
July 2024

Fight crime? No, our police have better things to do with their time

(Friday blog)

Another year, another set of crime statistics and another 12 months of rapidly rising crime. Overall crime has gone up from 5,864,000 offences in 2016/7 to 6,087,000 in 2017/8. We now have over 16,000 crimes every single day. And one of the areas with the greatest increase has been violent crime, especially knife crime:

Just on knife crime there are over 100 attacks a day!!!!

Two things we need to understand about rising crime:

1. Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism

Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism: Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism: Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism: Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism: Rising crime has nothing to do with immigration, diversity and multi-culturalism.

Please keep repeating this and eventually you might even start to believe it.

Yet almost all studies prove that the more diverse a society is, the less cohesive it is and the more likely is social breakdown. Just compare the incredibly low crime rates between ethnically-cohesive Japan or South Korea or Hungary or Poland or the Czech Republic with the rapidly increasing crime rates in increasingly diverse, multi-cultural Germany, Sweden, France, Belgium and Britain.

2. Real crime is NOT a police priority

On the same day that the latest crime statistics were released, with exquisitely bad timing a top cop warned us there there will probably be a surge in supposed ‘hate crimes’ when Brexit happens in 2019. So, here we are in 2018 with rapidly rising rates of robbery, murder, knife crime and burglaries and what’s worrying our thick plods – a possible rise in supposed ‘hate crimes’ next year. You couldn’t make it up!

Having had no fewer than three plods involved in investigating some supposed ‘hate speech’ I was accused of making on my blog, I can attest to how my local police seem more interested in stamping down on free speech than they are in stamping down on real crime.

Below is a video from someone called Paul Golding from an organisation called “Britain First” or something like that. The video is too long (11 minutes) and rather boring. But it shows the lengths our rulers will go to in order to intimidate anyone who dares criticise their policy of uncontrolled Third-World immigration. From what I understand, Golding was imprisoned for some trumped up supposed ‘hate crime’ or ‘hate speech’ or ‘hate thought’ or something like that. On his release, he had to continually keep his probation officer informed of his whereabouts and travel plans.

Despite the fact that Golding adhered to the terms of his probation order, he was hauled in by the police and anti-terrorism officers and intimidated for about 8 hours. The police and anti-terrorism officers ignored the copies of emails Golding had sent to his probation officer about a planned trip to Northern Ireland and still took him to court for supposedly breaching the terms of his probation order by not informing his probation officer of his travel plans. In court, the magistrate threw out the case and wondered why the police had wasted so much time and resources on it when there was clear documentary proof that Golding had complied with the terms of his probation.

This video show where the priorities of some of our supposedly resource-constrained police really lie and shows a dark side of Britain – oppression of white indigenous Brits’ free speech – few of us are probably aware of:

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