
July 2024

Some charming ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures from Bangladesh?

(Monday blog)

Here’s a picture of a Bangladeshi man – Shahudunnabi Juwel – according to an Indian newspaper:

He was reportedly “Mentally Imbalanced”.

Reportedly accompanied by his friend Sultan Jubaer Abbas, Shahudunnabi Juwel had gone to Burimari Jam-e Masjid (a mosque) to offer Asr Namaaz (a prayer).

Tripadvisor informs us that Burimari Jam-e Masjid is an 18th-century mosque, located in the Bazra Union under Sonaimuri Upazila of Noakhali District, Bangladesh. It has been described as the “Most Notable Historical Monument” in the area around Noakhali. Beautiful design and architect of the main building is attractive. The mosque was built by Aman Allah in 1741-42 during the reign of the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah. Between 1911 and 1928, Bazra Zamindars Khan Bahadur Ali Ahmad and Khan Bahadur Mujir Uddin Ahmad had it extensively repaired and decorated with mosaics made from colored shards of ceramic.

But unfortunately for Shahudunnabi Juwel, someone at this world-famous mosque claimed he had somehow committed blasphemy by insulting the Prophet or the K*ran or whatever.

So, here’s Shahudunnabi Juwel after his visit to the mosque:

This was after he had been beaten to death and burnt in the middle of the street at Lalmonirhat for allegedly hurting the sentiment of the world’s most tolerant religion.

It’s not just French teachers who can find themselves with an early one-way ticket off this earth if they’re not extremely careful about how they interact with the religion we all admire above all others:

4,000 deaths a day? Or more bollox from the ‘experts’?

Here we go again. Another lockdown, tens of thousands of businesses destroyed, hundreds of thousands losing their jobs and probably their homes; economic and social devastation – all because a bunch of supposed ‘experts’ on huge public-sector salaries and guaranteed pensions have produced yet more dodgy models.

We were menaced this time with the claim that there could be up to 4,000 deaths a day. But not all the models actually back up the “4,000 deaths a day” claim:

Moreover, the highest number of daily deaths so far was on April 21 when there were just 1,224 Chinese plague deaths. Since then, our medics understand much more about the Xi Pingpong’s plague and have learnt how to treat it more effectively. So, one might wonder why the ‘experts’ are now predicting death rates of up to 4,000 a day – more than three times as high as during the worst day we’ve had so far.

A panicked Boris Johnson was parroting the grim “we can expect 4,000 deaths a day” to justify the new lockdown. But these figures were based (as far as I understand) on simple mathematical projections (doubling every x days) and not on the actual infection curves of previous viruses. In fact there are indications that the number of infections was levelling off before the latest catastrophic decision by possibly the most incompetent government in British history.

Here’s hoping for the result that can save western civilisation?


5 comments to Some charming ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures from Bangladesh?

  • A Thorpe

    The way to look at models is that they are only as good as the assumptions. As we saw with the predictions for the first wave, they were wrong. It is not clear to me how past experience helps. We know that we can got more severe flu season, but as far as I am aware they are never predicted, and if they are we don’t get into a panic as a result.

    Boris accepted the first lockdown, some say he did not want it, but we don’t know. However, he agreed it and put himself in a position where he cannot admit it was wrong. He has said another lockdown would be disastrous, but he has done it. If the cases do not fall then he will not be able to end it. The cases are based on a test that seems to be useless and we do not know how many of the cases have symptoms. The weekly death figures from the ONS show deaths from the end May to mid October are similar to deaths in each of the past 20 years but we are daily faced with death announcements. This is the time of year when deaths normally start to increase.

    We can only hope that parliament rejects his proposal and makes the government focus on the damage they have done to the economy, public finances and failing health care for all other illnesses. Perhaps we could help by going out clapping again. If nothing else we have witnessed the utter stupidity of the human race.

