
May 2024

The frightening disability epidemic?

Wednesday to Friday blog

Don’t worry – it’s not climate change today! In fact, I won’t even mention my brilliant new book – THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS:

And I won’t even ask you to buy a few copies for yourself and any friends, who actually believe the catastrophic man-made global warming nonsense, to help support this website.

The worst epidemic ever to hit Britain?

Many readers may believe that the worst epidemic to hit the UK in our lifetimes is the Chinese Wuhan lab-leaked Fauci-Frankenvirus Covid-19 plague. How wrong you would be. At most only about 15% of the UK population are estimated by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to have contracted the WuFlu.

Of course, that’s pretty bad. But there is a worse epidemic which has struck the noble people of our once great country – the disability epidemic. According to the ONS, 46% of pension age adults claim they are disabled; 22% of all adults claim to be disabled and an astonishing 19% of working-age people are apparently ‘disabled’:

(left-click on the chart once, wait a few seconds and left-click again to see it much more clearly)

Here’s what the ONS tells us

A person is considered to have a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has ‘substantial’ and ‘long term’ negative effects on their ability to do normal daily activities. This is the core definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010.

In 2019 to 2020, 14.1 million people reported a disability, an increase of 2.7 million since 2009 to 2010, where disability was reported by 11.4 million people. The percentage of people who reported a disability in 2019 to 2020 has increased to 22% since 2009 to 2010, when the percentage of people who reported a disability was 19%, a change of three per cent over the period.

So, if you walk down a street, about one in every five adults you see is probably registered as ‘disabled’.

Of course, there are people who are genuinely disabled. And we should help them to live as normal lives as possible. But do you really believe that one in five people in the UK are genuinely disabled?

Just as a comparison, in Spain and the Netherlands around one in ten people are classed as disabled. And in Canada and Austria it’s about one in seven. So there are apparently twice the percentage of disabled people in the UK compared to Spain and the Netherlands and about 50% more in the UK than Canada and Austria.

From what little I understand, being supposedly ‘disabled’ brings a double lottery win. You can claim all kinds of benefits for yourself to help you master all the daily tasks that an abled person can do, plus a member of your family or a friend can claim a ‘carer’s allowance’ to look after you.

I would never be so cynical to suggest that many supposedly ‘disabled’ people are just work-shy, lazy, parasitic benefits scroungers and that governments never clamp down on such people because classing people as ‘disabled’ enables governments to hide the real numbers of the unemployed.

Horrifying levels of the epidemic in Scrotland and Wales?

A possibly interesting feature of the terrible disability epidemic, which has struck Britain, is how badly this modern epidemic has affected the Scrots and the Welsh:

(left-click on the chart once, wait a few seconds and left-click again to see it much more clearly)

Here’s what the ONS tells us:

The number of people in the UK, who reported a disability in 2019 to 2020 was 14.1 million. This means that nationally, 22% of people have a disability, however the prevalence of people reporting a disability varied across the UK.

  • In Wales, the proportion of people who reported a disability was 27%, five per cent higher than UK national average
  • This was also the case in Scotland, with 25% of people reporting a disability, three per cent higher than the UK national average
Even our children are affected

A welcome feature of the Fauci Wuhan Frankenvirus is that it hardly affects our children. But the disability epidemic sadly has struck down about one in eight children. Yup, 12.2% of schoolchildren are classed as having SEN (Special Educational Needs) and this number has been increasing every year. So, in a class of say 30 children, between 3 and 4 children will apparently have special educational needs.

A bit like being supposedly ‘disabled’, having special educational needs brings several kinds of benefits. The school gets more money to help the afflicted children. And the children can get extra teaching, more time to complete exams and even helpers to work with them while they take their exams.

There are rumours – but I haven’t seen any figures confirming this – that the children of sharp-elbowed middle-class families are more likely to be considered as having special educational needs than the children of working-class families. If true, this would be odd. After all, a child is a product of heredity and environment. Both these should advantage children of professional, middle-class parents. And I would never be so cynical as to suggest that middle-class families are better at playing the system than working-class families.

So, while we all rightly fret about the terrible toll of the Chinese lab-leaked Wuhan KungFlu, we should perhaps worry even more about the extraordinary disability epidemic that has crippled so many of our fine citizens and their unfortunate children.

