
May 2024

What contribution do Somali immigrants make to Britain?

To avoid any accusations of racism, all figures in today’s blog are taken either from the Office for National Statistics or from the Guardian – the bible of the bien pensants, professional handwringers and overpaid child molesters at the BBC.

There are an estimated 250,000 Somalis living in the UK. But the real figure may be higher as many Somalis with Dutch residence permits and passports are believed to have moved to the UK because of the higher benefits paid here compared to Holland.

Unemployment amongst Somali men is believed to be around 65%. As you’ll see from the diagram, this is many times higher than any other ethnic group. In fact it’s so far off the scale that I haven’t been able to include it (click on chart to see more clearly):

If we just play with a few imaginary figures: let’s assume that the 250,000 Somali population includes 60,000 men of working age and that of these, 65% (39,000) are each claiming about £20,000 a year in benefits (unemployment, jobseekers’ allowance, housing benefits, child benefits, council tax benefits and so on) for themselves and their families. If we could bring the unemployment rate for these Somali men down from 65% to the 15% for all black Africans, then another 30,000 Somali men would be in work  and we’d be paying around £600m less a year in benefits

The problems with the Somali community are not just in the high levels of unemployment. In our schools just 33% of Somali students passed five GCSEs, compared with 59% for students from other African communities and 80% for Chinese students.

The handwringing, socially-responsible, politically-correct Guardian blames the British government for the problems with the Somali community claiming it is responsible for “the immense harm caused by this continuing social dislocation” and “the figures for educational attainment of Somali students are shameful for a government which prides itself on its commitment to equal opportunities” and “the government needs to recognise the Somali community is a resource to this country, not a problematic burden”.

But a cynic might wonder whether the problems caused by high unemployment and low educational achievement amongst Britain’s Somalis could possibly maybe perhaps have something to do with the cultural attitudes of the Somalis themselves. After all, many other ethnic groups have come to Britain and even thrived here.

(Oh dear, nobody bought a copy of my latest book GREED UNLIMITED yesterday. Maybe that’s because I’m a nasty person who writes nasty things. Much better for people to spend their money voting on fixed supposed TV talent shows – hello Mr Cowell – than on serious things that will affect their futures)

130 comments to What contribution do Somali immigrants make to Britain?

  • Paris Claims

    I had no idea that as many as 35% of Somali males worked. I expect that 90% of the women don’t work. Whenever I drive through Acton or Hayes in the day all you see are Somalis skulking around making the place look untidy

  • Rod

    What do Somalis do?

    – Take “qat” drug all day long and do bugger all because of it
    – Were failed bombers on 21/7 in London
    – Stab fellow Muslims at the mosque in Birmingham the other day
    – Er, that’s about it…

  • ethan

    they dont do anything.. apart from takin benefits.. oh dear..did i say benefits???

  • Somali hater

    Somalians are totally useless people.
    The stink of shit
    Claim like shit
    Breed like shit
    Rude & arrogant.
    Do absolutely nothing for this country.
    They are only here to claim claim and claim.
    What a low life bunch of scum.
    Send them back to that dirty country.
    Let’s see them claim there!

  • adam

    Somalis – are most misunderstood community in UK.
    Majority of bus drivers in London are Somalis.
    They are peaceful community and made certain cities and neighborhoods safe since they arrived.

    They fought for this country in many fronts in Africa and Asia. Stop hate and racism.

    What do you know about Somali’s just another Muslim hater – are you. Do not just copy daily mail and protest parties mate – UK is a multi-cultural country with many problems and challenges faced by all.

  • David

    In Barton Hill, Bristol, the Somali community have turned the area into a squalid slum. They spit on the floor, have a cafe that will not admit Caucasian people ( not that you would want to visit ) , most do not work, they instead spend the day socialising and enjoying their benefit money. Many have vehicles provided by the government too. My family and I have purposely moved into as far a rural area as possible to avoid association for as long as possible. I have no problem with the majority of immigrants who work hard, contribute and attempt to socialise but, Somali people in Bristol, have no interest other than claiming benefits, decreasing hygiene, civilised standards, and not even attempting to find work or speak English. Repulsive. Legally entitled if British citizens ok, but don’t expect me to treat them as anything other than raw sewage.

