Morgan and GMB’s Dr Hillary, do insist that the 200,000 NHS employees refusing the largely-untested gene-therapy from the likes of Pfizer and Moderna should not be allowed to go to work due to the risk of them infecting vulnerable patients:

Yet there was absolutely no evidence that the jabs reduced people’s likelihood of infecting others as this had not been included in any clinical trials. The only thing the vaccines were tested for was whether they reduced the chances of an infected person needing to be hospitalised.

Then there was this wonderful news item where various slebs talked up the necessity of the vaccines. I wonder if any of them will ever apologise?:

Palestinians dying – of laughter at our gullibility?

Tuesday blog

I have no doubt that the Hamas-adoring citizens of Gaza are suffering under the Israeli onslaught. But there’s a worthwhile article on The Daily Sceptic which rather undermines the constant claims of the mouth-frothing, useful idiot anti-semites that Israel is committing genocide:

This Is No Genocide

I also found this shortish video about a side of the conflict which our mainstream media – especially the BBC and C4 News – seem to have forgotten to mention. The video is in two main parts:

  • the first part shows the usual Gazan woman howling about the dreadful conditions being suffered by our Jew-hating friends in Gaza. That’s the part our ‘news’ media always shows us. Then the video shows her bursting into laughter at her possibly Oscar-winning performance. That’s the bit our ‘news’ media fails to show us
  • the second part shows a Gazan gentleman who has apparently appeared in numerous ‘news’ reports (Hamas propaganda?) under many different guises including one as a corpse playing around with his iphone

How the mainstream media deliberately mislead us?

Monday blog

I’m a bit short of time today, so I’ll make this short and sweet. In an article about a Rotherham rape gang, the Daily Express used this photo:

This could be a white Brit or it could be a multicultural enricher. It’s not obvious at first sight. Apparently, the guy’s name is Safraz Miraf. That’s not a traditional British name, so that makes things a bit clearer.

But here is a photo montage of all the members of the rape gang who were convicted including Safraz Miraf:

This makes their ethnic background rather clearer.

So, I wonder why the Daily Express chose the whitest person in the whole gang as their main illustration?

The rise and fall of civilisations

Friday-weekend blog

In 1978, former British officer, commander of the Jordan Arab Legion and historian, Sir John Glubb published an essay: The Fate of Empires. His key message was that: “The life histories of great states are amazingly similar.” The essay sketched out a proposed trajectory for the rise and fall of civilisations:

  • The Age of Pioneers: expansion of territory
  • The Age of Conquests: more expansion, not always peaceably
  • The Age of Commerce: wealth is created through trade and innovation
  • The Age of Affluence: all appears to be well, but the seeds of destruction are being sown
  • The Age of Intellect: the acquired affluence enables people to pursue the life of the mind. Academic institutions may produce sceptical intellectuals who start to question the dominant narratives of the empire, undermining its authority
  • The Age of Decadence: people indulge in excessive consumption in the pursuit of happiness, while in actuality becoming less happy. The civilisation creates diversions for the populace, from gladiator fights to Facebook and Instagram, while people indulge in addiction and debauchery. The values and discipline that enabled the creation of the empire are eroded

Of course, not all civilisations will follow exactly this process. But if you accept its general principles, then the key question must be ‘at what stage is Western civilisation?’ Fortunately, Sir John helpfully provides some clues in a section he wrote about the welfare state. The key part for me is in the last two sentences which I have highlighted in bold. We may consider that we have reached a high point in civilisation when the state can be so generous to millions who feel they deserve to be supported by others. But when the majority of people in a country demand ever more free stuff paid for by someone else and open borders encourage millions from the world’s worst, most backward, most deservedly violence- and poverty-stricken hell-holes (the overwhelming majority of whom lack either the education or the inclination to contribute anything) to migrate to that country in search of an easy life enjoying the freedom to rape as many underage girls as they like while living off benefits and crime, then bankruptcy and collapse are the only possible outcomes.

Here’s what Sir John wrote:

“When the welfare state was first introduced in Britain, it was hailed as a new high-water in the history of human development. History, however, seems to suggest that the age of decline of a great nation is often a period which shows a tendency to philanthropy and to sympathy for other races. This phase may not be contradictory to the feeling described in the previous paragraph, that the dominant race has the right to rule the world. For the citizens of the great nation enjoy the role of Lady Bountiful.”