5 comments to The frightening disability epidemic?

  • Loppoman

    Brilliant article David.
    You forgot to mention “motability” and free parking.
    I pay attention and I, too, don’t believe that 20% of adults are “disabled”. No way.

  • Roy Hartwell

    My wife worked for some years in a private school. Clearly most children came from middle-class professional families but a surprising number claimed ‘Special Needs’ for their children which resulted in more one-to-one tutoring as well as other advantageous benefits.
    We also live near a large city in the South West and never cease to be amazed by the number of ‘mobility scooters’ in use by seemingly able-bodied people. Of course you can’t tell peoples status but……..!

  • A Thorpe

    That is a thought provoking mixed bag, perhaps all connected by human stupidity.

    I admire what you do on this site and with your books, along with other people doing the same, but I cannot see that it will change minds. Your readers support what you do and it is just the same with most websites. If I see opposing comments on websites they are usually insulting rather than constructive. I have a friend from university days and I cannot get him to think about climate change. He has a daughter who studied ecology and she has bought into the 97% of scientists agree and there is no getting through to her. She doesn’t know the physics and she will not look at the evidence in your book, because she prefers Greta and Al Gore’s version of events. Patrick Moore of Greenpeace has changed his views but he has no influence over David Attenborough or Greta and school children or their teachers. Only a rapid cooling of the climate or economic collapse will refocus minds.

    I haven’t seen the 15% figure for covid infections but it seems to agree with the published vaccine trials. They show that only about 1% of the people in the placebo groups were infected over the relative short trial period, so over 18 months 15% total makes sense.

    Regarding disabilities we need to know how many are related to issues that people can do something about, such as obesity. I saw a comment on Instagram recently asking how can we trust a health service that depends on people being unhealthy for its existence. There is no incentive for people to care about their health when the state provides free heath care at the point of delivery. Socialist policies destroy everything they touch but they appeal to people who do not want to accept responsibility for themselves and the policies spread slowly like a pernicious weed. Big Pharma is using socialism to generate more profit by filling us with drugs. I also have concerns about fertility treatments and how they might effect health in the long term. Infant mortality rates have fallen and are rightly celebrated but is there also a penalty to pay.

    Many of these issues could be as a result of the brainwashing in schools. I don’t have good memories of school, especially grammar school. I found it boring and really only started to learn something useful when I went to technical college and then university. That was because the lecturers had all worked in industry before turning to teaching, but I doubt that happens today.

    I saw this quote from Aristotle a few days ago – “Be a free thinker and don’t accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in.” It says everything about what is wrong today and the problems are due to the state and union control of education and increasing state dependency in many other areas.

  • Brenda Blessed

    People can only claim what they are legally entitled to, otherwise they get done for benefit fraud. Therefore, paying these benefits must benefit the powers that be.

    There is also what looks like a fact that HMRC seems to have no interest whatsoever in finding and prosecuting tax evasion, which is also an epidemic. I used to be an auditor/accountant and I have seen accounts that positively wreak of tax evasion to the trained eye and HMRC seems to be none the wiser. Its employees don’t seem to be able to read financial statements. After she screwed up the Border Agency, Dame Lin Homer (2012 – 2016) was made its CEO by the coalition government. It also seems to be disabled and in dire need of having a guide dog.

    I don’t use the term “the government” any more because it is obvious to me that it matters very little which party or coalition is in power, the outcomes end up being the intended ones regardless. For that reason, I don’t bother voting, but I did on one occasion – for Brexit. Just for once, the intended result did not seem to happen, but maybe it was also the intended result.

  • Burly Bertie

    I live in south wales and i can believe 27% of adults are claiming disability. Just a walk around town on a busy day and i will see loads of folks with sticks of various sorts plus the mobility scooters, alot of these will be over 50 years of age but it’s an industrial area which has a physical toll on the work force. It’s not that easy to get disability living allowance, i was accessed for my genuine problems with back and joints and i didn’t get a single point and you need 12 points for the full suite of gibs, the doctor can only access what he see’s on the day and i was quite chipper that morning tho’ later on in the day i jumped a puddle over the woods and i was in agony with my knee and struggled to return to my car. Fortunately for me my father developed arthritis so they gates opened as regards gibs and i get his attendance allowance and carers allowance plus a stipend but it’s hardly generous.

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