  • Cave

    Somalis are horrible people as they have no manners and uncivilised. I’m from an ethnic background and was raised in London and now it’s beyond a joke with these rude migrants. In my days at school was just about 30 years ago we all had to integrate but recently these Muslims have turned Britain into a little Saudi Arabia with their Islamic dress everywhere and behaving so rude. If they want to live a medieval life why bother coming to this country. I love my ethnic heritage but on the other hand I love the British culture. British people have to address that and make it clear although we live in a multicultural society but British values come first. Places like, Whitechapel and Acton are just beyond a joke with everyone wearing the hijab. Had enough of these Somalis and Muslims making Britain look so ugly. More comments?

  • Tineri

    I was born in the Carribean Isles. Came to England at a very young age and I cannot ever remember Britian looking so dirty, foul and un-hygenic. It’s absolutely appalling the look of this country today. I am not just accusing Somalis and Muslim culture, but I am in total agreement with David and Cave regarding their attitudes, behaviour and general disregard for the way this country carrys itself prior to their landing on communities across the Regions. They are given such opportunities, but instead of making right by them, they abuse the opportunities and allow this country to suffer the same conditions they left behind…the UK has become a terribly sad and run-down looking country now. It is so, so sad a sight to be viewing each and everyday now, but Somalis and some Muslims are happy with it nonetheless.

  • Alan smith

    In every community there is bad and good. If look for bad things in people that’s what you will find. Example. who are the most drug users?
    Stop this.

  • Sam

    Somali immigrants unfortunately seem to have moved into all areas of London. The women seem to spend their entire day shopping with their benefit money, all live in social housing, and the majority seem to have a LOT of children (4/5/6 and some have 7/8!), that they cannot support. How much are they costing the taxpayer for their housing, child support, income support, free school meals, free school uniform, free school trips, nhs care, free prescriptions, nhs optical care, half rate travel… unfortunately they majority do not work, integrate or contribute to society in any positive way. It is sad to see the country being affected by people like this- I can see countries losing their tolerance for others due to immigrants like this. It isn’t about racism, it is about having immigrants in this country that have a negative impact on the rest of society

  • Why do I see Somalis everywhere I go if there are only 250,000 in the UK. They clog up hospital waiting rooms and surgeries and are always in groups, never alone. Puzzled that the benefits changes that Cameron is forever talking about has not sent them back to Holland or wherever they entered the UK from.

  • Britishcommunitylovesomalipple

    Every country who lives in the uk are on benefits and have wired culture, not only Somalians this country belongs to God no 1 has right to pin point Somalians get your facts right. Many people from Asia, Africa, jameca and eroupe flee from thier country just for the same reason as everyone else. No 1 has issue with immigrants cause we all are immigrants in a certain way the uk is a multicultural & we should live peaceful together & help each other to contribute something to our community.

  • John Fielding

    Older people are blamed for the poor situation of the NHS, how can an organisation
    like the National Health Service cope with the massive influx of immigrants, majority
    of which have never contributed financially only TAKEN what they can get, at the expense of good old born and bred Brits. All politicians lie to the media, together
    with the BBC who never mention why Housing, Education and health are failing due
    to the huge pressures of increased immigrants. Somalis are part of a huge problem,
    We are over populated and everyone who arrives in this country expects to be looked
    after, something has to give, poor healthcare, shocking education and 3rd world housing, are the result of weak leadership,I am giving UKIP a try and hope they can
    sort this crazy situation we are in. ( I say immigrants should work ten years before
    they are eligible to benefits)

  • lottie heslan

    they are pure vermin

  • love money

    i luv u egland money an benafit i luv no work always full banki.

  • Hannah

    Many of you actually make me sick, you are so naive and misinformed, yes i no, its not your fault you obviously must read respectable newspapers like the Daily Mail and The Sun. . . . (probably where you got your sources from no doubt). I suggest that before you go off on an unfounded stereotype have a look at some real statistics rather then a tabloids estimated stats ….. i mean really …. ill leave you with a thought …. Doctors born outside of the UK make up over 60% of NHS doctors . . .

