
May 2024

Labour’s “secret” plan to stay in power forever

(Wednesday blog)

I’ll keep it short today.

There’s one thing that seems blindingly obvious to me. If Labour are ever elected again, they will ensure they stay in power forever by lowering the voting age to 17 or maybe even 16. I’ve mentioned this several times on my blog. But as I’ve never seen any of our so-called ‘pundits’ bring this up, I did started to wonder if I was a victim of my own mad conspiracy theory.

Thankfully, I’m not mad. In fact, I was right all along. The short video below is from 2017 and features Comrade Corbyn explaining why Labour was intending lowering the voting age to 16 when next in government.

If Labour really did this, they would enfranchise about 1,500,000 brainwashed, self-regarding, emotionally-unstable, selfie-obsessed, safe-space-dependent lefty snowflakes whose highest ambition in life is to get a Uni degree in Gender Studies or Media Studies or Contemporary Dance or some other suchlike rubbish. And, of course, most of these 16- and 17-year-old idiots would vote Labour thus ensuring Labour remained in power forever.

Hopefully most of my readers can see what a disaster this would be for Britain. But who dares defy the new religion which states that wisdom comes from the mouths of the young – lunatics like Mad Greta the Absurd – and that these children’s parents are somehow responsible for destroying these children’s future? As one reader eloquently wrote: “Children in Rome recently were putting the blame on their parents for destroying their future. They were right. Their parents are responsible for breeding this load of idiots and are doing nothing to stop the brainwashing of their children in schools”.

Anyway, here’s Comrade Corbyn proving I was right all along. This proves that it’s not me who is mad – that I’m probably one of the few sane people left in the lunatic asylum that our rulers aided and abetted by the politically-correct progressives in the mainstream media are creating:

4 comments to Labour’s “secret” plan to stay in power forever

  • Julia Green

    It’s LibDem policy also and they are now far more dangerous than Labour, they have perfected looking moderate whilst being rabid Marxists.

  • A Thorpe

    It isn’t a conspiracy or a secret plan, as Julia says this is a waiting game of the neo-Marxists. Marx believed that capitalists would revolt against the system but he was wrong, the revolutions in Russia and China started with the poorest manual workers. When these revolutions failed to spread into Europe the Marxists plotted to disrupt civilised society. Look up the objectives of the Frankfurt school. Hitler threw this group out of Germany and they moved to Columbia University where, as Julia says, the Marxists appeared to be moderate but their objective is a world socialist government.

    They have disrupted society through the green movement. This was popular in Sweden and spread to Germany via the Nazis. This aspect is overlooked because of the violence but Hitler wanted renewable energy based on producing hydrogen from wind turbines. At least he understood they were too unreliable to supply electricity directly and hydrogen allowed energy storage. The Nazis could not get hydrogen technology to work. Hitler of course was a socialist which the socialists of today will not accept. Germany has been enthusiastic about the green movement ever since, revealed by the way Merkel has ruined the German energy supplies. The education system has been used encourage younger generations to support the movement and it is difficult to argue against it. This is what the neo-Marxists worked out.

    They have used fear and the ignorance of the masses about science to create the belief that some problems are too large to be solved by individual governments, hence the UN and world bank. Maurice Strong was a driving force behind the creation of the UN IPCC. They probably cannot believe how successful they have been with climate change and it has resulted in the destruction of our secure energy supplies and trillions of taxes to support renewable energy. It is a money transfer system from the poor to the rich causing more instability. China has ignored it of course. China rather than western Marxists might be the main beneficiary of the Frankfurt school.

    The best outcome might be a collapse of the world economy. The west transferred jobs to China for cheap goods resulting in unemployment and low paid jobs. Now the West does not earn enough from exports to pay for imports, hence the slowdown. A world recession will be bad but at least there is a chance that it will bring us to our senses.

    The Frankfurt school also produced the concept of political correctness with the equality and human rights agendas, giving them the high moral ground. Also appealing to the young.

  • William Boreham

    A modern 16 year old’s head is full of what they are taught in schools these days. And as the education system is dominated by the left wing educational establishment, one can see instantly which way the wind blows on that subject. For instance, were they to teach the honest and factual history of this island and its people in schools, it would be instantly seen as so superior in its achievements and accomplishments to that of the multiracial migrants that infest our schools nowadays – it would be deemed racist. And we can’t have that can we? Now they have started confusing children as to even what sex they are supposed to be! No wonder Labour wants to let 16 year olds have a vote.

  • Stillreading

    Of course Labour will give the vote to 16 year olds as soon as they possibly can, thereby heralding the terminal decline of the UK. Or Great Britain as it was once known. A delightful young lady of my acquaintance, genuinely well-educated (recent Law graduate from a prestigious university and a talented musician in her spare time) voted for “Jezza” in 2016, being filled with a combination of peri-adolescent zeal and abysmal ignorance of the real world, but admits that, having now attained the magisterial age of 21 and furthermore having spent her recent summer vacation on temporary placement in the Law department of a City establishment, she now has very different views. As someone (was it Shaw?) is reputed to have said, youth is a wonderful thing but what a pity it’s wasted on the young! The young and all the delights they bring (at least some of them do!) should be valued, but at the same time they need to learn just a bit of wisdom, the wisdom which only time can bring, before being permitted to determine the future of a nation. Corbyn of course, a national disgrace, will do or say anything to gain control of our culturally, linguistically and politically divided country.

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