Monday-Tuesday blog
I attach below a recent Neil Oliver monologue which I think may be one of his best.
While you may not agree with everything Neil Oliver says, I admire him for his courage in speaking out against our power-crazed elites. After all, he must know that by voicing anti-establishment opinions, he will never get the chance to make any documentaries again. Just as they did with David Bellamy, when he dared question the Global Warming cult, the mainstream media will excommunicate Neil Oliver for his ‘unacceptable’ views:
I was particularly interested in the clip Neil Oliver showed of a member of the ruling elite explaining at a WEF conference that we plebs are going to need a little less carrot and a little more stick to make us comply with the Net Zero restrictions our rulers are determined to impose on us.
Here’s the Neil Oliver video: “Who are these evil jokers?”
Most people still believe that the politicians work for us. When will they work out that democracy was designed to control us. The belief that the majority is somehow right and can therefore impose its views on the majority is completely wrong. For a start it is not even clear what the majority view really is.
If we have any rights they must protect the minority from the majority, and as Ayn Rand says the smallest minority is the individual. David Starkey also made a good point when he said rights are now given to minority groups and this takes away the free speech of the majority. We need to keep the government out of our lives, and now, to make it worse, they all socialist. Alasdair Macleod in a recent discussion with Godfrey Bloom said government expenditure should not exceed 10% of GDP but he did not give any further details. We have a long way to go to reduced the power of the state (and those behind the curtain).
Ayn Rand also believed that we need a philosophy for life which she called Objectivism. It is based on having rational views and not being coerced into accepting irrational views of others. She believed the political system should follow an agreed philosophy of life. That philosophy has never existed for even a small number of people, and that is what Rand continually worked for. I cannot see that it will ever exist because the masses have now been completely brainwashed by technology and socialist handouts.
In this video Neil Oliver makes all the above real for us. As you rightly say, one of his best. I assume that he has now been banned from GBN. Hardly surprising.