
July 2024

How (corruption) was Qatar (corruption) awarded the 2022 Football World (corruption) Cup?

Here in Thailand it’s over 30 degrees – if you want to do any exercise, running or tennis, you have to do it before 08.00 in the morning. After that it’s too hot. Yet FIFA have awarded the 2022 Football World Cup to Qatar where the temperature will be in the 40s. Seems odd?

Type ‘2022 Football World Cup’ into Google and one of the first suggestions Google makes is “Qatar World Cup corruption”. I wonder why?

I’ve been trying to think why Qatar should merit holding the World Cup. Is Qatar a great world footballing nation?

Hardly. Ah, maybe it’s because Qatar have been world leaders in promoting politically-correct, but otherwise laughable, women’s football? I think these are photos of Qatar’s women’s football team plus coaches, physios and supporters

No, maybe that’s not the reason either.

So, how did Qatar win the rights to hold the competition?

Apparently the going rate for a vote for Qatar was about $1.5m. You can read more about this scandal here

I think what’s truly shocking about Qatar holding the World Cup is not the alleged corruption. After all, we all know that international organisations like FIFA, the IOC and, of course, the UN are utterly rotten. It’s how blatant the alleged corruption is.

What will they do next? Award the Winter Olympics to Saudi Arabia?

1 comment to How (corruption) was Qatar (corruption) awarded the 2022 Football World (corruption) Cup?

  • Paris Claims

    This award is a complete and utter joke. A complete and utter waste of what could and should have been something to look forward to.

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