
October 2024

Another town twinned with Rotherham?

(Thursday/Friday blog)

Today I wanted to write about how Islamic terrorism (which, of course, has nothing to do with Islam which is a religion of peace) has been totally stopped in Myanmar while it is increasing in several neighbouring countries. But I suspect such a post would be considered politically-incorrect. So I’ll have to give this story a miss for the time being.

Instead, let’s travel to the small Finnish town of Oulu (population 200,000) which, given recent events, should probably be twinned with Rotherham (population 260,000). Here’s part of an article from the Gatestone Institute describing the happy goings-on in little Oulu:

Finland is a curious place. Tucked up under the arm of its celebrity sister Sweden and with Russia as a neighbour, it is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote countries. It takes a hardy kind of European to withstand the severe climate. The Finns in Oulu, the most populous city in northern Finland, go about their lives as normal in -25 degrees Fahrenheit.

With a national population of just over 5.5 million, trees easily outnumber people; two-thirds of this country is blanketed in thick woodland, making it the most densely forested country in Europe.

Yet, this strange, seemingly forgotten land has a hideously metropolitan problem: Finland’s daughters are the target of grooming gangs.

In December 2018, Oulu police reported the arrest of seven men accused of repeatedly raping a ten-year-old girl. The police say the girl has allegedly been subjected to multiple sexual assaults over several months in the suspects’ homes.

The men, aged 20 to 40, all arrived in Finland as migrants or refugees in recent years (32,000 sought asylum here during the migrant wave in 2015) and are thought to have made contact with the victim on social media.

Locals in Oulu told Gatestone that many have observed the majority-Muslim migrant gangs in action in the local shopping mall; they send out their best-looking, nicely-scented friends to hook in young Finnish girls. Parents here are fearful for their children.

Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä took to Twitter to express his shock and anger, writing that “a sexual offence against a child is an inhumane act, and its wickedness cannot be comprehended.”

His naïveté seems startling. Internationally acknowledged studies on grooming gangs in the UK clearly evidence that this is a “wickedness” well-documented and well understood. There is no reason for it to come as a surprise.

His country’s official statistics from 2017 reveal that — nationally — Iraqi and Afghan migrants were represented up to 40 times more amongst sexual assault suspects than native Finns.

In Britain, the 2015 Jay Report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham was an independent report into how child sexual exploitation (CSE) cases were handled by social services and police. It clearly identified how these grooming gangs operate, the brutality endured by their victims, and the “blatant” failure of police and politicians to act to protect the girls.

The findings in Professor Alexis Jay’s report clearly suggest that the numbers of victims and aggressors in Finland will keep rising as networks are uncovered and more girls have the courage to come forward.

Sure enough, Oulu’s police now suspect 16 foreign-born men of rape or other sexual abuses of girls aged between the ages of 10 and 15, and have added another four men to their investigation.

In addition, police in Finland’s capital, Helsinki, have acknowledged that they have arrested three foreign-born men on similar charges.

It seems cruel to reduce such violations to mere statistics or probability, but the truth can be unkind. Helsinki has a population of 630,000. Oulu’s population is just 200,000. There are two other cities of a similar size in this fridge cabinet of Europe: Turku and Tampere. The UK’s experience teaches us that it is a statistical probability that these cities will not be immune to having their children being targeted by the gangs.

It is a barbaric cruelty these children face. Professor Jay sets it out in black and white in her report:

“In just over a third of cases, children affected by sexual exploitation were previously known to services because of child protection and neglect. It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.”

It was evidently the “blatant” failings of police and politicians that allowed these men to continue raping and abusing these children; the authorities reportedly remained silent either for political gain or to avoid professional damage.

Much of the coverage of the same problem in Great Britain said that Jay had accused the Rotherham council and police of failing to tackle sexual exploitation because of misplaced “political correctness.” Yet Jay says those are not the words she would use:

“I have an aversion to phrases like that,” she says. Instead, she believes the Labour-dominated council turned a blind eye to the problem because of “their desire to accommodate a community that would be expected to vote Labour, to not rock the boat, to keep a lid on it, to hope it would go away.

What hits hardest in the little town of Oulu in Finland is a disturbing sense that history is repeating itself here and nothing has been learned from the well-documented lessons of the past. Instead there seems to be a hope that with a few overdue statements this problem will go back underground and the noise will go away.

Initial reports suggest that the abused girls and their parents were not necessarily believed; the police responded only after the strong intervention of the father and step-father of one victim, who set a trap for one of the groomers online.

It’s astounding our political elites seem to have no understanding at all about the hell they are unleashing on us through their obsession with allowing/encouraging uncontrolled Third-World immigration. And now, of course, following most countries signing the UN Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration, moving from a Third-World self-inflicted sh*thole to wealthy Western Europe will become a human right – a human right that millions of multi-cultural enrichers will decide to exercise.

Hey ho, it’s a funny old world.

2 comments to Another town twinned with Rotherham?

  • William Boreham

    On a different, but related note and part of our self inflicted downfall – things have come to a pretty pass and displays what a crazy, crackpot nation we have become, going to hell in a handcart and ripe for the picking as it were – when I actually find myself in agreement with a Muslim councillor!

    From Breitbart:

    “A Muslim councillor has apologised after Labour activists accused him of attacking the party’s “values and traditions” when he suggested primary school-aged children were “too young” for a curriculum based around celebrating LGBT lifestyles and so-called diversity.
    LGBT Labour West Midlands demanded a “full apology” from Mohammed Idrees, a councillor in Birmingham, after he supported local residents who objected to the introduction of a ‘homosexuality-promoting’ curriculum in their children’s primary school.
    Mr Idrees, who represents the predominantly Muslim, inner-city suburb of Alum Rock, acknowledged he had “overstepped the mark”, after the LGBT activist group demanded the local party leadership take action “to demonstrate that they do not condone” the councillor’s plea for Parkfield Community School to listen to parents’ concerns over some of the teaching materials.”

    “LGBT lifestyles are part of the Labour Party’s values and traditions“?
    Since when?
    Not in my day.

  • LondonIsaSh*th*le

    SAD KHAN! Protesters Disrupt Mayor’s Speech as Londoners Wake Up to Sadiq’s ‘Sh*thole’

    London’s first Muslim mayor has been under increasing pressure in recent months as his city has been rocked by terrorist attacks and a wave of violent crime, and he has increasingly retreated into pronouncements on international affairs which fall far outside his remit.
    Despite claims by Khan in March 2017 that London is “the safest global city in the world, and one of the safest cities in the world,” the latest crime statistics show youth homicides are up by an astonishing 70 per cent.
    Total homicides are up by 27.1 per cent, serious youth violence 19 per cent, robbery 33.4 per cent, and burglaries 18.7 per cent, among a host of other double-digit rises.
    Figures like these are thanks in no small part to Khan diverting resources into controversial projects such as his online hate crime hub, and his determination to “do everything in my power to cut stop and search” by police — which he considered problematic due to its supposedly disproportionate use against ethnic minorities.
    He is now changing course on stop and search and seeking to increase its use “significantly”, following a surge in knife crime and London being crowned the world’s acid attack capital.
    The mayor also recently admitted that around 200 former Islamic State fighters are at large in London, and that most are not being monitored.
    Months of headlines such as these culminated in Breitbart London.

    Malmo the future, God help us all.

    Come to Malmoe, Sweden, and see what the New World will look like .

    White Flight: Diversity extremes push Londoners’ exodus .

    Migrant Migraine? ‘London will look like Islamabad in 50 years’

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