  • Howard Neil

    It is you Hannah , who is incredibly naive . Why do you think the Somalis in Holland moved to UK ? . Along with them thousands of Somalis with German passport s have moved here also . They come here for the benefits . They don’t want to work and they don’t want to integrate . They are just scrounges .

  • Cherie

    We have no room in this country for people who come here and take out and never pay in. They breed like rabbits and many don’t speak English. They don’t even have to because we are stupid enough to print benefit claims in all sorts of different languages. I have no time for anyone who works the system and doesn’t want to be a respectful member of our society. There isn’t the room or the money here. I’m sick of how overcrowded we are. We have enough of our own scum sponging we don’t need them from everywhere else too. We don’t help the genuine cases as much as we help the ones who don’t deserve it. I can’t believe myself how right wing it has made me. I voted UKIP this time around and so did my parents who used to be stalwart Labour voters.

  • James

    The people above that complain about somalis are probably on benefits themselves, spending their entire day on the internet complaining about people that do not care about them.

  • Nico

    My fiancee works for a high street optician and has a regular supply of Somalis who live nearby coming in for all their “free” benefits.
    They are rarely employed, most don’t speak English and have been here for only a short time but all seem to know what they are entitled to for “free” and claim every conceivable handout the British government offers. My fiancee points out to them that the products and services are not free but are paid for by the British taxpayer.
    They have contributed precisely nothing to this country but are so keen to take what they can get. Do these people have no shame?
    Those who have commented on how naive and misinformed I must be, why don’t you get a community of Somalis to come and move in next door to you?
    There are many other successfully integrated African communities in this country so don’t even start with the race thing, this is a cultural dichotomy.

  • Bbr

    Somalians=unneighbourly,inconsiderate.litterbugs,very rarely responsible for their own actions, and they use their religion as an excuse for everything.Muslims have been in this country for hundreds of years, every nation that migrates to this country faces teething problems but eventually overcome them. something has to be done about these people, whether it be education,or something a bit more drastic, because you can,t have one nation irritating all the other neighbourly ,considerate nations that bring colour,respect for others ,drive and ambition to this great big melting pot called Britain.

  • I cant believe,this so what if the somalis are this and doesent mean they are bad every community there are good and bad doesent mean they are all bad.we cant say the english are lazy who dont work and do nothins apart from complanining the foreigneres,,,,,,,,,,

  • Angelina

    Well “Anwar” the British unemployed are OUR problem and this is THEIR country! Contact Shelter and ask them how many people are losing their homes and children due to the bedroom tax and benefit caps! Unless you are somali with ten kids in a seven bedroomed house in which case your benefits are NOT capped. I would like to see “16 kids and counting” stop picking on white British and show you how the Somalis live on our tax money.

  • gary

    Many Somalis live in west London and almost all of them never work. I am speaking about men only, forget their women, they never work. And why should they? British government is so generous with benefits. It only takes few years to get a paper from Portugal, or Italy, or Spain before someone can just land here.

  • Hugh

    I am a civil servant and meet numerous immigrants on a regular basis. The majority of them are unemployed,don’t want to integrate into society and speak very little English. I am personally sick of this country and the way it has been heading for some time. The UK really needs a system for allowing people to migrate to the UK such as other countries like Australia and Canada for example. If you have skills and are trained and have accommodation and financial stability behind you then by all means move to the UK. If you are a parasite then stay away. Some countries have their difficulties and people want to escape however why not go to your nearest safe country? The UK is a sad place nowadays ruined by government laws and undesirable immigrants.

  • People that have no desire to work and no manners
    should be sent back home not just samalis
    There should be a change in law that supposed refugees no longer have that states from once they reach the first country they can claim assylum in. People that insist they want to avoid war then only want to come to England should be sent back to wherever they first arrived or to their own country.
    It is disgusting you pay tax and ni for years then on retirement are worse off than professional economic dossers from abroaf

  • Brian

    In sheffield the somalian community is very noticeable by their failure to work and certainly to integrate. Hate to be heartless but they are just a drain on our city that contribute nothing except crime. Sheffield would certainly be a better place without them.

