
October 2024

Time for some cheer?

Today I’d just like to do a brief “them and us” comparison – just looking at what they contribute to our world versus what we contribute:

Their horror

On my blog yesterday a reader wrote: “Possibly or more likely probably one of the sickest most revolting sights I have ever seen in my entire life”.

If anyone else feels like that, then absolutely do not click on the link immediately below. It leads to things that are much worse than the videos in yesterday’s blog:

Our humour

And here to cheer us all up is probably one of the cleverest YouTube videos about the religion we all desperately want to join (apologies for the two sets of subtitles, one of which seems to have been written by someone with a limited grasp of English):

1 comment to Time for some cheer?

  • ItsNIMBYsodontworry-yet!!

    Well maybe that explains this then ??

    “The Future Of Multicultural Europe: German City With The Most Immigrants Also Has The Most Crime”

    Over the past 20 years, European cities have slowly become more ethnically diverse, as EU governments open their borders to foreign populations. And as this process has taken place, the authorities have been quick to cover up any crimes that have been committed by these populations. For instance, Swedish police are no longer allowed to describe the ethnic background of the criminals they catch, and most notably, the German government and press were desperate to cover up hundreds sexual assaults that occurred in Cologne in 2015.

    However, there are certain statistics that can’t be covered up. A government can try to conceal the connection between crimes and specific ethnic groups, but they can’t cover up the overall crime statistics of an entire city. Plus, politically correct governments can’t really hide the ethnic diversity of their cities. That’s something that their progressive sensibilities command them to promote.

    Fortunately, sometimes those two factors come together to give us all a good look at the relationship between immigration and crime in Europe, despite the best efforts of European governments to conceal that connection. For example, the German government recently revealed that more than half of the population of Frankfurt has a foreign background, arguably making it the most diverse major city in Germany.

    For the first time, more than half of Frankfurt residents now have a migrant background, according to official data from the city’s Office of Statistics and Elections.

    Presenting the figures, which show that 51.2 per cent of people living in Frankfurt have a migrant background, the city’s secretary of integration Sylvia Weber said: “We have minorities with relatively large numbers in Frankfurt but no group with a clear majority.”

    Representing 13 per cent of the population, Turks are the city’s largest non-German minority, and 61 per cent of residents who were born abroad are citizens of other European Union (EU) countries.

    And on top of that, the data reveals that these people aren’t thriving in Germany. 49% of people with foreign backgrounds in Frankfurt live below the poverty line, compared to 23% of native Germans, and they are significantly more likely to be unemployed. But that’s not the real kicker. Frankfurt was a diverse city long before the migrant crisis reached its peak, and even then it had a startling crime rate.

    The 2013 national crime figures, which were leaked to Welt newspaper earlier this week, show just under six million crimes were recorded in Germany last year.

    When broken down to the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitants, Frankfurt am Main rates as the most dangerous city in Germany with 16,292 crimes per 100,000 people. Its high ranking was put down to its red light district and the large airport.

    Of course if you brought this fact up to most leftists, they would call you a racist. But it has nothing to do with race. The real problem is that Germany hasn’t properly vetted their immigrants, nor have they successfully assimilated them. Germany is inviting people into their country who have no respect for German law, and they aren’t pressuring them to join German culture. And the result is rather predictable. Germany has a large foreign population that is young, jobless, alienated from mainstream culture, and more likely to commit crimes.

    What we’re seeing in Frankfurt is the future of Europe.

    Shucks, probably nothing to worry about anyway its only murder, rape, gang rape , bombs ,terrorist incidents, beheadings, FGM. honour killings,Just keep calm and carry on, where’s my blinkers??

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