
July 2024

The calming wisdom of Thomas Sowell

Wednesday/Thursday blog

I hope readers managed to watch the Mark Steyn Show on GB News yesterday evening (Tuesday 21 June) at 20.00h – brilliant as usual. It’s available on YouTube if you missed it.

First a little quiz for you

Here’s a photo of Manhattan:

Manhattan is the most densely populated of New York City’s 5 boroughs. It’s mostly made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by the Hudson, East and Harlem rivers.

If you were told by the bleating climate catastrophists and Extinction Rebellion idiots and the BBC and C4 News and the rest of the mainstream media that the sea level was rising around Manhattan due to Global Warming or Climate Change or Climate Emergency or Climate Crisis or Climate Breakdown or whatever it’s called this week, would you:

  1. believe the climate catastrophist nonsense?
  2. wonder whether the weight of all the buildings might be causing the land to slowly sink by maybe a few millimetres or more every decade?

And here’s a photo of Florida’s Palm Beach:

You’ll see a lot of high-rise buildings built on what is essentially a sandbank.

If you were told by the bleating climate catastrophists and Extinction Rebellion idiots and the BBC and C4 News and the rest of the mainstream media that the sea level was rising around Florida’s Palm Beach due to Global Warming or Climate Change or Climate Emergency or Climate Crisis or Climate Breakdown or whatever it’s called this week, would you:

  1. believe the climate catastrophist nonsense?
  2. wonder whether the weight of all the buildings might be causing the land to slowly sink by maybe a few millimetres or more every decade?

As anyone with even the most basic knowledge of geography would know, in a process called ‘subsidence’, land settles and compacts based on changes to materials below the earth’s surface. This subsidence has caused land in many major cities to sink by several millimeters per year. Much of this is brought about by human activity such as increased construction of ever larger/higher and thus heavier buildings and groundwater pumping. As the weight of the buildings increases and as water beneath cities flows out, the land compacts and the structures built on top fall closer to sea level. At least 33 cities are falling by more than one centimeter per year due to compaction of sediment and aquifer systems.

But the howling Warmists don’t ever mention this phenomenon – cities sinking under their own weight – when screaming about how supposedly ‘rising sea levels’ will swamp some major cities causing flooding and possibly making some uninhabitable.

The wisdom of Thomas Sowell

Here’s a short (4+ minutes) video of Thomas Sowell discussing the politicisation of science.

I think there might be an error with the video because, after the first 4 minutes 34 seconds of Thomas Sowell speaking, there are two apparently unconnected (as far as I can see) sections. But the first 4 minutes 34 seconds of Thomas Sowell’s presentation are (IMHO) well worth watching:


7 comments to The calming wisdom of Thomas Sowell

  • A Thorpe

    It was a good day when I discovered Thomas Sowell. He has a different view on almost everything and he is not afraid to say what he thinks. There is a free PDF download of this book on the internet.

    It’s interesting that he mentions data tampering which Tony Heller also discusses. I have never attempted to confirm this or find articles that justify the changes. It seems to me that if you believe the measurements being made are not accurate you do something about it. You don’t adjust them and claim they are then accurate.

    Mattias Desmet talks about the power of numbers and graphs in his book and how people readily believe them. In climate change we had Al Gore talking about the ice core data and wrongly claiming the CO2 was producing the temperature changes. Brian Cox did exactly the same, discussing correlation without any reference to using maths to do the analysis. For them correlation is something that can be seen and people believe it. It says more about the teaching of maths than about climate change. Mattias talks about the errors in data at the start of the covid pandemic that wrongly resulted in the lockdowns. The numbers generated the fear.

  • Carolyn Hill

    Apologies if you pointed me to this video in the first place but I’ve kept the link because it’s very telling. It’s from Tony Heller, you could entitle it “lies, damned lies and statistics” – choose your staring pint on a graph and you can prove anything.

  • Bad Brian

    Crickey, you gave me quite a turn there David.

    It was only when I went onto Google Earth that I realised Manhattan and Florida’s Palm Beach are nowhere near my house and that even if these places are sinking or the sea levels are rising, that this won’t effect me as I live nowhere near these third world hell holes.

    That still does not explain the rising damp my house is suffering from. I was advised some time ago to inspect the bottom of the buildings walls but it was all sealed tight with some sort of tarred roofing felt which took me ages to tear off and remove which I then threw away as I thought it might be some cheap cladding even though I have a bungalow.

    Can’t be too careful these days. Knowing my luck, it could have been specified by some numptie in the council cos it was cheap as chips and highly combustible ( LOL).

  • Stillreading

    Love it Brian! You really are bad, aren’t you? Seriously, the video Carolyn featured has, I think, been on here before, but no matter,it’s still and remains consistently well worth watching. The myths being perpetrated for the indoctrination of our young are truly appalling. Last evening on GBNews I watched the ex-Headmaster deploring the state of modern education, apropos in particular the inability – or indeed downright refusal – of the “woke”young, product of an increasingly down-graded UK education, to confront, challenge and impartially debate a moral issue or scientific facts. He pointed out that the child of a street cleaner in South Korea or Singapore is better educated than the “A” level UK student, some years older, in the same subject. Scarcely surprising that Saint Greta has got the following she has. None of those who worship at her shrine have the scientific knowledge and understanding to challenge her bigoted stance. “The End is Nigh” as prophets of doom have consistently warned us over the centuries. Well, unless we deal effecively with the degradation of the West’s education systems – the rest of Europe as well as the States – as a developed culture we are indeed doomed. Many people of my and my children’s generation with whom I have tried to discuss most of today’s problems, want even to consider them. Most say they no longer watch or read the news, as it’s too depressing, preferring instead to live for the moment. I can well understand their viewpoint but find myself incapable of so disregarding issues which will affect, almost certainly for the worse, the lives of my grandchildren and their children. The insane are rapidly entirely taking over the asylum. Interesting incidentally isn’t it that after ruthlessly slaughtering the West’s troops for decades, creating fictitious battalions of pro-West fighters in order to obtain money from the West then, following Biden’s shameful exodus last August depriving their women of education and freedom of movement or clothing, the Taliban are now, in the wake of an earthquake, begging for Western Aid.

  • Stillreading

    …should of course have written “FEW of my generation…..want to discuss…” Or: “None”, which would probably be more accurate!

  • Jeffrey Palmer

    In 1988, former NASA climate scientist James Hansen told us that in twenty to forty years, New York City’s “West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water.”

    In 2007, at the ‘American Geophysical Fall Meeting’, in a study undertaken by researchers associated with the Naval Postgraduate School we were told ”Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years. Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.”

    ‘Man-Made Climate Change’ is actually merely another End-Of-Days cult, of which there have been thousands during recorded history and have on occasion brainwashed gullible people into committing mass suicide.
    The unique danger from the current one is that for the very first time, actual governments have conspired to promote the totally unsubstantiated, indeed provenly false, ramblings of the kind of nutters that we used to see parading up and down in Oxford Street wearing sandwich boards proclaiming ‘The End Is Nigh!’
    And are brainwashing Western civilisation into effectively committing mass suicide.

  • Brenda Blessed

    Governor Ron DeSantis holds press conference in Callahan –

    Move the red progress slider up to 13.44 minutes to hear what
    DeSantis said about Florida’s policies on Covid vaccinations.

    DeSantis would make an excellent President. He does not need to
    read from a script and has a real sense of humour, which the
    liberal globalist robots never have.

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