“As long as it retains its status of leadership, the imperial people are glad to be generous, even if slightly condescending. The rights of citizenship are generously bestowed on every race, even those formerly subject, and the equality of mankind is proclaimed. The Roman Empire passed through this phase, when equal citizenship was thrown open to all peoples, such provincials even becoming senators and emperors. The Arab Empire of Baghdad was equally, perhaps even more, generous. During the Age of Conquests, pure-bred Arabs had constituted a ruling class, but in the ninth century the empire was completely cosmopolitan.”

“State assistance to the young and the poor was equally generous. University students received government grants to cover their expenses while they were receiving higher education. The State likewise offered free medical treatment to the poor. The first free public hospital was opened in Baghdad in the reign of Harun al-Rashid (786-809), and under his son, Mamun, free public hospitals sprang up all over the Arab world from Spain to what is now Pakistan.”

“The impression that it will always be automatically rich causes the declining empire to spend lavishly on its own benevolence, until such time as the economy collapses, the universities are closed and the hospitals fall into ruin. It may perhaps be incorrect to picture the welfare state as the high-water mark of human attainment. It may merely prove to be one more regular milestone in the lifestory of an ageing and decrepit empire.”

We’re on the road to nowhere

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I’ve just had an article on the Conservative Woman website. The link is below. I thoroughly recommend that you have a look at the readers’ comments. It’s gratifying for me to see how many people agree with me that our rulers are deliberately leading us to national bankruptcy. I try not to be a crazed conspiracy theorist, but sometimes I do wonder if the ultimate intention is to cripple Western economies so that our rulers can introduce some kind of (possibly digital) ‘universal basic income’ to make us all dependent on the state. Then (as happened in Canada under the US-funded, lab-leaked pandemic) anyone seen voicing what our leaders deem to be ‘unacceptable’ opinions can be deprived of money, cancelled and impoverished?

Incidentally, one reason for writing articles for websites like The Daily Sceptic and Conservative Woman is the (usually vain) hope that some of the thousands of people reading the article might splash out by buying a copy of my latest book THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS. Following this article, a pathetically small two copies were sold. At £0.67 per copy, that will earn me the grand sum of £1.34. Perhaps I should just go and stack shelves at my local supermarket? That would be a lot more lucrative than writing books and articles.

Anyway, here’s the article on Conservative Woman and the readers’ comments:

BBC cheers as Britain goes bankrupt

Monday-Tuesday blog

Sometimes on Sundays I watch the Laura Kuensberg programme on the BBC while working out in my gym. Last Sunday the whole programme as about how Britain was ‘fighting’ climate change’. Almost all the participants, especially Kuensberg, bleated and moaned and complained that Britain risked losing its position as the world leader in reducing CO2 emissions. The one voice of sanity was businessman, Luke Johnson, who pointed out that due to Net Zero the UK’s energy prices were five times those in China and twice those in the US and that this risked leading to deindustrialisation and national bankruptcy. Of course, he was ignored by all the other participants.

So let’s briefly remind ourselves of the facts:

Fact 1: The UK has halved its CO2 emissions since the 1980s :

Fact 2: This has been achieved by destroying much of British manufacturing:

Fact 3: This has, of course, resulted in a massive loss of manufacturing jobs:

The most recent examples of this economic seppuku were at the Grangemouth oil refinery in Scotland where 400 of the 500 workers will be fired as the refinery is closed due to the UK’s high energy costs (thanks to Net Zero) and converted into an oil-importing terminal and at Port Talbot in Wales where around 2,000 workers will lose their jobs as the blast furnaces are shut and replaced by inferior electric-arc furnaces in order to reduce CO2 emissions to save the planet from what UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, calls “global boiling”.

The mind-boggling stupidity behind the UK’s economic hari-kari (so beloved by our idiotic politicians and the BBC) is the ludicrous way the UK’s CO2 emissions are measured. If a ton of steel is produced in the UK, it counts towards the UK’s CO2 emissions. But if that ton of steel is produced in China from steelworks powered by coal-fired power stations and then expensively shipped around the world to Britain, it’s not included in the UK’s CO2 emissions.

Sorry, but sometimes I despair at the imbecility of our politicians and mainstream media.