
October 2024

Why didn’t the Biased Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) use the “M” word?

Following the horrific attack in Woolwich yesterday, the politically-correct Biased Broadcasting Corporation reported the crime and referred to it as a probable “terror attack” . But the BBC made no mention of the probable religious persuasion of the attackers.

This was in spite of the fact that the attackers were filmed shouting “Allah Akhbar” and “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you” and “The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying by British soldiers every day”. That should have been a clue to the attackers’ religion.

But rather than mentioning the attackers’ religion, the BBC even produced one supposed “expert” who claimed “there are extremists in all communities”. That’s an interesting comment. Let’s test it.

How many Buddhist monks spend their time preaching that everyone who is not a Buddhist is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

How many Church of England priests spend their time preaching that everyone who is not a member of the Church of England is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

How many Hindu holy men spend their time preaching that everyone who is not a Hindu is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

OK, let me try another angle.

How many Jewish rabbis spend their time preaching that everyone who is not Jewish is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

This is getting difficult. Wait, I’ve an idea.

How many Catholic priests spend their time preaching that everyone who is not a Catholic is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

Or, how many Chinese Confucians spend their time preaching that everyone who is not a Chinese Confucian is an infidel who deserves to be killed, preferably by beheading? Um, none.

So, I wonder what religion the atttackers could have belonged to. Could they have been Muslims? And if so, why did the BBC refuse to use the “M” word, when other news channels were quite clear about what religion the attackers belonged to.

There is clearly a case for reviewing the BBC’s activities to see why the BBC is so biased politically, what percent of programmes are actually “public service” broadcasting and what percent are just vacuous garbage (Snog, Marry, Avoid for example – in fact, most of BBC3) that belongs on commercial channels. Then the BBC’s £3bn budget and the cost of the TV licence should be cut by 5% a year for the next five years, so the BBC focuses on doing what its charter lays out rather than acting as an unofficial subsidiary of the Labour Party and a producer of trash for the most intellectually-challenged members of our society.

3 comments to Why didn’t the Biased Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) use the “M” word?

  • Rod

    I have to agree with your sentiments entirely. What did you expect from the Brussels Brainwashing Corporation? In the recent Oxford peadophile gang court case, the media referred to the scumbags as “Asian” when in fact they were mostly Pakistani Muslims. This is a fudge to deflect the guilt and blame from the particular community. It tars many generally law-abinding communities such as Chinese, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc.

    When it comes to terrorism and the grooming and abuse of young girls, there is a common denominator and it’s name is Islam.

    Muslims consider Mohammed “al-insaan al-kamil” meaning the perfect man, whose examples are to be emulated. One example is that he “married” Ayesha when she was 6 years old (and he was 53) and consumated the “marriage” when she was 9 years old.

  • Paris Claims

    Dear Leader claims this has “nothing to do with islam”
    He is either lying or is pitifully ignorant. Either way he should be drummed out of office.

    It appears the police took 20 minutes to arrive at Woolwich. I’d like to bet they were a lot quicker when it came to baton charging the EDL protesters.

  • Aw, this was an exceptionally nice post. Finding the time and actual effort to produce a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a lot and never manage to get anything done.

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