  • Stillreading

    Whether he did or didn’t favour a further lockdown, Boris has shown himself to be weak, indecisive and susceptible to the arguments of whoever may mementarily exert the strongest influence. At least a significant number of Tory MPs are speaking out against this latest lockdown. They won’t carry the vote in Parliament of course, since Slime-ball Starmer will rally the Labour troops, but at least we know that a few are prepared to stand against this State totalitarianism. In the meantime, ever more people lose their jobs, are unable through any fault of their own to pay their bills, and are facing years of misery as they try – whenever in the future they are able to do so – to work, make good their losses and pay off their debts. Nine months ago the British population would never have credited that we would shortly be subject to this degree of control, on pain of substantial fines or even imprisonment, over our personal freedom. As someone said early a.m. today on R4, they are even dictating whom we may sleep with! Fear has gained predominance over objective thinking in so many people, largely because the vast majority are mathematically illiterate, certainly unable to read and evaluate a table of statistics, susceptible to rhetoric and, therefore, incapable of weighing up and assessing for themselves the risk of infection and death. If ever those in power over us wished to discover for themselves just how easily we can be controlled in the future, this has provided a Heaven-sent opportunity. They know now! We’ll do what we’re told, when and how, and the vast majority will not rebel. Perhaps the most tragic of all in this is the number of old people in Care Homes who are forbidden to see their spouses and children. A lady in her 80s spoke for the 2nd time on R4 today about her husband, now suffering from dementia, whom she has been FORBIDDEN to visit for months! After many decades of marriage, she doubts that her husband will now even know who she is. Outrageous. Appalling for her, but I can hardly bear to contemplate how the poor, confused husband himself may be feeling, possibly believing himself to have been abandoned by his wife. One can only hope that his dementia is now too advanced for him to take count of hours or days or months! For this “privilege” of having her husband fed, watered and hopefully kepot clean, I assume she is paying the so-called “Care” Home something in the region of £5K a month!

  • Jeffrey Palmer

    It’s easily forgotten now, but we’ve been here before –

    The big killer of all age groups and classes in the 19th century, and the first half of the 20th century, was Pulmonary Tuberculosis. The list of famous authors, poets, and playwrights alone who died from it would fill many pages – all the Brontë sisters and their brother just as an instance.

    The Brompton hospital, founded in 1854, was the first UK ‘sanatorium’ for TB patients. But TB was not officially recognised as being highly contagious for another ten years. From the 1920’s onwards, municipal authorities built their own TB sanatoria.

    There was no cure for TB; the disease usually proved fatal; ‘treatment’ consisted solely of rest and fresh air.
    An effective antibiotic was not found until 1943; until years afterwards, TB sanatoria for both adults and children were still a normal feature of the everyday landscape.

    The TB bacillus was spread through the air by coughs and sneezes, and was highly contagious. Even in 1948, a year after I was born, more than 20,000 people died from TB in England and Wales. I can remember even in the 1950’s a school friend being diagnosed with it.

    And it’s still around; approx 4000 people contract it every year, mainly in London.

  • Stillreading

    Indeed yes, Jeffrey Palmer. I am a decade older than you and well remember how thankful we were when the first vaccine against TB became available. Prior to that, we queued periodically to have our chests X-Rayed in the hope of catching any infection early and proceeding to treatment. Not a great deal of fuss was made about it. It was an accepted, although potentially lethal, fact of life. I shared an office with three women for a few years in the early 60s and, a delightful young woman who was about to get married lost weight, developed a persistent cough which worsened until she was coughing blood, upon which she was diagnosed with pulmonary TB. She disappeared into the local sanatorium and was confined to bed for months and once the disease had come under control she underwent extensive surgery to “rest” the diseased lung and encourage full recovery. No one thought to investigate us three remaining occupants of the small office. Years later when working in a hospital I was astonished to learn that any contact, however brief, with an “open” pulmonary TB case was treated with the utmost seriousness and the patient put into strict isolation with barrier nursing. With the availability of new medical treatment TB had until recent years been virtually eliminated from the UK, but is here again now, since many immigrants bring it with them. As you say, the Bronte sisters succumbed, as did Keates and many others whose names are familiar to us. The palely lingering, slowly expiring, tragic heroine is familiar to readers of 19th century novels and operas. The TB bacillus can live for months in dust accumulating in corners of rooms and under beds. Your point – and mine – is I think that illness, disease and ultimately death are a part of life and unless we can stop time – highly unlikjely! – we just have to accept it and get on with life. (I believe the cause of Charlotte Bronte’s death is now open to debate. There is some thought that she may have died of hyperemesis gravidarum. The history of her persistent vomiting and gradual fading away during early to mid-pregnancy, as recounted by Elizabeth Gaskell, does rather bear that out.)

  • leila

    There are 4 or 5 clusters of drug resistant TB around London. No treatment is effective. I think the patient is placed in isolation and dies there. All immigrants of course. We are trapped in an enormous conspiracy for a reset. If this bunch of traitors allowed 7,000 illegals this year, without terrorist/health checks to arrive during their lock-in it proves, at least to me, that the whole thing is a con. Lockdown has 2 prepared letters to send to your mp. I wrote my own, and neither was polite.

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