
May 2024

Does Klaus Schwab want us all to have microchip implants?

Tuesday/Wednesday blog

Here’s short one-and-a-half-day blog

If I were to suggest that Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum envisage a future where we all have microchips implanted in our bodies, you’d probably conclude that I had transitioned into a crazed conspiracy theorist.

So here’s a link to the article on the World Economic Forum’s website proposing precisely that:

You don’t need to read the whole article to get the gist of Klaus’s latest great idea. I’m giving the link mainly to prove that I’m not trying to hawk some new deranged conspiracy theory.

Here’s our friend Klaus – a man who, like several previous great Teutonic leaders, always has your best interests at heart.

The article admits that the concept might at first appear slightly controversial and even problematic. But it goes on to explain: “As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma.”

Klaus’s World Economic Forum article then continues by claiming: “They (hearing aids and glasses) are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity,” writes scientist Kathleen Philips, suggesting that mainstream culture and influencers will be tapped to promote implantable chips as a trendy status symbol.

In a previous blog, I featured a short video clip from this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos where Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explained to Schwab how soon there would be “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny microchip chip that would send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been consumed. “Imagine the compliance,” said Bourla.

So, imagine our compliance to our rulers’ control if we were all microchipped.

Here’s a quote I made up all by myself:

“Yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s reality and today’s conspiracy theory will be tomorrow’s reality”.

14 comments to Does Klaus Schwab want us all to have microchip implants?

  • Jeffrey Palmer

    And don’t be under any delusions that the Law will make any effort at all to save us from such a Stalinist fate .

    I note that the current Barristers’ strike appears to be organised by the ‘Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers’.

    The photo could be of Labour’s Front Bench in their day job outfits. But here’s an item from the Society’s website from just last year –

    ”Saturday, 25 September 2021, 13:00 – Sunday, 26 September 2021, 16:00 BST, hosted online.”

    ”Lawyers, academics, workers & activists convene to explore the limits & potential of using the law to advance radical political agendas.”

    ”Co-hosted by Materialist Lawyers Group, The World Transformed, The Haldane Society and Legal Sector Workers United.”

    ”Featuring Dr Nadine El Enany, Lord Hendy QC, Chardine Taylor Stone, Raj Chada, Dr Robert Knox, Mira Hammad, John Smith, Paul Heron & many others.”

    ”Every generation develops its own understanding of how legal practice can both further and frustrate a project of radical, anti-capitalist politics. This conference brings together practising radical lawyers, Marxist academics, workers and activists affected by the violence of imperial capitalism. It is aimed at developing theoretically informed, concrete insights that can be applied in legal practice at a national and international level.”

    Funny, I seem to remember a time long ago when the Law was supposed to be impartial, personified by the image of the scales of justice held in the hand of a blindfolded woman. Whereas today for lawyers it’s about ”using the law to advance radical political agendas.”

    Just as it is with the modern ‘Police Service’.

  • Carolyn Hill

    I have wondered how long it will be before the smart phone became an implant. Given that anyone under the age of 30 (or even 40) is welded to their smart phone it’s not a giant leap.

    My thoughts that it would be implants next was reinforced by this book: Feed by M.T.Anderson “A tour de force in dystopian fiction, set in a society where people connect to the internet via feeds implanted in their brains”. Written in 2002, IMO it’s even more probable now than it was then. It’s not the only book predicting implanted teenagers.

    My other prediction is there will be a “Blind Date for paedophiles” on c4 before long.

  • David Craig

    In fact, towards the end of the Klaus Schwab WEF article, the writer does mention brain microchip implants.

  • A Thorpe

    It depends exactly what the WEF intentions are. We already have medical implants of various kinds including cochlear implants and pacemakers. I cannot see any reason that medical implants should not improve and bring a lot of benefits.

    Prof Kevin Warwick of Reading University experimented with implants that switched on computers as he moved about the university. That was some years ago and I have no idea how it developed. I think Bill Gates also automated some processes in his house but that was done by though wearing transmitters attached to clothing.

    My understanding is that Yuval Harari is promoting the idea of implants at the WEF. From one viewpoint what is wrong with this? Without people having ideas we would not have made any progress. The question is what will it be used for. I’m already concerned about the influence that social media has on people’s opinions and that they are converted into facts by the number of likes. With social media there is no personal interaction and extensive discussion of ideas and that is the real problem with it. It is not difficult to envisage implants receiving ideas with no thinking going on, but that is a long way off, so I don’t think we should be too concerned at this stage. On the other hand the loss of freedom that has been readily given up during lockdowns and the willingness to accept vaccinations shows that a majority are now almost willing to accept anything.