  • Hannah

    I would like a little clarification, when you state Somalis are you including in your statistics British Somalis. Because if you are your statistics are misinformed.

    I agree that immigrant communities in general could integrate further with people. However if you ask a neighbour, a colleague or a employee general perceptions are positive. It’s generally the onlookers who don’t show a smile themselves who have negative perceptions.

    They say you only get back what you put out. So be polite, friendly and open minded and you could be surprised with your impressions of people.

    Have a nice day….

  • h

    there are somali people here who have never claimed a penny of beniefts my mother and father were invited to britan to work as a doctor and a dentist respectively ive just finished my a levels and im now on my way to cambridge this september to study french and portgueuse. i love being british and respect the culture and the people. so speaking for myself me and my family are quite well off without beneifts or social housing. my parents chose to have 6 kids because they can afford it

  • DP111

    Somali culture is one of sitting and chewing qat. At other times they engage in robbery and brigandage. The idea of working is unusual for this ethnicity. Somalis are regarded as the pits by other East Africans.

    Then we have low educational achievement by Somalis, even in Britain where the educational standards have been dumbed down to cater for multicultism.

    So what is the cause of low educational standards? Is it the culture or something else?

  • peterdebbs

    Speak for yourself h, you are black British, not British, I am English. I respect that your parents work. I on the other hand
    know full well that your culture is about not giving a shit about anybody else in this country. 60% of Somalis males have been convicted for sex crimes, that’s all they think about, that’s why they have 6 children or more because they breed like rabbits. They look down on this country and try to have a clever chip on their shoulder when in fact the uk educated all of Africa and you as per usual piggyback on our education you parasites.

  • JH

    I have no problem with anyone who comes to this country and integrates and pays their way, but unfortunately muslims, and that includes Somalis do not want to integrate. So h, if your story is true, I respect you, but unfortunately the vast majority of Somalis who arrived since the 90’s are not here for anything but the easy life, taking advantage of every conceivable benefit. It is true that, thanks to Europe, that even if they are stopped at Calais, once one of the other European countries give them citizenship, they are free to enter Britain where the benefit system is the best and easiest in the EU. Thanks to PC, we no longer insist on English. The soldiers who died in the 1st and 2nd WW’s would be horrified to see the cesspit that Britain has become. They certainly died in vain. I doubt whether 60% of Somali males have been convicted of sex crimes, most of the perpetrators in Rotherham were of Pakistani lineage.

  • Xasan

    Those of you complaining and moaning about Somalians and Muslims, are you on benefit yourself? Beggars don’t like other beggars coming closer to them.
    Muslims in general they contribute a lot to the British economy and they are part and parcel of this country.
    The Office for National Statistics reports only people on full employment. Most of Somalians are self employed ( Mini-cab, Black-cab drivers, shops and restaurant owners). Somalians traditionally are traders, they dominate business activities in East, Central and South Africa and to some extend in America.
    Somali children are doing well at schools, nowadays a good number of them are going to Universities and that is why the UK government keep moving the goal post in raising the
    tuition fee, in order children from poorer background not to climb up the ladder.
    After all, Britain won four Gold Medals in Beijing World Athletics Championships, two of them
    won by the greatest Athlete Britain ever had Mohammed Mukhtar Farah, you idiots know him as Mo Farah.

  • Hassan Y

    Dear Haters

    You have thrown everything including the kitchen sink at Somalis. You are all dancing with hate and singing proudly in the rain.
    Somali Community in UK go back more than 100 years. Somali have served British armed forces and they fought in first and second world wars defending British interests. A lot of Somali lost their lives and made ultimate sacrifice. They worked as crew on the ships known as seamen. They also worked in the steel industry taking on physical demanding work that did not appeal to the British. They settled mainly in coastal towns, such as Cardiff and Liverpool they married local women and became integrated into the local society. Unfortunately Somali who arrived recently in UK found live challenging because they see everyday people like you.

