
July 2024

See the magnificent Farage debate immigration against some politically-correct establishment tossers

I’m having new airconditioning put into my flat at the moment so have to cut today’s blog short.

Here’s a link to a website run by a company called Intelligence Squared which runs debates. This debate is about immigration and features Nigel Farage as one of the speakers.

The first speaker, some dreadful establishment woman, who seems to be the usual politically-correct buffoon, who moves effortlessly from one well-paid quango job to another by brown-nosing the right people, claims immigration has been good for Britain. Her main justification seems to be that Prince Albert – Queen Victoria’s husband was an immigrant. The frightening thing about her talk is the utter arrogance and self-conviction of her fatuous arguments. Given speakers of her quality, perhaps the company should be called Intelligence Halved?

I didn.t watch the rest of the speakers, but Farage comes on after about 57-58 minutes and it might be worth listening to him.

(By the way, yesterday I asked readers to help support this site by buying copies of my latest book GREED UNLIMITED. Those of you who have been good enough to buy copies may be amused/dismayed to learn that not a single one of the hundreds of people who read this site but have not bought copies bought a copy yesterday after my request. Hey ho, that’s the way it goes.)

4 comments to See the magnificent Farage debate immigration against some politically-correct establishment tossers

  • John Fields

    I have written about this topic before, but I feel obliged to write about it again.
    This blog stands out as a shining beacon of information amongst the deceit, lies and corruption that we find with bankers, politicians and some large companies.
    Yet, hundreds of readers would put it at risk for the price of a few pounds.
    And, believe you me, you are missing a very good read.

  • Rod

    A good performance from Nigel as usual and nice to see that the team he was on won the debate i.e. don’t open the immigration floodgates to Romania and Bulgaria.

    Nigel will be on BBC Question Time this Thursday. It is being held in Boston, Lincolnshire which has the largest percentage of Eastern European immigration in the country.

    Should be good!

  • Reade harfield

    Farage is brilliant……would love to see him up against clegg, milliband etc he would destroy them….

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