
September 2024

Only an idiot would claim Britain is being Izlumified

It really annoys me when idiots claim Britain is being Moozlumified.

Yes, I know that there are about 5 million Moozerlums in Britain now. There will be 10 million by 2037 and over 20 million by 2057. But apart from that, what real evidence is there?

Yes, I know that London’s 9 million inhabitants now have Sadiq “terrorism is just a normal part of life in a city run by me” Khan as mayor. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

Yes, of course, Bradford’s 530,000 population have a Moozerlum mayor. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

And Luton’s 240,000 citizens have Mohammed Ayub as mayor. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

And Oldham’s 220,000 citizens have Shadab Qumer as mayor. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

And Oxford’s 150,000 population have Mohammed Altaf-Khan as mayor. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

And there are probably over 3,000 mosques in Britain and 130 Sharia courts. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

Yes, I know that the number of people attending Church of England services each week has fallen to around 760,000 and is declining by over 1% a year, while the number of people attending mosques is over one million and rising by almost 4% a year. But apart from that, what evidence is there?

None! Absolutely none!

And of course there are waacciiisssts and bigots and horrible people who claim that the Religion of Peace is taking us back to the Middle Ages and beyond.

But apart from oppression of women, what evidence is there?

And apart from widespread Female Genital Mutilation, what evidence is there?

And apart from forcing all schools to serve cruelly-slaughtered Halal food, what evidence is there?

And apart from regular terrorist attacks and plots, what evidence is there?

And apart from closing down free speech and demanding an end to democracy, what evidence is there?

And apart from intolerance and a refusal to integrate, what evidence is there?

And apart from turning many of our inner cities into impoverished, Third-World slums, what evidence is there?

And apart from widespread voting fraud, what evidence is there?

And apart from over 40,000 white girls being gang-raped, gang-sodomised and gang-tortured, what evidence is there?

None! Absolutely none!

And think of the massive contribution Britain’s Moozerlums make to our once great country.

And to cheer us all up on another Monday morning, here’s about a minute of multi-cultural enrichment from the streets of Britain:

4 comments to Only an idiot would claim Britain is being Izlumified

  • Attilathehun

    Just thinking, Eastern Europe should re-erect the Iron Curtain to keep the Loons(Politicians), Marxists and Terrorists(Islamic) out, really good idea that.

  • zx80

    Libtard will be along in just a mo to tell us all how we deserve it for being so white and wacisst and better than the religion of peace so there.
    Thats if his carer isnt watching him.

  • Stillreading

    Heard the wonderful Richard Dawkins state on R4 “Start the Week” this a.m. that virtually the entire Islamic world denies evolution, preferring as an explanation for our origin the pronouncements of their barbaric “prophet” and I heard at the weekend that, as Turkey abandons the enlightened advances of Ataturk and slides relentlessly back into fundamentalism, evolution will no longer be taught in its schools. Mind, apparently 50% of Americans deny evolution as well, preferring the idiotic cult of “intelligent design”, where dinosaurs walked benignly hand in with Adam and Eve or their counterparts. Not a lot of hope really, is there?

  • david brown

    sorry i have not bought a copy of your novel but will compensate in cash .
    The following is complicated so read this , in wisdom. The exact words but edited for length. New Statesmen.You can read in full on its website .

    Richard Dawkins and the late Athesit

    Richard Dawkins- Some of our friends are so worried about Islam that they are prepared to lend support Christianity as a kind of a bulwark against it. Do

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