  • Abu

    I am a muslim man, born in england and lived here all my life, never have i seen such a retched breed of people then somalians, yes i have met nice ones, but with these people, seems the minority are ok and the rest are dirty scum. sorry but anyone saying that some of these comments are racist has no clue. try to go to sleep and have them shouting at one another 2 am at night, try to walk to your home with them hanging around doing nothing all day, try to clean your driveway from all the rubbish they throw on the floor. they are the worst people i have met, utter scum. They think they are from the hood or want to be from a hood but have no idea that americans do not choose to be in the hood, they fight and claw and would give anything to make it out of there.
    I love this country, it is my home, but these somalians are the worst thing to happen to england since the plague and only leave me wanting to move away. I am a muslim man, brown skinned, no fake post. this is real. they have no etiquette, class or manners, unbelievable people. i truly pray that these scum are deported and blame tony blairs labour party for allowing all of them on these isles. my parents were from a british colony, they were part of the empire, these somalians have been given a meal ticket and act like inbred twits. I am so upset by these people, they are the worst of nationalities that i have met, if they all were deported from these shores I would be an extremely happy man, sincerely. I am always one to stand up for minorities but their minds and way of life are the worst of human kind. all those who back them up, try living near a community of them otherwise you have no idea! I always said that britain went to many lands and took wealth from foreign lands, so they should open their borders but after interacting with the scum somalians, I can only say I had no clue! keep our borders closed and if any immigrant not born here does a crime or doesnt have a job in 2 years of being here, they should be deported.

  • Fiona Apfelbaum

    They hardly contribute anything here in The Netherlands, they live on welfare mostly. Only a small group is making an effort to be something in the western society.

    I doubt it they highly contribute anything to the British society, only a few.

  • hi im Anisa and im 14 years old i am fortunate to have an education ,food , clothing and a roof over my head .i currently live in South Africa and if i were to. tell u one thing it would be that my dream is to live in the UK and no not on “benefits” .As much as im a Somalian i have to atmit that i dont like my own ppl its not that im ashamed of who i am bit its because they are the worst type of ppl u can find . they ard illmaned , dont know how to talk to other ppl and much less they lack hospitality like really now u can sit at there house the entire day and they wont even give u a glass of water
    its true the majority of them are unemployed and to tell you the truth they wont even bother to look for a job they are extremely shameless .just because UK has a lot of famous ppl and all that doesn’t mean that there is no ppl that lives in poverty in the UK right ? but as long as they are getting what they want they dont care that other ppl are paying for their needs . Other thing about Somalian ppl is that they think that they are better than other ppl and always look down on the country that they live in and its ppl but they forget that it isnt their country though

  • Mustaphe

    I think you’re confusing two types of Somalis here. The good Somalis from SOMALILAND (aka British-Somaliland), and the other lot from war torn SOMALIA (Somali Italia). For everything that’s bad about Somalis is to do with those from SOMALIA.

    Here are some examples of Somalis originated from SOMALILAND:

    -Rageh Omaar (aka Scud Stud) Journalist:BBC, Aljazeera, ITV)

    -Mo Farah (Double Olympic Champion for Team GB)

    -Nadifa Mohamed (Somali-British novelist) and more.

    All three above are native of SOMALILAND and have their families still living in the Capital of SOMALILAND Hargeisa.

  • Canadian

    The question was what do Somalian people do for Great Britain? Do the Somalian immigrants make it better or worse?

    I live in Western Canada and since the arrival of Somalian immigrants the crime rate has rocketed. My hometown has the highest murder capita rate in Canada or the lowest rate in Canada if you minus the Somalian associated murders.