    Yuval Harari describes himself as a historian and futurist. He referred to some people as useless eaters (or something similar). What he is talking about is that there are not enough jobs for people because of automation. This is one of the ideas that Mattias Desmet talks about but he describes it as lacking a sense of purpose because of meaningless jobs that are necessary to keep people employed.

    Somebody has to think about the future in a highly technical society to ensure we continue to benefit and to prevent abuse of technology. Surely, at the present technology is creating more authoritarian governments and the elites benefit, not the masses. The WEF’s proposals only seem to benefit the elites but they are sold to us on the basis that it is all for the “greater good”. The pandemic and vaccines were sold to us on this basis. How far has the west gone down this road and can it be revered? It all links back to the previous post on civilisation. It could well be that the WEF and elites are destroying our civilisation so we really can forget about their implants. It is poverty that might be the outcome of their stupidity.

  • JanM

    David, I’m just an ordinary person. Married have three children, eight grandchildren.
    Yes I know what your saying, none of them have had the (lifesaver).
    There is no way my grandchildren will be chipped. Yes chip cats and dogs, but my children are precious., there is no way they will be lost nor will my pets.
    I feel quite stupid now, posting this, so much intellectual on here.
    Btw did buy two of your books.

  • Ed P

    An embedded chip to open doors is one thing, but monitoring any bodily processes is quite a step from that.
    Already, I’ve seen people with blood-sugar monitors attached to their arms. (I believe these are read via Bluetooth on a phone.) Monitoring lots more functions and also connecting directly to the net is obviously next. Perhaps then a shop will only sell you a cake if the monitor says your calorie intake is acceptable (but by whom?) that day…

  • JanM,

    What the heck are you on about Ed, your away neither the fairies. .

  • Bad Brian


    Nice to see you join the discussion. Nobody will think you are stupid as long as I am still allowed to post !

    Ed P, a friend of mine’s daughter aged about 18 recently got one of these fantastic blood monitors which has proved to be superb at looking after her diabetic symptoms which were at one time about as bad as you could get.

    On a recent holiay to Disneyland in Florida, a lad about her own age slipped up to her and introuced himself as having spotted she was wearing the same monitor as he was.

    She is / was a little bit embarrased about this until the young lad pointed out that about 20% of the other youngsters in the park were wearing the same devices on their arms and legs and oblivious to them.

    Another girl I knew went into a diabetic shock and fell out a bunk bed at a holiday hostel. She broke her hip ( 5 months to fix) an thw iiot who runs the hostel announced she was drunk and would not call an ambulance. She had not even had one drink that evening. Do not trust Highland Hospitality.

    So while this diabetic monitor really is a great bit of kit, the fact remains that diabetes seems to be winning the war and even though the parents really are trying to watch their youngsters diets and make a healthy effort, the disease is rapidly increasing in the West and beyond.

    But this idea of being chipped is menacing, your number is 666,,,,,,,Sexy beast !

  • Marc Ager

    Alex Jones of Infowars “conspiracy theorist” fame has not only been warning about being microchipped and tracked by technology for many years, he has also been warning about transhumanism that involves merging humans with artificial intelligence for almost as long. He is saying that the liberal globalists want to get rid of most of the human population so that they can merge with artificial intelligence and become gods.

    Thorpe: “Yuval Harari describes himself as a historian and futurist. He referred to some people as useless eaters (or something similar).” – Harari is of the unmentionable ethnicity, which many of the liberal globalists are.

    It looks to me as if the unmentionable ethnicity have seen since the 1960s that they are in great danger of being eradicated. One nuclear bomb could destroy their entire small unmentionable country. Therefore, with dangerous enemies everywhere, they have been working stealthily in the west since then to get rid of most on humanity by undermining it by using the lies that we are now so familiar with so that only they are left and some of the less able people who are so far behind the learning curve that they will never pose a threat to them. That could explain why western television has and is being colonised with the less able who have next-to-no history that is also in the process of being falsified to look far better than it is.

