
October 2024

How about a little “simile competition”?

Following a comment made by a reader yesterday, I was wondering if I could lighten the mood during this miserable, cold, wet winter by running a little simile competition.

The reader wrote “Putting Ed Balls in charge of the economy is like putting the Yorkshire Ripper in charge of a woman’s hostel“.

So, would any readers like to complete the following phrase ? “Putting Ed Balls in charge of the economy is like……………………”

I was going to suggest “Putting Ed Balls in charge of the economy is like putting Jimmy Savile in charge of Broadmoor”. But then I realised we’d already done that. So it wasn’t really a simile, it was a Tory Government decision.

Then I thought of: “Putting Ed Balls in charge of the economy is like making committed socialist Ed “Climate Change” Miliband Prime Minister”. But then I realised that the great British electorate in its collective wisdom will probably do that in about 15 months. So, that doesn’t count either

Click on the title of this post to leave your suggestions. I’ll post all the best suggestions tomorrow.

Oh, and by the way, the title of my next book has been confirmed as DON’T BUY IT! and the subtitle The tricks and traps salespeople use and how to beat them”. The promised £100 has already been paid to the charity suggested by the lucky winner. Let’s hope I sell sufficient books to earn the £100.

Finally, here’s the talk I’ll be giving in London on 24 February. Do come along if you can.

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Monday 24th February

“The Great Savings and Pensions Scandal”

Book your ticket here.

David Craig
Park Place, St. James’s Street, London, SW1A 1LR
6.30 pm Drinks and Networking
7.00 pm Event start
7.30 pm Q&A
8.00 pm Finish

Every place includes a complementary glass of wine or soft drink.


Full ERC members are eligible for a free ticket, login with your details to reserve your ticket.
Non-members can purchase a ticket for £20 via the ERC Events section of the website.
A limited number of Early Bird Tickets are available at £15 each.

If you are interested in joining the ERC and attending this event for free, please click here for more information.


David Craig spent most of his career selling for some of the world’s best and worst management consultancies. After writing two whistleblowing books, Rip-Off and Plundering the Public Sector, about how consultants take millions from businesses and government departments while delivering little of value, he was blacklisted and so left the profession. Since then he has written several books about government incompetence, stupidity and waste, including Squandered: How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money and Fleeced: How we’ve been betrayed by politicians, bureaucrats and bankers, both of which won the Hammond Whiteley journalism award.

His most recent book, Don’t buy it! The tricks and traps salespeople use and how to beat them, has just been published.

For more information on future events visit the ERC website:
If you are interested in becoming a member of the ERC: click here
or contact Programme Director, Greg Opie:
Economic Research Council, 5 Albany Courtyard, London, W1J 0HF
Telephone : 0333 077 1316

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