  • Somali person


  • Tarquin

    @Adam are you deluded? Or is your other half a Somalian? Most of the Somalians here in my area, middle England are on Benefits, have at least 5 children, totally rude, and they do not respect any other race. I was talking to one who said he frequented the Hindu Temple, as he took the milk that the idol worshipping Hindus left milk and other offerings. It sort of encapsulates the ideology of most Muslims, given the rape and grooming of non Muslim girls, some as young as 8 as they see them as Kafirs. They believe that all animals have no souls and are there for slaughter. I see that no one dares bring about the inhuman slaughter of animals killed in the halal manner. Our politicians are too weak and pander to votes. English people have done nothing to to stop the number Muslim immigrants and will not sign any petition.All they do is move into a white area which are now becoming rare as. Eventually they run to New Zealand or Austrailia. Unfortunately the same is happening there. Stand up and be counted like your forefathers who fought for this country! You fought the Luftwaffe, the Nazis and yet you cannot and will not say anything to the Crescent and star brigade.

  • James

    I must say Somalis are smart. They don’t have that slave mentallality of the system. Most of them send thier money back home. The point is you will find more white British that gave up life,More jumican dealing drugs, more nigerians defraudin the system,more chines selling fake dvds. You look for the bad in people you will get it. I see them as proud people and thats thier downfall.

  • James

    I must say Somalis are smart. They don’t have that slave mentallality of the system. Most of them send thier money back home. The point is you will find more white British that gave up life,More jumican dealing drugs, more nigerians defraudin the system,more chines selling fake dvds. If You look for the bad in people you will get it. I see them as proud people and thats thier downfall…if you hate people that r different from you then you need help.

  • Me and my family are somali we hate it my mother isn’t somali but my dad is and he is a lawyer so we end up with cash at our door everyday. I only have 1 brother and none sisters and these useless Somalis have a hundred children. My family are good natured and so is my father. I am a Muslim and I respect that but why somali?? Why can’t I be Christian or Hindu !? Hope you guys like this … But if I could change race I would because I’m not on benefits and I have a lot of money not to brag!!

  • They embarrassed there race

  • Mohamed

    Im proud to be somali and I work London brought of Barnet ll my life never claim benefits 8 years in uk every single day I’m working hard so please stop hating

  • Tell it how it is

    Just come back from Shepherds Bush. Jesus Christ, how did so many filthy benefit scrounging Somalians get the right to come here. Excellent article in the Economist about how useless Somalis are in all walks of life and how they are the highest benefit claimants. Personally i would prefer to see them all deported. They offer absolutely nothing. The left will scream in horror at such a statement. But its so true.

  • Yasmin

    What Abu said…I couldn’t put it better myself, but I will add that what’s annoying is not so much the benefits tourism or high unemployment rates, as overall the welfare budget in this country is nothing compared to the defence budget. A lot of our economic problems come from the government protecting the rich, pouring money into arms companies, invading foreign countries to plunder their resources and at the same time allowing corporations and the filthy rich to get off without really paying their way. This is the real issue, less so about migration. However I will say that from my experience, Somalis are the exception to how most immigrants make an effort to integrate and to respect the values and freedoms in the UK. I generally approach life positively, I try to smile at everyone. The Prophet (pbuh) said a smile is charity. Somalians are rude, arrogant and obnoxious, and in the end go against everything Britain stands for. This is also evident in the sex assaults committed by Somali men. No respect and backwards opinions of women. If you want to belong here and get all the perks that go with it, show some courtesy to your fellow countrymen and get off your lazy arse to learn the language and civil conventions – like not raping women and children – that we are fortunate to have here!

  • Anon

    Our neighbours are somalian and I have never in my life met people so incredibly challenged in the IQ department. Seriously dumb and on top of that nasty, vile, dirty and corrupt. They claim every possible eurocent from the goverment and work illegally on the black market in Beverwijk. Their big children terrorize our little kids with the most horrific foul language. They have called me a dutch bitch. The wife has hit me on my hand so hard it left a mark of four of her long thin fingers, and then proclaimed i had hit myself. They scream always, just very noisy and always at very unsociable hours. They go shopping and always leave their trolley outside the flat instead of at the supermarket etc etc.
    Before I ‘knew’ them i had nothing against Somalians, but I can firmly say I find now them horrific.

  • they will keep on coming over to the uk and breeding in this country your traditional english is dying out slowly im sad for white british people who have no chocie but to except these africans and it will get worse worse worse and worse watch

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