First there was the burning of the Koran, then a US soldier killed 16 Afghan civilians. Now the sh-t is about to hit the fan, big time. But while the loss of life is regrettable, perhaps the soldier has done us all a favour. Once again we have proof of the complete and utter futility of the Afghan adventure. More than ten years – longer than both World Wars put together – and we achieved less than nothing. In fact worse, we have just made hundreds of millions of Muslims hate us even more. And while our lying politicians bleat on about ‘winning hearts and minds’ what we’re actually doing is creating enemies. The people killing our troops are not the Taliban – they are ordinary Afghans who want to cause as much damage as they can to the foreign invaders. And they are winning.
Bring our troops home now. Bring them home today. We have lost this war. Everyone knows we have lost this war. Time to call it a day. But that would require courage from Cameron and Obama. Some hope!