    If,say, Julius Caesar were to return and see what is going on now, I bet that he would say something like: “WTF has happened to you stupid *unts? Have all of you somehow been turned into mindless eunuchs?”

  • Brenda Blessed

    If I recall correctly, the CEO of Pfizer has spoken about delivering vaccinations via the atmosphere. Here is an article on this that has just come my way:

    VAX CARPET BOMBS: Aerosolized “vaccines” being developed that can be sprayed on human cities for automatic depopulation –

  • Stillreading

    Individual microchipping, enabling 24/7 surveillance of entire populations, is terrifyingly probable. Line up for the Chip to join the Club to Save the World or submit to the “Free” West’s equivalent of a fatwa. Consent to the implant of the Chip in your newborn the moment it takes its first breath or it will be instantly removed into State care. The West’s young – say roughly speaking the current under 35s – given as they are to indiscriminate worship of all things tech, allied to their lack of ability for critical thinking – will walk willingly into the trap. Not until in it will their eyes be opened and they will exchange woke for being awake, but by then it will be too late. Carbon rationing will mean limited entitlement to use public transport, an embargo on car ownership, meat, milk and eggs only as an occasional treat if at all, no flying to foreign climes for the annual holiday. Even personal methane monitoring (fart metres!!) with consequent remote-controlled adjustment of permitted food purchases when the individual diet has been judged to be over gaseous! Compulsory possession of the homes of the elderly and their subsequent coralling into State run homes if/when they are considered as occupying too much residential space. Welcome to the dystopian world of Klaus “Adolph” Schwab, Saint Greta, the UK’s future King Charles III. It goes without saying that none of the self-proclaimed Great & Good virtue signallers such as Bill Gates, Whinge and Ginge, our future King himself, will suffer personally, since we impoverished, plebs will always be free to sell our personal carbon and other meagre entitlements to the highest bidder in exchange for a visit to the electricity-guzzling cinema or a few days enjoying a diet of bugs in a State Holiday Camp by the sea! (In view of their elevated status the above-mentioned elite will be endowed with far more credits than the rest of us anyway.) “Oh Brave New World that hath such people in it!”

  • Carolyn Hill

    Off topic

    Have you seen this? I’m speechless! Not a subscriber so can’t see who wrote it nor respond.

    **Climate Politics**

    Gaslighting finds a whole new meaning with this energy crisis. We are being
    manipulated into thinking that net zero policies are at the heart of this
    emergency. It has never been clearer that ministers should have heeded
    calls made years ago to hasten net zero policies for more efficient energy
    use and homegrown green power plants, which ease dependence on gas.
    Renewable electricity displaced about �6bn worth of gas in the UK alone
    last year, the centre-right think-tank, Onward, estimates. Yet guess what a
    growing number of political figures are blaming for the gathering energy
    disaster? That’s right. Net zero. In a striking effort to distort reality,
    the longer the gas-driven energy crisis goes on, the more critics condemn
    net zero. This is — literally — gaslighting, and it is especially
    evident in the UK, which became the first major economy to pass a net zero
    emissions law in 2019. Attorney-General, Suella Braverman, kicked off her
    shortlived bid to replace Boris Johnson in the latest Conservative
    leadership contest last month by saying: “To deal with the energy crisis
    we need to suspend the all-consuming desire to achieve net zero by 2050”
    or we’ll end up with “net zero growth”. Braverman is tipped for a
    government post if the contest’s frontrunner, Liz Truss, becomes prime
    minister. So is Lord Frost, a former Brexit minister who wrote this month
    that “net zero proponents” had shaped an energy system that “means we
    face blackouts, hideous business-crushing costs, and people shivering and
    dying in the cold”. This is breathtaking. It is true that net zero does
    not come for free. Integrating green energy into grids designed for fossil
    fuels requires investment. So does insulating homes and rolling out
    electric car charging networks. There are, however, big pay-offs. UK
    households with a heat pump, electric car and better insulation have been
    saving an average �1,000 a year by some estimates. Ultimately, blaming net
    zero for a gas-fuelled energy crisis is not just gaslighting, it is
    dangerous. Any policymaker manipulated into believing that slower net zero
    progress is the answer to energy market shocks is wrong. Those who
    understand reality should not be forced to bear the cost of their

    FT 23rd Aug 2022

  • Ed P

    JanM – I think Bad Brian explained what I was saying – hope it all makes sense now.

  • David Brown


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